The Official Site of Fort DeRussy, Louisiana
USS Osage
Picture courtesy of Navy Historical Institute
The excerpts below were transcribed by untrained inmates from the Avoyelles Correctional Center, a branch of the Louisiana Department of Corrections. They have not yet been proofed. There are transcription errors. Researchers should be aware . . .
Excerpts from deck log of USS Osage, February 27-
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Merd to 4 at 1.10 signaled to Flag Ship 8753.7227.1489. Flag Ship answered 1157. 1.30 underway 1.45 let go anchor in 5 fathoms water with 24 fathoms chain.
Weather clear and pleasant breeze from the S.W.
B. C. W. A M. M.
4 to 8. at 5.15 Beat to quarters. Weather clear + pleasant wind south.
W. G. Pease A. M.
8 to Mid. Reports hourly the day ended clear coll and calm.
J. C. Winslow A.M.M.
Sunday F'ebry 28th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear + cool with light S.E. wind from 2 to 4. Weather foggy wind unchanged.
B. C. W. A M. M.
4 to 8. Weather clear with Hazy fog Wind South.
W. G. Pease A. M.
8 to Merd. at 8.50 ash??? carrel black listed for insolence to Petty Officers. 10.00 muster for inspection. 10.50 Pilot reported 16ft water on the bar. Weather cloudy + cool wind S.W.
J. C. Winslow A M. M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Merd to 4. at 1.45 U. S. Flag Ship Black Hawk came down the river rounded abreast + steamed up to coal barge. 2.10 Comdg Officer left the ship 3.50 U.S.S. underway + steamed down the river Weather cloudy + cool with fresh breeze S.
B. C. W. A M. M.
4 to 6. at 5.20 beat to quarters 5.40. Comdg Officer returned on board weather cloudy + cold wind S.
John C. Winslow A M. M.
6 to 8. at 6.50. Flag Ship "Black Hawk" steamed up the river 7.35. Comdg Officer left the ship for the "Choctaw" Weather cloudy wind South.
W. G. Pease
8 to Mid. at 9.45. Comdg Officer ret'd on ship 10.40. underway 11.10. Made fast to coal barge,+ commenced coaling ship.
Day ended clear with South winds.
B. C. W.
Monday F'ebry 29th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced cloudy + cool. at 12.10. finished coaling took on board 268 bush 12.15. cast off lines from coal barge and returned to our anchorage. 2.55. U.S. Gunboat Cricket came down river, reports hourly.
John C. Winslow A M. M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 8. at 7.10. steam ready for moving ship. Weather cloudy + cool with light rain Wind W.
B. C. W. A M. M.
8 to Merd. at 8.10. U.S. Gunboat Connestogo came up river 10.35. Cricket came to anchor astern of the "Choctaw" 11.20. U.S.S. "Gen Bragg" came up river and anchored in her old berth. 11.55. Act Mast Mate P.W. Frost from the Gen Bragg came on board + reported for duty, Weather cloudy + cold wind W.
J. C. Winslow A M M
Merd to 4. at 1.07. Choctaw made 8249. at 1.35. underway up Red River under the stern of the "Ouachita". Men at quarters following the Flag by signal one watch at guns.
Weather cloudy + Damp.
M. J. D. Act Sr. Signal Officer
4 to 6. Weather cloudy + cold with rain.
M. J. D. Act Sr. Signal Officer
6 to 8. cloudy + cold at 7.05. come to anchor under stern of "Ouachita"
B. C. W. A M. M.
8 to Mid. Day ended cloudy + cold light wind from East.
R. K. Hubbell.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
March 1st 1864
Mid to 4. Day commenced cloudy + cold.
John C. Winslow A. M. M.
4 to 8. at 4.30. weighed anchor + underway leading the van weather cold.
B. C. W. A M. M.
8 to Merd. Weather clear + cool underway up Black River.
M. J. D. A En Sig. Off.
Merd to 4 . Weather cloudy + cold. at 2.00. made to Flag Ship 6206. 8733. 4766. 8842. 7941. 1581. N.P. over 25. 5518.7521.
M. J. D. A En Sig. Off.
4 to 6. at 4.20. Volley of musketry from south bank of Black River men to quarters
at 5.00. Made to Flag 515 Fired from Big Guns 31 rounds from Howitzer 22 rounds
volley of musketry from south bank of Black below Trinity. James Lucas whilst working
the Howitzer struck -
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
6 to 8. at 715 came to anchor about two miles above Trinity. Weather clear + pleasant.
R. K. Hubbell
8 to mid. Day ended clear + cold.
John C. Winslow A. M. M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
March 2d 1864
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear + cold.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
4 to 8. at 630 weighed anchor + underway leading van. Made to Flag 7449. 14.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
8 to Merd. At 810 Turret became disabled by breaking her Main Wheel, communicated with Flag, 815. Lt Comdr Ramsay came on board. Howitzer crew went to quarters, 1010 Harrisenburg in sight, engaged the batteries as best we could with our disabled Turret fired from large guns 38 rounds.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
Merd to 4. Passing Harrisenburg fired from Howitzer 24 rounds from big Guns 2 rounds, at 300 Harrisenburg in flames, 330 Ouachita and Connestego passed us rounded + stood down 345. passed the Fleet leading van.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
4 to 6. at 445 Made fast to bank awaiting Flag 510. Hindman & Cricket passed us Hindman communicating saying Lt Comd Ramsay had changed his orders that the Hindman was to lead 510 cast off lines from bank. Lt Comd Ramsay on Ouachita informing us the Hindman was mistaken we were to lead, 528 passed Hindman + Cricket leading van.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 8. at 630. Ouachita came up + spoke us + ordered us to come to off Trinity. 705 came to anchor about 1 mile above Trinity 715 Comdr left the ship for Flag.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
8 to mid. Weather clear + calm. Day ends the same.
R. K. Hubbell
March 3d 1864
Mid. to 4. Day commenced clear, cool and calm
John C. Winslow A. M. M.
4 to 8. at 750. Flag made 8251.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
8 to Merd. at 810, underway leading van, 830 Trinity in sight fired from Howitzer 7 rounds Large Guns 2 rounds at 940 made fast to bank opposite Trinity 2 men from Trinity came on board 945 made to Flag 8756. 6721. 8733. 2341. 1173. ???? Flag made 2360. 4935. 5891. 7262. At 1020 Mr Mickle left the ship in charge of armed expedition 1045 Lt Comdr Ramsay came alongside + communicated with comdr. 1130 Mr Durney went to Flag ship to communicate with Lt Comdr Ramsay returned with orders to destroy all
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
property in Benifields building 1145 Gig in charge of A. C. Eng Doughty went to Trinity to destroy said property.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
Merd to 4. at 115 Gig + Cutter returned 210 Cutter with armed crew went to Trinity made to Flag 515. fired from Large Guns 6 rounds 245 Cutter returned, 310 made to Flag 7960. 5479. 1754. 5843. 8758. 7576.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
4 to 6. clear + calm
R. K. Hubbell
6 to 8. at 620 came to alongside of Connestego and commenced coaling, 745 finished coaling amt taken in 396 bushels, got out hawser to Connestego + pulled her off of bar. Weather clear, cool + calm.
J. G. M. A. Ens.
8 to Mid. at 810 let go anchor in 7 fathom water 15 fathom chain, reports hourly day ended cloudy wind N.
John C. Winslow A. M. M.
March 4th 1864
Mid to 4. day commenced clear + calm
R. K. Hubbell
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 8. at 5 Turned to and executed morning orders 625 Flag ship made signal 8251. 638 commenced heaving up 645 underway.
J. G. M. A. Ens.
8 to Merd. Underway down Black several cavalry seen and information sec'd of field pieces below fired from Large Guns 28 rounds from Howitzer 33 rounds, to keep the bank clear of Rebels and it was effectual in making them run and cease firing, 940 two men came on board. 945 rounded & stood up stream to communicate with Flag 955 Mr Hubbell in cutter took the two men on board Flag ship 1010 rounded + stood down stream.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
Merd to 4. at 150 made fast to bank at Wm Lums plantation took on board 38 Bales of cotton. Weather clear + pleasant.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
4 to 6. Weather clear + pleasant at 6 cast off lines from bank + stood down stream.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
6 to 8. at 720 let go anchor in Black R. in 5 3/4 fathom water 10 fathom chain. Weather clear, cool + calm.
John C. Winslow A. M. M.
8 to Mid Day ends clear + cool Wind N + W.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
March 5th 1864
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear + calm.
R. K. Hubbell
4 to 8. at 515 Flag ship made signal to get underway commenced heaving up. 615 Cricket came alongside + made fast to assist us in making the turns, 710 entered Red River 730 Sidnes Osburn time reported out.
J. G. M. A. Ens.
8 to Merd. at 1150 cast off lines from the Cricket Weather clear cool + calm.
John C. Winslow
Merd to 4. at 1210 let go anchor on Flag ship port bow, weighed anchor + steamed up to coal barge, 1230 made fast to coal barge 130 commenced coaling ship + put 38 bales of cotton on barge, 330 Paymaster Dougherty left the ship. Weather clear + pleasant. wind S.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
4 to 6. at 545 Paymaster Dougherty reported on board for the purpose of setting our accounts Comdg officer would not endorse his orders + sent him on shore Weather clear + calm.
R. K. Hubbell
6 to 8. at 715 Tug "Dahlia" came alongside with A.A.Paymaster Geo W. Dougherty and orders to Comdg officer
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
at 730 all hands mustered and command turned over to Exect officer W. G. Pease A Ens and Comdg officer Act Mast Thos Wright placed under arrest by order of the Admiral Weather clear + cool with light N.E. Wind.
J. G. M. A. Ens.
8 to Mid. at 805 Tug Dahlia cast off lines the day ended clear cool + calm.
John C. Winslow
Sunday March 6th 1864.
Mid to 4. at 310 the U.S.S. Gen Lyon came down the river and made fast to coal barge Weather clear + cool light wind from south.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
4 to 8. Weather clear + pleasant.
P. W. Frost
8 to 12. at 915 Mr W. S. Pease A Ens. + Ex Off. Comdg ??? ??? left the vessel to report to Flag. 1000 Inspection at quarters 1030 Mr Pease ret'd and steam ordered 1045 underway 1125 came to at mouth of Red River in line ahead of "Chillicothe" in quarterless three fathoms water veered fifteen fathom chain 11.30 A.A. surg. P.P. Gilmaster left the vessel and U.S.S. Gen Price came down stream + let go astern of "Chillicothe" 11.50 Flag Ship made 7153.1173.1425.6694.6958.6206. Weather clear warm + calm.
J. G. M. A. Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Merd to 4. at 12.40 Flag Ship made signals 7153.1175.1425.6206. at 2.15 made signal 3760.8351.8739.5953. at 2.30 Gen Lyon came alongside Paymasters Bowler came on board in duty Paymasters Doughty left the ship took on board Masters + Ensignees stores Masters stores 6 Bolt ?? canvass, 2 Bolt no4 canvass 3 lbs. Sewing twine 12 Bristol Brick 1 Box chiminies for lamps. 3 Balls marlin 2 lbs. Buswax 3 coil signal Halliards 2 coil lead line. Engineers stores 2 steam pipes, 2.50 cast off lines. 3.00 U.S. Ships Fort Hindman and Cricket went to Red River. 4.00 Weather clear warm and calm.
John C. Winslow
4 to 6. at 4.50 Flag Ship made 7367. 5.00 Comd'g Officer left the ship. Weather cloudy + cool wind S.W.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
6 to 8. at 6.30 U.S. Ships Fort Hindman + Cricket came out of Red River. 7.15 U.S.S. Louisville came down. Weather cool + clear wind S.E.
8 to Mid. 11.45 Tow Boat "Collier" came up. Weather clear + cool wind light S.E.
J. G. M. A. Ens.
Monday March 7th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear + cool wind light S.E. reports hourly watch at station.
John C. Winslow
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 8. Weather cloudy + cool wind S+E.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
8 to Merd. at 9.30 General Quarters, 1st + 2d Div. ready 1.'35." Masters Powders + Engineers 2'.
Weather clear + pleasant wind N.N.W.
P. W. F.
Merd to 4. at 1.05 Flag Ship made following signals 707. 7241.5679.8005.7232.1591. 1.50 Flag Ship made 693. armed boats crew left ship to drill on shore, at 2.00 Flag Ship made signal 1006. 2.10 a vol Lieut. J.P. ??????? came alongside + Ex Officer Comd'g W.G. Pease left the vessel for Flag Ship.
Weather clear + pleasant wind S.W.
J. G. M. A. Ens.
4 to 6. at 4.10 armed party set'd, 4.30 Ex Officer returned. at 5 went to quarters.
Weather clear with gentle breeze from South.
R. K. Hubbell
6 to 8. at 6.40 U.S.S. Carondelet came down river Weather clear + cool wind S.
John C. Winslow
8 to Mid. Day ended clear and pleasant wind S.E.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Tuesday March 8th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear + pleasant.
R. K. Hubbell
4 to 8. at 5.00 turned to + executed morning orders Weather foggy + calm.
J. G. M. A. Ens
8 to Merd. at 9.00 Comdr left the ship. 9.30 beat to quarters, 9.45 Act Master Thos Wright left the ship for Hospital Pinkney Memphis Tenn. Pay Mstr. Bowler left the ship on leave of abscence Jas Lucas Sands left for Hospital Pickney.
10.55 Flag made following signals 7153.5540.1173.
10.55 Comd's of Bragg + Ozark came on board
11.55 left the ship, began painting ship.
Weather clear + warm Wind E.N.E.
John C. Winslow
Merd to 4. ships company employed painting ship
Weather clear + warm Wind S.E.
4 to 6. Rec'd on board 60 5" shell, 40 5" shrapnel, 147.15 lbs. cartridges for X 1inch gun. 3,000 percussion caps
800 percussion primers. Falg Ship made General signals 6180.1680.1429.1662.1382.7754.7181.
Weather clear with gentle breeze from S.
R. K. Hubbell
6 to 8. at 7.15 Act Ensign J.S. Smith placed under arrest for being intoxicated while on duty and making remarks.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
unbecoming an officer and gentleman. Weather clear & pleasant wind S.E.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
8 to Mid. at 11.15 Ashlee Carroll placed in double irons for sleeping on his post reports hourly. Weather cloudy & cool wind S.E.
John C. Winslow
Wednesday March 9th 1864.
Mid to 4. Weather cloudy & raining, wind E. S.E.
4 to 8. Weather raining with moderate breeze from S.E.
M. J. D. A En. Sig. Off.
8 to Merd. at 9.00 went to quarters comd'g officer left ship on duty. 10.50 Comd'g Officer returned. Weather cloudy & cool with showers of rain.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
Merd. to 4. at 12.50 Flag Ship made signal 5182. at 12.50 Tug Ivy came alongside with 3 engineers to hold survey in turret. 2.35 left the ship. Weather cloudy with rain wind S. E.
John C. Winslow
4 to 6. Weather cloudy & raining wind W.
6 to 8. Weather clear cool & calm.
R. K. Hubbell
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Mid. Day closed cool & foggy with heavy mist falling wind light from South.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
Thursday March 10th 1864.
Mid to 4. The day commenced cloudy & cool wind S. W. reports hourly 4.00 Weather cloudy cool and calm.
John C. Winslow A M M
4 to 8. Ships company employed Holystoning decks. Weather cloudy with rain wind W.
8 to Merd. at 9.30 beat to quarters, Pilot Carroll reported 7 inches in the river in 24 hours. 11.15 the Cricket & Fort Hindman proceeded up Old River.
R K Hubbell
Merd to 4. at 2.15 Chief Eng Bickerstaff came on board with workmen to examine turret. 2.40 U.S. Ships Fort Hindman & Cricket hove in sight coming down Old River.
Weather clear & cool wind S.W.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
4 to 6. Weather warm & pleasant Wind W. N. W.
6 to 8. Weather Clear & pleasant.
R K Hubbell AE
8 to Mid. Day closed Clear & pleasant.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Friday March 11th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear & cool wind W N W.
4 to 8. Weather clear & cool stiff breeze from S + W.
R K Hubbell AE
8 to Merd. at 9.00 Flag Ship made General Signal 5182. 9.25 Chief Eng Bickerstaff came on board quarters ommitted on account of working in turret. 9.30 exercised to A, B, C, + D. with small arms. 11.00 Flag Ship Made General Signal 2359. 5867. 8684. 707. 8739. 1425. 7951. 7432. 1590. 1579. 1695. ???. 2288. 5679. 8005. 7232. 11.30 6824. 5481. 7981. 7956.
Weather clear + cool wind S.W.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
Merd to 4. at 1.00 Ex Officer Chief Eng Doughty and A M M Wheeler left the with Comps. A, B, + E. at 1.05 Made to Flag Ship 4341. ???? 35. 5479. at 3.00 a large number of transports around from atow, Weather warm + pleasant Wind S. S. W.
4 to 6. 4.30 Ex Officer + party returned. 4.40 Flag Ship made 4128. 8247. got underway and made to Flag 8248. 5.00 made fast to coal barge and commenced coaling ship Weather clear + pleasant.
M. J. D. A. Ens.
6 to 8. at 6.00 castoff from barge and came to in our old berth in ¾ fathom water 15 fathom chain took on board 304 bush coal. List of P.M. stores rec'd from "Black Hawk" 3 Bbl Beef, 85 Gals Beans, 728 lbs proc'd Meat, 170 lbs Pickles, 3Bbls Pork, 2 bbl Flour, 228 lbs Rice, 1243 lb Bread, 111½ coffee.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Mid. at 8.15 Capt Selfridge came on board. 8.30 Capt Selfridge left the ship. Weather clear + cool Wind S. E. B. C. W. A. M. M.
Saturday March 12th 1864.
Mid to 4. Weather clear + pleasant Wind NW
4 to 8. Weather clear + pleasant wind S. E. 7.30 Flag Ship Made general signal 1006. 7.40 6374. 4128. 8247. 4679. 800. 1687.
M. J. D. A Ens.
8 to Merd. 8.30 Flag Ship made General signal 8248. 5945. Weighed Anchor, 8.45 underway Lt. Comdr. S. O. Selfridge came on board and took command took our position according to order. 9.45 A Ens. Mickles and Ashlee Connell released from arrest by Comdg Officer. 9.50 Flag made to us 6087. 9.25 made general signal 800. steamed up Red River. 10.30 beat to quarters. Comdg Officer inspected ship and exercised divisions. Weather cool+ cloudy wind South.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
Merd to 4. at 12.15 "Choctaw" up and took her position in line. 12.50 passed Spainish Fort. Tug from "Lafayette" and took skiff. 1.50 Gen. Price with Essex in tow came up astern. Weather clear + warm wind N.
J. L. M. A. Ens.
4 to 6. Weather warm + pleasant wind N NW
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 8. at 6.00 beat to quarters and mustered Divisions. 6.30 be dup for the night. 7.00 Commanding Officer left the ship. Weather clear + cool wind light West.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
8 to Mid. at 10.10 Comdg Officer ret'd on board. The day ended clear + cool wind West.
J. L. Mickle
A Ens.
Sunday March 13th 1864.
Mid. to 4. Weather clear + cool wind light W. S. W.
4 to 8. at 6.00 got underway and proceeded up the river. Weather clear + cool wind W. NW.
B. C. W. A. M. M.
8 to Merd. at 9.30 Beat to Quarters, 9.45 Divine Service, 10.15 Senior Officer made signal to open order Weather clear + pleasant Wind light W. NW.
J. L. M.
A. Ens.
Merd to 4. All quiet Weather warm and pleasant Wind W. NW.
4 to 6. All quiet proceeding up River. Weather clear + pleasant. wind N + E.
B. C. W. A M M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 8. at 6.00 Evening Quarters 7.25 made fast to East side of River under starboard quarter of "Choctaw" 7.55 Comdg officer went on board "Choctaw" Weather clear + calm.
J. L. M. A. Ens.
8 to Mid. at 9.45 Comdg Officer ret'd on board. Day closed clear + pleasant.
Monday March 14th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear + cool with light air from West.
B. C. W. A M M.
4 to 8. at 6.05 Flag Ship signaled to get under way 6.50 underway 7.25 Flag Ship signaled close order. Weather cloudy cool + calm.
J. L. M. A. Ens.
8 to Merd. at 8.50 heard heavy firing ahead from Large Guns Beat to quarters. 10.15 came to obstructions in river made fast to bank. Weather cloudy + rainy wind E.N.E.
Merd to 4. at 1.00 2 escaped prisoners + 2 refugees came on board. 1.30 A. Ens Mickle with the escaped prisoners + refugees left for the Choctaw. 4. Comdg Officer returned Weather cloudy and cool Wind SE.
B. C. W. A M M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 6. at 4.30 passed throught obstructions. John Mun 1st reported term of enlistment up. Weather clear + cool wind light East.
J. L. M. A. Ens.
6 to 8. at 6.20 U.S.S. Eastport fired two shots at 7 tied up for the night at Fort Deroussy. Weather clear + calm.
8 to mid. at 10.30 heard two guns fired sounded from up river some 10 minutes heard 5 whissles in same direction.
Weather clear + cool wind north.
B. C. W. A.M.M.
Tuesday March 15th 1864.
Mid to 4. The day commenced clear + cold wind N. 3.30 large raft passed down Weather + wind the same.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
4 to 8. 7.30 Transports Clara Belle + Desmoines arrived from below. Weather clear + cold Wind N.W.
8 to Merd. at 8.30 changed ou position, 8.45 ??? made General Signals 786. 3687. 8409. 9.00 got underway + steamed up river 9.30 beat to Genl Quarters exercised divisions Weather clear + cool fresh breeze from W.
B. C. W. A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Merd to 4. Steaming up Red River at 3.10 the "Gazelle" passed up bound up stream
Weather clear + cool fresh breeze from N. + W.
R K Hubbell
4 to 6. Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
6 to 8. 6.00 went to quarters Weather clear and cold wind N.W.
8 to Mid. at 8.20 U.S.S. "50" passed down
8.45 U.S.S. Cricket passed down. 10.00 came to anchor off Alexandria astern of Eastport Comdg officer left the ship. 10.30 Comdg officer returned. 11 "Louisville" "Neosho" "Pittsburg" came up 11.45 "Chillicothe" came up. Weather cloudy + cool. Wind N.
B. C. W. A.M.M.
Wednesday March 16th 1864,
Mid to 4. Overcast + cold. Moderate breeze from N + W.
R K Hubbell
4 to 8. at 7.00 turned to + executed morning orders
Weather clear + cold. Wind light N.E.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
8 to Merd. at 8.15 U.S.S. Ozark came up. at 8.20 officer made the following numbers. 7153. 8195. 5479. 1591. 8065. 8.45 armed
Log of the U.S.S. Osage,
expedition was sent out Comdg officer, Chief Eng Doughty + A M M Wheeler left the ship in
Weather clear + cold wind S.E.
Merd to 4. at 12.20 Flag Ship "Black Hawk" came up river 12.55 Flag Ship made Signal 52. 4678. 5230.
1.35 Weighed anchor 1.50 let go anchor in 10ft water 8 fathoms chain 2.20 made signal 575.
at 3.20 armed expedition retd on board
3.30 Flag Ship made signal 877. 1425. 989. 1501. 7521. 16. 9. 11. 5. 20. 19. Weather clear and cool wind N.E.
J C Winslow A M M
4 to 6. at 4.30 Lafayette Choctow Price Carondolet + Mound City arrived from below and anchored astern of us.
sent an armed party on shore in charge of Act Master Pease.
Weather clear + pleasant Wind N.E.
R.K. Hubbell
6 to 8. 6.20 Act Mast Peace ret'd on board having captured a lot of Lumber
6.30 Evening quarters. 7.55 Comdr left the ship. Weather clear + pleasant wind N.E.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
8 to Mid. at 11.20 Comdg officer returned -
B. C. W. A.M.M.
Log 0f the U.S.S. "Osage"
Thursday March 17th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear cool + calm.
at 1 slight fog set in.
J. C. Winslow A M M
4 to 8. Foggy + cold.
R K Hubbell
8 to Merd. at 8.55 Flag Ship made to us 1006.
9.10 Comdg officer left the ship.
9.50 Flag Ship made General Signal 1158. 5479. 4166. 1662. 5891. 5193.
Weather clear + cool wind S.W.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
Merd to 4. at 12.55 Flag Ship made general signal 192. at 1.00 5180. 1.30 Comdg officer returned on board.
Weather clear + pleasant wind S.W. Mechanics employed building barricade.
4 to 6. at 5.30 Comdg officer left ship.
Weather clear + pleasant wind West.
B. C. W. M.M.
6 to 8. Weather clear + calm.
R. K. Hubbell
8 to Mid. at 8.50 Comdg officer retd on board. 9.05 Mr Winslow came on board from shore + was ordered to his room by Comdg officer till farther orders Weather hazy cold + calm.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Friday March 18th 1864
Mid to 4. Weather clear + cool. wind S.W.
P. W. Frost
4 to 8. at 7.40 Flag Ship made to us 1006.
7.55 Comdg officer left the ship.
Weather clear + cool wind light S.W.
B. C. W. A.M.M.
8 to Merd. Flag Ship made 1556. at 9.10 the Gazelle started down stream having on board Capt Selfridge of this vessel at 9.15 "Lexington" "Ouachita" got underway + stood down stream, Rec'd on board a prisoner of war
9.30 beat to general quarters 1st + 2d Divisions reported in 1'50" Powder + Masters 1'50" Eng 1.55. clear for action in 1'55." Exercised divisions armed cutter away 1'05" Fire alarm first strm 1'10." Second stream 1'55." exercised Co's C + E in small arms. Weather clear + mild.
R K Hubbell
Merd to 4. at 2.20 Flag Ship made Gen. Signal 897. 1425. 5867. Hoisted cornet. Weather clear + warm wind East. Mechanics employed building barricade.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
4 to 6. at 4.30 Flag Ship made general signal 192.
Weather clear + pleasant wind S.E.
P W Frost
6 to 8. at 6.10 beat to quarters. 6.15 read Gen. Orders No 180. 181. 182. 0n Quarter Deck. Weather clear and pleasant wind S.W.
B. C. W. A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Mid. at 9.15 the "Cricket" arrived with a barge in tow. Weather clear + mild wind S + E.
R K Hubbell
Saturday March 19th 1864.
Mid to 4. The day commenced clear with light S. Winds, 2.30 clouded over
4, cloudy + cool wind the same.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
4 to 8. at 6.30 U.S.S. Lexington arrived, Weather clear + pleasant.
P W Frost
8 to Merd. 8.45 Flag Ship made Gen Signal 192. Ensign Hubbell left ship on duty 9.00 Returned 9.30 went to quarters. 10.30 Flag Ship made Gen. signal 1425. 2181. 1501. 2162. 6806. 1173. Weather cloudy wind S.W.
B. C. W. A.M.M.
Merd to 4. Weather clear + pleasant Wind S.W.
R K Hubbell
4 to 6. Weather clear + pleasant Wind S.E.
J. L. M. A.Ens.
6 to 8. Weather cloudy + cool. 7.00 heavy rain 8.00 clear.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Mid. Day ended cloudy + cool Wind S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Sunday March 20th 1864.
Mid to 4. The day commenced cloudy + cool
Wind S.E. 2.45 light showers.
4.00 Weather cloudy + cool wind same.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. at 6.20 Act. Ens. R.K.Hubbell came on board was suspended from duty by the Executive until the ret. of the Comdr. for disobedience of orders.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
8 to Merd. at 10.00 inspection at quarters
10.30 U.S.S. Fort Hindman got underway + proceeded down river Weather cloudy Wind S.E.
P W Frost
Merd to 4. Weather cloudy + cool wind E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 6. Weather cloudy + cool wind East.
J. L. Mickle
6 to 8. Weather cloudy + cool wind East.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
8 to Mid. at 8.30 Gunboat Gazelle arrived
Weather cloudy Wind E.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Mid to 4. Day commenced cloudy + cold with N.E. winds 2.30 commenced to rain 4 still raining Weather cold wind unchanged
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. at 7.30 Thomas Stafford Capt Hold put in close confinement for five days for striking Jordan Rodney by order of Ex officer comdg protem
Weather wet + cold wind fresh E.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Merd. at 9.15 Flag Ship made General Signal 192. 9.30 Beat to General Quarters Exercised without powder. Weather cloudy + cold wind N.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
Merd to 4. Weather cloudy with rain wind E.
P W Frost
4 to 6. at 5.30 Pay Master Benton came on board and left ship again. Ens. Durney proceeding to transport New National for Mail.
Weather cool + raining wind East.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. 6 to 7.30 heavy rain accompanied with hail
7.30 clouds broke wind fresh E.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Mid. Day ends cloudy + cold wind North.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Tuesday March 22 1864,
Mid to 4. Day commenced cloudy + cold Wind N.W.
P W Frost
4 to 8. 7 Turned to + executed morning orders
Weather cloudy + cold Wind N.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Merd. at 8.55 Flag Ship made signal 192. 9.15 Paymaster Benton came on board + reported for duty. 9.30 Beat to Quarters. 9.40 Exercised 1 Div. with Broad swords at 9.55 Flag Ship made Gen Signal 6113. 6806. 1173. 4431. 3915. 8393. at 11.30 Flag Ship 192. 11.40 New National came alongside.
Mechanics making spars
Weather clear + cool wind N.E.
John C. Winslow
Merd to 4. at 1.10 Gen Price with coal barge in tow arrived Weather clear + pleasant wind E.
P W Frost
4 to 6 Weather clear + pleasant wind E.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
6 to 8. at 6 went to quarters 7.10 steam rep. up by Chief Eng Doughty Weather clear + pleasant
J. L. Mickle
8 to Mid. Reports hourly Weather clear cold and calm.
John C. Winslow
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Wednesday March 23d 1864.
Mid to 4. Weather clear + pleasant wind E.
P W Frost
4 to 8. Weather clear + cool wind S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Merd. at 9.30 beat to quarters Compy C + E drill at small arms. Mechanics at work in bulwarks. 10.25 Act Master Pease left the ship. 10.50 returned on board the remainder of crew employed making Torpedo net.
Weather clear + cool wind light S.E.
J. L. Mickle
Merd to 4. at 2.20 Lexington got underway + steamed down the river 3.55 Mound City came up the river Mechanics employed making Torpedo net. Weather clear + cool wind S.
John C. Winslow
4 to 6. at 5.10 U.S.S. Lexington came up river. Weather clear + cool wind S.
P. W. Frost
6 to 8. Weather clear + cool wind S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.Ens.
8 to Mid. Day ended clear cool + calm.
J. L. Mickle
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
Thursday March 24th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear cool + calm reports hourly.
John C. Winslow
4 to 8. Ship company employed scrubbing decks.
Weather Hazzy + cool wind East.
P.W. Frost
8 to Merd. at 8.40 Flag Ship made signal 192. Ex officer left the ship. U.S.S. Ouachita came up from below 9.20 Ex officer returned, 9.25 Flag Ship made general signal 7153. 1173. 4431. 1425. 6657. 6407. 2943. 1501. 6721. 8739. 7580. 5937. 2146. at 9.30 A.E. Hubbell confined to his room under arrest by order of the Admiral.
Ex officer left the ship with Prisoner of War 1st Lieut Voorhies of the 2d La. cavalry he being turned over to the Provost Marshall by order of the Admiral. Pilot Stewart left the ship ship he having resigned.
Beat to quarters Comp. A + B. exercised at small arms. 10.45 Ex officer came on board. 10.50 commenced raining 11.20 commenced coaling ship. Weather cloudy + showery, breeze from the South. Mr Burnell with permission from the Admiral came on board for Missionary purpous.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Merd to 4. at 12.55 Comdg officer returned on Ouachita having been on an expedition down river 2.45 Mr Burnell left the ship Crew employed coaling ship. Weather rainy until 3.00 then broke away Wind fresh + variable.
J. L. Mickle
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
4 to 6. at 4.30 finished coaling amount taken on 1158 bush.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
6 to 8. Weather cloudy + cool wind E.
P W Frost
8 to Mid. Weather cloudy until 11.00 with South Wind. then commenced cleaning up. wind canting to the West. Day closed clear + cool wind S.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Friday March 25th 1864
Mid to 4. The day commenced clear + cool Wind
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. Weather clear + pleasant wind W.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
8 to Merd. at 8.30 Flag Ship made general signal 7153. 1425. 6206. 8064. 5498. 7950. 7249. 2151. at 9.00 Thomas Stafford Capt of Aft. Guard was released 9.20 U.S.S. Gazell steamed down river. 9.30 beat to general quarters 1 + 2 divisions + Engineers ready 2'25" Masters 2'40" Powders 2'45" Clear for action + small arms, Fire Quarters from the alarm to 1st stream in play 47" 2d stream 55."
Weather clear + pleasant wind N.W.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Merd to 4. at 3.30 Flag Ship made Gen. Signal 8409. 8474. 2052. 7153. 4431. 6113. 6644. 3915. 1501. 4948.
5.55 Pilot Carrell returned on board intoxicated was ordered to his room under arrest.
Weather clear + warm. Mechanics + crew employed getting material for raising Turret.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. at 5.45 carpenter + party returned with lumber 7.25 U.S.S. Gazelle came up. Weather clear + calm.
J. L. Mickle A.Ens.
8 to Mid. Weather clear + cool wind E.
P W Frost
Saturday March 26th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced Foggy + cool wind S.E. 5.00 U.S. Transport came up the river.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. at 7.50 transport J.H. Lacey came up. 7.50 turned to + executed morning orders. mechanics at work prepairing to raise Turret. Weather clear + cool wind light S.E.
J. L. Mickle A.Ens.
8 to Merd. Quarters omitted on account of extra work about the vessel. Ships company employed repairing the Turret. 11.00 Eastport got underway + steamed up river, weather clear + warm light wind S.E.
M. J. D. A.Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Merd to 4. at 2.30 Tow Boat Brown with coal barge in tow arrived from below, ships company employed repairing Turret. Weather clear + warm wind E.
P W Frost
4 to 6. at 4.30 transport Rob Roy came up from below, Weather clear + pleasant wind light from the N.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. Quarters omitted on account of repairing on Turret 6.25 transport John Warner came up Weather clear + calm.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Mid. Day ended clear cool + calm. 11.50 Steamer Laurel Hill stood down stream.
M. J. Durney
Act. Ens.
Sunday March 27th 1864.
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear + cool wind
P W Frost
4 to 8. Weather clear + cool light wind S.E.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Merd. at 8.55 U.S.Q.Transport (no name) came up 9.40 U.S.S. Cricket got underway and stood up stream, Mr. Carrol Pilot + Mr Winslow
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
restored to duty by order of the Comdg officer 10.00 Cricket made fast alongside of "Pittsburg" 10.40 both stood up stream Mechanics + crew employed repairing Turret.
Weather clear + pleasant Wind S. blowing fresh.
J. L. Mickle
Merd to 4. at 2.20 U.S.S. Neosho weighed anchor + moved up alongside of Flag Ship. 3.00 Three U.S. Marine Boats proceeded down river crew employed repairing Turret.
Weather clear + pleasant wind S.W.
P W Frost
4 to 6. 5.00 Gen Price weighed anchor + stood up river 5.10 Transport John Warner stood down river 5.20 Transport Brown stood up river U.S.S. Neosho stood up river. Weather cloudy + cool wind S.W.
John C. Winslow
6 to 8. Weather cloudy + cool fresh breeze from West.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Mid. The day ended cloudy + warm wind fresh South
J. L. Mickle
Monday March 28th 1864.
Mid to 4. Weather cloudy + raining wind S.W.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 8. at 6.00 Steamboat name unknown came up river loaded with troops
7.40 U.S.S. Fort Hindman came up river with a gun flat in tow. 7.40 received from the Lafayette 12 rounds of ammunition for Howitzer.
Weather cloudy rainy + calm.
John C. Winslow
8 to Merd. 9.00 U.S.S. Fort Hindman came alongside with material for Turret 9.10 Flag Ship made signal 8248. 9.50 Flag Ship made general signal 7153. 3915. 393. 10.00 weighed anchor and steamed up to coal barge.
10.20 commenced coaling ship 11.00 finished coaling took on board 150 bush, received 24 rounds of Howitzer ammunition from U.S.S. Gazelle. 11.10 cast off from coal barge + steamed up river the U.S.S. Brown taking us in tow to go over the falls Weather clear + cool wind W.
B C Wheeler
Merd to 4. at 12.05 Passed over the Falls U.S.S. Brown cast off + dropped down, Mechanics at work repairing Turret + cutting Port in Bulwork for Howitzer. Weather clear + cool Wind W.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 6. at 4.20 U.S.S. Cricket passed down.
5.30 made fast to bank astern of U.S.S. "Eastport."
Weather clear + cool wind N.E.
P W Frost
6 to 8. at 6.10 beat to quarters 6.15 beat the retreat.
Weather cloudy cool + calm.
John C. Winslow
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Mid. at 9.00 Transport came up from below, 10.00 U.S.S. Pittsburg came up and made fast to bank under our stern, 10.30 U.S. Ship Louisville came up the river and made fast astern of the Pittsburg.
Weather clear + cool wind East.
B. C. Wheeler A.Ens.
Tuesday March 29th 1864.
Mid to 4. The day commenced clear and cool wind light West.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. at 7.00 U.S.S. Fort Hindman came up from below,
Weather clear + cool. Wind W.
P W Frost
8 to Merd. at 9.15 "Eastport" made general signal 8251. 9.30 Fleet cast of lines and steamed up river, 9.45 Beat to General Quarters, 11.00 Made fast to the bank to sound.
Weather clear + cool wind West.
John C Winslow
Merd to 4. Weather clear + cool strong breeze from N.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 6. at 5.45 Eastport made signal to get underway, and cast off from bank, 5.45 let go lines + stood up stream.
J. L. Mickle
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
6 to 8. at 6.40 made fast to the bank for the night, Weather clear + pleasant wind S.W.
P. W. Frost
8 to Mid. Weather clear cool + calm.
John C Winslow
Wednesday March 30th 1864.
Mid to 4. The day commenced clear cool + calm.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. at 7.00 Turned to + executed morning orders Weather clear cool + calm.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Merd. at 9.30 got underway + proceeded down river 9.50 rounded + tied up to the bank 10.00 U.S. Steamers Neosho + Fort Hindman arrived Weather clear + pleasant wind W.
P W Frost
Merd to 4. at 12.55 "Fort Hindman" stood down river, + Eastport, cast off from Bank + stood down Stream. Weather clear + cool wind W.
John C Winslow
4 to 6. Weather Hazy wind S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. at 6 Evening Quarters 6.15 heard heavy gun bearing S.E. 6.25 discovered a large fire in East direction 7.10 heard second gun 7.20 discovered second fire more to the Southard 7.50 U.S.S.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
Fort Hindman came up + made fast to East shore astern of us.
Weather hazy + cool wind East.
J. L. Mickle
8 to 12. at 8.20 U.S.S. Eastport came up river and ordered us to get underway at 9.50 tied up for the night Weather clear + warm wind E.
P W Frost
Thursday March 31st 1864.
Mid to 4. The day commenced cloudy cool + calm at 4 clear cool + calm.
John C. Winslow
4 to 8 7.15 Fort Hindman came up + made fast to Flag Ship. 7.30 Flag Ship made general signal 7161. 5340.
Weather cloudy wind W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Merd. 8.50 Eastport made signal to get underway 8.55 steam reported ready for moving 9.05 Fort Hindman cast off from Flag Ship and stood up stream 9.10 Eastport and remainder of fleet cast off + followed. 9.50 Fire alarm Beat to quarters + Exercised great guns also Comp C at small arms and all Boarders with Broad Sword 10.30 came to at Calhouns Plantation 11.50 got underway + stood up river.
Weather clear + cool wind West.
J. L. Mickle
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
Merd to 4. Mechanics repairing ship. still underway Weather clear + warm wind N.
P W Frost
4 to 6. 5.35 tied up to the bank, Weather clear and cool wind N.
John C Winslow
6 to 8. at 6.10 tied up to bank, no quarters on account of Wooding ship.
Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
B.C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Mid. all quiet Weather clear + cool Wind W.
J. L. Mickle
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Friday April 1st 1864.
Mid to 4. Weather clear + cool wind N.E.
P W Frost
4 to 8. at 5.45 cast off from bank + stood up stream. 5.30 Eastport made signal 6971. 3907. 736. Weather cloudy + cool wind N.E.
John C Winslow
8 to Merd. at 9.30 beat to quarters + exercised comp. A + B with small arms.
Weather cool wind W.N.W. blowing fresh.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Merd to 4. 1.10 Made fast to east bank and wooded ship. 1.30 cast off + stood up stream. 2.00 made fast to west bank 2.25 again under way 3.15 made fast to west bank + wooded ship.
Weather clear + cool. Wind N.W.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 6. at 4.25 cast off + stood up stream.
Weather clear + cool wind W.N.W.
P W Frost
6 to 8. at 6.30 made fast to the bank
Weather clear cool + calm.
John C Winslow
8 to Mid. Day closed clear cool + calm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Mid to 4. The day commenced clear and cool with light North'ly wind.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. 5.45 cast of lines from bank and stood up stream 6.50 landed at Grandicoe 7.00 Flag Ship made Gen Signal 5340. 8684. 5139. 1695. 5734. 2288.
Weather clear + pleasant wind N.
P W Frost
8 to Merd. at 11.30 U.S.S. Fort Hindman went down the river 11.40 Mr Mickle in charge of the cutter went to sweep the river for torpedoes, crew cleaning ship.
Weather clear + warm wind N.W.
John C Winslow
Merd to 4. Weather clear with pleasant breeze from the West.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 6. at 4.20 Mr Mickle returned reported having found one torpedo, received from Eastport 5 Galls Lard Oil.
5.15 Senior Officer made General Signal 1930. 6627. 3170. 1695. 7185. 2288. 5607.
at 6 Evening Quarters Weather clear + pleasant.
M. J. Durney
Examined + Approved
Thos. O. Selfridge
Lt. Commander
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 8. at 6.20 Transport Rob Roy arrived from below Weather clear + pleasant wind S.E.
P W Frost
8 to Mid. Weather clear + cool wind S.W.
John C. Winslow A.M.M.
Sunday April 3d 1864
Mid to 4. The day commenced clear. 1.30 clouding up, remained cloudy until 4. Weather cool wind W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. at 7.00 turned to + executed morning orders Weather cloudy cool + calm.
J. L Mickle
8 to Merd. at 10.00 inspection at quarters 10.15 General Muster + Divine Service was performed + acts for the better government of the Navy was read. 11.00 U.S. Steamers Carondelet, Lexington + Chillicothe arrived. at 12.00 U.S.S. Cricket arrived having on board the Admiral.
Weather cloudy wind W.
P W Frost
Merd to 4. at 1.00 Fort Hindman came up. 1.20 Tow boat Brown came up with a coal barge in tow. 1.30 Seven Transports loaded with troops came up river. 2.35 Pilot W.D.Wigner reported on board on temporary duty, 3.10 Cricket went up river alongside Bank, Hindman anchored off her Weather clear + warm wind S.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 6. at 4.35 steamed up to coal barge and commenced coaling ship army Transport Mars, Siox City, Meteor, Diadem, came up the River, Weather clear + cool wind W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. at 6.05 finished coaling ship amt 294 bushel, cast off + dropped down in old position and came to, Evening quarters omitted on account of coaling ship. 6.30 Transport Rob Roy landed on opposite shore a party of Cavalry, 7.17 Rob Roy retd and made fast to bank off our Port quarters.
Weather clear and cool wind light West.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Mid. Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
P W Frost
Monday April 4th 1864.
Mid to 4. Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
John C Winslow
4 to 8. at 5.45 U.S.S. Eastport underway steaming up River, U.S.S. Brown underway down, 6.45 Flag Ship made signal 1006. 4 army transports with troops passed up the river. 7.30 cast off + steamed up river. U.S.S. Carondelet + Mound City + Gazelle steaming up. Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
8 to Merd. at 9.45 Beat to quarters for inspection Exercised Port watch at No 2 Gun 10.25 came up with "Eastport" aground, run into left bank + held her there with Engines, until she got over, 10.50 dropped down + made fast, 11.30 got underway and stood up stream. 11.50 passed "Eastport" aground in 7 feet water.
Weather clear + cool wind N.
J. L. Mickle
Merd to 4. at 2.30 Made fast to the U.S.S. Lexington, 3.40 cast from the Lexington + went alongside the U.S.S. Neosho + made fast at 3.50 U.S.S. Lexington weighed anchor and went into the bank.
Weather clear + pleasant wind W.
P W Frost
4 to 6. at 4.20 cast off from Neosho, 4.25 Fort Hindman steaming past Chillicothe underway.
Weather clear + warm wind N.W.
John C Winslow
6 to 8. at 6.00 beat to quarters 6.25 tied up to bank.
Weather clear + cool wind light N.W.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Mid. at 8.30 saw a fire in the west supposed to be cotton burning 10.30 U.S.S. Louisville came up and came to alongside of bank ahead.
10.50 U.S.S. Carondelet passed up and came to on opposite side. Weather clear + cool with light N Winds.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Tuesday April 5th 1864.
Mid to 4. Weather clear + cool wind N.E.
P W Frost
4 to 8. Weather clear cool + Calm.
John C Winslow
8 to Merd. at 8.20 Louisville made signal 8251 cast off from bank. 8.35 Steamed up River. 9.30 beat to quarters, 10.30 tied up to the bank. 11.25 Lexington stood up river, Louisville made general signal 7153. 1930. 8064. 3170. Mr Mickle left in cutter to drag for torpedoes.
Weather clear + pleasant wind light S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Merd to 4. at 1.20 cast off from bank and stood up stream. 2.00 Mr Mickle returned. 3.30 tied up to the bank 3.50 U.S.S. Fort Hindman came up. Weather clear + warm.
M. J. Durney A.Ens.
4 to 6. at 4.30 fleet got underway + proceeded down stream at 5 made fast to bank at 5.20 cast loose and steamed down river at 6.00 Evening Quarters. Weather clear + pleasant wind N.
P. W. Frost
6 to 8. at 6.30 rounded to and come to anchor sent all hands ashore after cotton in charge of Executive Officer, 6.40 "Chillicothe" came down the river and anchored. 7.00 Neosho + Fort Hindman anchored. Weather clear warm + calm.
John C Winslow
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Mid. at 9.45 Executive Officer returned on board with the men having put on board 62 bales of cotton on board U.S.S. Fort Hindman.
Weather clear + cool wind S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Wednesday April 6th 1864.
Mid to 4. at 3.40 discovered a man coming down on right bank of river proved to be Contraband from Brazils plantation two miles above, Weather clear + cool wind light N.E.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. at 6.00 Fleet underway + rounded down stream, 7.00 made fast to bank, 7.30 cast off and stood down stream at 7.50 come to anchor in 8 ft water. Weather clear + warm.
P W Frost
8 to Merd. 9.20 weighed anchor + steamed to the port bank sent all hands ashore to take on cotton, Weather cloudy + cool wind N.W.
John C Winslow
Merd to 4. at 12.30 finished taken on cotton having taken on board 44 bales, cast off lines and stood down river, 2.00 tied up to bank the rudder being out of gear 3.55 U.S.S. Gazelle steamed down river. Weather cool + cloudy wind S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 6. at 4.25 came up with + passed the fleet, 5.40 carried away port tiller
Weather clear pleasant + calm.
J. L. Mickle
6 to 8. at 6.10 discovered a leak in port quarter cause supposed striking a snag and tearing off rivets, 6.50 got aground in 30 minutes was afloat and underway 7.40 came to anchor above Grandeco in 9 ft water 10 fathoms chain Weather clear + cool Wind N.W.
P W Frost
8 to Mid. The Mechanics at work reaving the old wheel ropes found the Starboard tiller broke off. 11.00 put out fires to clean boilers.
Weather cloudy cool wind N.
John C Winslow
Thursday April 7th 1864.
Mid to 4. at 2.45 U.S.S. Gazelle passed up river. Weather warm with light air from S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. at 6 started fires unders boilers. 7.00 turned hands to and executed morning orders. 7.40 U.S.S. Gazelle came down 7.50 U.S. Transport Chouteau dropped down.
J. L. Mickle
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Merd. at 9.30 inspection of clothes, 9.40 U.S.S. Fort hindman came down river 10.00 U.S.S. Gazelle came alongside + took us in tow landed us astern of U.S.S. Eastport 11.30 Flag Ship Cricket U.S.S. Gazelle, + U.S.S. Lexington, got underway and steamed up river at 12.00 U.S.S. Neosho steamed up river, Mechanics employed repairing steering gear Weather cloudy Wind S.
P W Frost
Merd to 4. at 12.30 commenced raining, 12.55 Fort Hindman come down river and went to the bank. 1.55 Transport Laurel Hill went down river 2.20 Army Hospital boat Chouteau went down river 3.40 U.S.S. Mound City came down river 3.4 U.S.Q.M. boat Warner went up river 3.50 Transport Black Hawk came up river 3.50 Fort Hindman went up river.
Weather cloudy + raining wind changeable.
John C Winslow
4 to 6. Weather cloudy + rainy wind S.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. at 6.50 brought Coal barge alongside and put on board 40 bales captured cotton. Weather cloudy rainy + calm.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Mid. Steering geer completed + ready for service.
Weather cloudy + raining wind N.W.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Friday April 8th 1864.
Mid to 4. at 3.15 Cleared up. 4.00 Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
John C Winslow
4 to 8. at 4.55 cast off lines and steamed up river 5.15 passed U.S.S. Pittsburg. 6.40 tied up to bank and remained one hour + 10 minutes wooding ship.
Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Merd. at 8.40 Tug "Ivy" passed down, 8.50 discovered a leak in Port Bow caused by spliting of a plate. 9.30 quarters omitted on account of leak. 11.10 heard three long whistles up river 11.30 cast off lines and stood securing leak. crew at bailing water. Weather clear + pleasant wind S.W.
J. L. Mickle
Merd to 4. at 1.30 landed into the bank astern of Tow boat Brown 2.20 cast loose + stood up stream. Mechanics at work repairing leak. Weather clear and warm wind S.W.
P W Frost
4 to 6. at 4.10 Made landing to repair wheel rope, 4.45 cast off lines and steamed up river, Weather clear cool + calm.
John C Winslow
6 to 8. at 6.20 tied up commenced wooding ship. Weather clear cool + calm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Mid. Everything quiet, The day ends clear + cool with light West wind.
J. L. Mickle A.Ens.
Saturday April 9th 1864.
Mid. to 4. Weather clear + cool wind W.
P W Frost
4 to 8. at 5.00 cast off lines + steamed up river
Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
8 to Merd. at 9.30 beat to general quarters + exercised Divisions, 11.00 Grounded 20 minutes later off + steaming up river 11.40 tied up to wood ship Weather clear and cool Wind W.N.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Merd to 4. at 12.00 cast off + stood up stream 1.15 U.S. Transports Polar Star + Allice Vivian hove in sight coming up 1.30 Polar Star landed for wood 2.10 later passed up boarded her to ascertain where from + her freight 3.45 came up to Transport fleet made fast to right bank Weather clear + cool wind W.N.W.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 6. at 5.50 called to General Quarters + fired one Gun at 5 passed the Transport fleet at 5.16 Transports underway in the rear Weather clear + cool Wind W.N.W.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 8. at 6.10 beat to quarters 6.20 beat retreat. 7.00 come up to the Chillicothe at the bank repairing wheel ropes. Weather clear cool + calm
John C Winslow
8 to Mid. at 8.30 tied up to bank + commenced to wood ship ten Minutes later two army transports came up 9.20 finished taking on wood 11.40 sentry on shore fired at a supposed rebel mounted riding past.
Weather clear cool + calm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Sunday April 10th 1864.
Mid. to 4. The day commenced clear cold + calm.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. at 5.20 cast loose from the bank + stood up stream. 6 made a landing to wood up. 6.30 cast loose + steamed up river. at 6.40 we flanked into the transport Diadem as we were passing her and mashed one of our boats. 6.45 U.S.S. Chillicothe passed us Transports coming in the rear. Weather clear and warm.
P W Frost
8 to Merd. at 9.25 passed the Chillicothe 10.00 Muster for inspection. 10.25 made fast to the bank on account of the Transports. 11.10 cast off lines + steamed up river 11.30 passed Grand Bayou. Weather clear warm + calm.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Merd to 4. at 12.30 landed to wood ship. 12.50 cast off and stood up stream. weather clear + calm.
Byron C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 6. come up with + passed transports "Diadem" 5.15 came up with fleet and tied up to left bank 5.55 got underway Transport fleet dropped down.
J. L. Mickle
6 to 8. at 6.10 made signal to Flag Ship 3903. 5936. Flag Ship answered 1157. at 6.30 rounded down stream at 7.35 tied up to the bank Transports in company Weather clear + pleasant.
P W Frost
8 to 12. at 6.15 a boat from the Cricket came alongside, with orders from the Admiral to go down the river, to communicate with the Army. 8.20 cast off + stood down the river. 8.25, transport Black Hawk, came up with mail. 8.40 passed the No 50 laying at the bank. 9.25 gunboat No 50 passed down. At 10, passed the transports laying at the bank. 10.10 made fast to the bank. Weather clear cool + calm.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Monday April 11th 1864
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear cool + calm.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. At 5.00 got underweigh + stood down stream. 6.10 got ath?? stream and jammed tug "Ivy" + transport "Iberville" pulled us off. 6.50 discovered that starboard tiller was broken; tied up to left bank. 7.10 heard two guns down river.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 8(continued) 7.40 heard three guns in quick succession. 7.50 transport Black Hawk came alongside and made fast. Weather clear Wind S.
J. L. Mickle
8 to 12. at 9 beat to quarters + fired No 1 Gun. 9.30 beat retreat. 11, Flag Ship made 1006. 11.10 tied up to the bank. 11.15 transport Red Chief passed up the river. 11.30 U.S.S. Chillicothe + U.S.S. Gazelle came up with us. 11.40 cast loose + steamed down, river. 11.45 made to Flag Ship 7343. Mechanics engaged, repairing tiller. Transport Black Hawk towing us. Weather clear + warm. Wind S.
P W Frost
12 to 4. 2.15 made fast to the bank 1 mile from Coushata Shute. 2.40 flag ship made signal 6806 + 8050. Made to flag ship, 2884, 8842, 1075, 3018, 4678, 6958. 2.50 cast off lines + stood down river. Weather, warm, clear + calm
John C Winslow
4 to 6. Transport Black Hawk made fast to us. Cast off lines from bank. 5 made signal to Flag Ship 7199, 837. Flag Ship answered 1005, 1158. Rebels fired into us with small guns.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. at 6.40 cast off from Black Hawk. Rounded + made fast to right bank. Went to quarters + fired one shrapnell from No 2 Gun.
J. L. Mickle
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to 12. Weather clear + warm. Wind N.
P W Frost
Tuesday April 12th 1864
12 to 4. Weather clear + warm. Wind N.
John C Winslow
4 to 8. 6.00 Rebels fired 3 shots. Beat to quarters + fired 3 shell + 10 shrapnell. Flag Ship made 6374. 5615. Made a landing + fired the buildings in the vicinity.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to 12. 10.30 U.S.S. Cricket cast off + dropped down river. 10.55 U.S. Transport Black Hawk came alongside + took us in tow. 11.55 came up with fleet. Stopped + got out lines from transport to right bank. 11.58 heard one heavy gun down river.
J. L. Mickle
12 to 4. 12.20 U.S.S. Gazelle fired 2 guns. 12.25 steamed down river. At 2.10 struck a snag + knocked out the three Rivets.
John C Winslow
4 to 6. Heard firing of great guns down the river. 4.15 stopped the leak. Weather clear + cool. Wind S.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 12. at 6.45 ceased firing. 7.00 U.S. transport Black Hawk made fast alongside. Landed on right bank and picked up 3 wounded Rebels + 26 rifles, leaving 7 dead on the field, then stood down stream. 9.15 came up with the fleet + tied up to the left bank. 10.00 heard firing down the river. 10.55 received orders to get underweigh. 11.40 Flag Ship blew one whistle. 12.00 still firing in same direction. Weather clear, calm + warm.
J. L. Mickle
Wednesday April 13th 1864
12 to 4. Heavy firing was heard at 1.00 Firing ceased at 2.00 At 3.00 U.S.S. Fort Hindman came up the river. Weather clear + cool.
P W Frost
4 to 8. At 5.30 Fort Hindman weighed anchor + stood up river. 6.00 cast off lines + went on the other side of the river to wood up. 7.30 finished wooding. 7.40 cast off lines + stood down river. Weather clear warm + calm.
John C Winslow
8 to Merid. 9.30 stopped alongside of the bank tug being aground below + not room to pass. 11.00 U.S.S. Gazelle pulled tug off. 11.30 stood down stream. Between 9 + 10, 12 army transports passed down River. 11, made fast to the transport Black Hawk + steamed down river. Weather cloudy + cool. Wind East.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
Log U.S.S. "Osage"
12 to 4. 3.30 came up with transport fleet. 3.45 opened fire on battery on the point below us. At 3.50 made fast to the bank + ceased firing. Weather clear + cool. Wind S.
P W Frost
4 to 6. 4.30 cast loose + stood down. 5.10 Rebels fired 4 shot from Ravine on left hand bank. Returned their fire with 3, 5" 11 inch shell. 5.20 tied up to bank, heading up river + fired 11 inch 5" shell in direction of Rebels. Transport Black Hawk, Clara Belle + Rob Roy came down + were fired into at the same place. Weather cloudy, calm + warm.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. 7.35 commenced wooding ship. Weather clear calm + warm.
John C Winslow
8 to 12. Between 9 + 10, 12 army transports passed down river, 11 made fast to transport Black Hawk + steamed down river. Weather cloudy + cool, Wind East.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Thursday April 14th
12 to 4. At 12.15 landed + made fast to right bank of river, above town of Compte, then in flames. 1.05 large fire started up, first 2 points forward of Starboard beaqm. 2.30 second fire started up forward port beam. Day commenced clear + cool. Wind light from N.E.
J. L. Mickle
Log of U.S.S. "Osage"
April 14th ( Continued )
4 to 8. At 6, the U.S.S. Lexington + Gazelle, with transport fleet, came down the river. At 7.00 heard firing up the river. Weather clear + cool, Wind N.W.
P W Frost
8 to 12. At 9.40 Lexington passed down river. 10.20 Gazelle, 10.25 transport Alice Vivian passed down. 10.35 transport Benifit passed down. 11, Fort Hindman + Neosho came down + made fast to the South bank, Weather clear warm + calm.
John C Winslow
12 to 4. 12.20 made signal to Fort Hindman 112, 1240; Fort Hindman + Neosho cast off from bank + passed down river. Neosho tied up to the bank ahead. 12.45 made signal to Fort Hindman 8012. Fort Hindman proceeded to transport Warner to assist in getting her off the ground. 3.45 Fort Hindman proceeded in getting transport Warner off. Weather cloudy + cool, Wind West.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 6. Fort Hindman came up + turned just above + stood down stream again to assist the Iverville off bar 1 mile below. 5.05 shot fired from field peise astern. 5.25 U.S.S. Gazelle came up stream with orders for us to drop down. 5.45 got underweigh. Weather cloudy + cool Wind W.
J. L. Mickle
6 to 8 -
P W Frost
8 to 12. At 9.30 commenced to rain. 10.20 cleared up. 12, clear + cool. Wind light from N.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
April 15th 1864
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear + cool. Light air from Nd + Wd
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. At 5.10 blew a long whistle to fleet, heavy fog. 6.40 fog lifted. 7:10 cast off lines + got underway stood down stream. 7.50 grounded on bar. Cast off from transport + dropped down. 8.00 Weather cloudy + warm. Wind W.
J. L. Mickle
8 to 12. 8.10 pulled transport off bar. 8.20 made fast to the bank. 8.30 transport came alongside + took us in tow. 9.00 U.S.S. Fort Hindman having the "Neosho" in tow passed down. 10.10 cast loose + steamed down river. At 11.45 passed the transport "Iberville" hard aground. Weather clear + warm. Wind S.E.
Frost P W Frost
12 to 4. At 12.15 passed transport "Diadem." At 2.30 rounded to off Grandico. At 3.00 cast off from the Black Hawk. 3.10 got aground abreast of Flag Ship. 3.35 pulled her off with a line from the Chillicothe. Weather clear + cool. Wind N.E.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Log of U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 6. 4.10 cast off lines from Chillicothe + steamed up to anchorage + let go in 7 feet water + payed out 7 fathoms chain. 5.45 Richard Thomas put in double irons for using insulting language towards superior officer. 5.55 the Louisianna Bell passed up the river. Weather clear + cool. Wind N.N.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. At 6.40 transport Diadem came down. 7.20 transport R K Hamilton came down. 7.45 transport Shreveport passed up. 7.55 the R K Hamilton passed up. Weather clear + cool Wind W.N.W.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Mid. at 9.00 two steamers came up river at 10.00 3 steamers came down river. Weather clear + pleasant. Wind N.E.
P W Frost
April 16th 1864.
Mid to 4. Weather clear + cool Wind N.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
4 to 8. at 7.10 U.S. Flag Ship Cricket cast off from bank + steamed down river. 7.15 cleaned deck. A.M.M. Wheeler being suspended from duty. Weather clear + cool wind N.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Merd. at 8.30 transport Emerald passed down at 8.45 the Surgeon left the vessel on duty
Log of U.S.S. "Osage"
at 9 Transport Ewing passed down, 9.45 armed Expedition went ashore in charge of Mr Mickle at 10.00 the commanding officer left the vessel at 11.45 sent the 3 wounded Rebels ashore to Army Hospital. Comdg officer retd. Weather clear + warm.
R K Hubbell
Act. Ensign
Merd to 4. at 12.20 transport ??? + ??? came up river at 12.45 Armed Expedition retd at 2.00 transports Hamilton + Universe passed down received from U.S.S. Chillicothe 10 10" shell fuzes Gunners depostment employed filling shell. Weather clear + warm wind N.E.
P W Frost
4 to 6. at 4.20 U.S.S. Chillicothe hauled into left bank to take on cotton. 5.00 Pilot Wigner returned and reported six ft. water on bar. Weather clear pleasant + calm.
J. L. Mickle
6 to 8. at 6.10 U.S. Transport "Iberville" passed down 6.25 received on board thirty one 11inch 5" shell from bank where filled. Weather clear cool and calm.
John C Winslow
8 to mid. at 8.30 a working party left the vessel in charge of Masters Mate Winslow. At 9.00 the "Chillicothe" got underway + stood down stream weather hazy + calm.
R K Hubbell
Act. Ensign
Log of U.S.S. "Osage"
April 17th 1864.
Mid to 4. at 12.50 working party returned . Weather hazy cool + calm.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. Weather clear + pleasant wind S.E.
P W Frost
8 to Merd. at 9.25 Transport Gillum came up. 10.10 Beat to quarters for inspection. 10.55 beat retreat, 10.55 all hands mustered on quarter deck for Divine Service
Weather clear + cool wind S.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Merd to 4. at 12.15 made 1006 to Fort Hindman at 1.10 Fort Hindman got underway + stood down stream at 3.30 transports Sioux and Robert Hamilton cast loose + stood up stream.
Weather clear -
R K Hubbell
Act Ensign
4 to 6. 4.15 transport Gillum got underweigh + stood down stream. 5.20 Pilot Wigner left the vessel to sound the ? 5.50 a Mas Mate J C Winslow left the vessel in charge of 25 men to roll cotton on board the Fort Hindman.
Weather clear + warm Wind N.N.W.
J. L. Mickle
6 to 8. 6.30 transport White Cloud passed up. Parted chain + vessel dropped in alongside
the bank. 6.50 weighed anchor with cutter. 7.25 let go anchor + laid out in stream.
7.55 transport White Cloud passed down -
Wm G. Pease
A. M.
8 to 12. Weather clear + pleasant.
P W Frost
April 18th 1864
12 to 4. Commenced clear + calm.
R K Hubbell
4 to 8. 5.25 transport "Shenango" passed down. 5.30 turned to and executed morning orders. Weather clear. Wind light N.N.W.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. 8.30 Pilot Wigner left the vessel to sound bar. 9.30 returned + reported 5 1/2 feet. 10.30 weighed anchor + went into the bank + made fast. at 11.00 took on board 19 bales cotton. Weather clear + warm Wind N.N.W.
P W Frost
12 to 4. 1.20 weighed anchor + went to old berth. 1.30 Fort Hindman came alongside + put on board 21 bales cotton. 2.45 Fort Hindman + Neosho stood down stream. Weather clear + warm Wind N.W.
John C Winslow
4 to 6. 5.15 the Emerald passed down.
Weather clear light breeze from Wd.
R K Hubbell
6 to 8. 6.30 2 transports dropped down.
Weather clear + cool + calm.
P W Frost
8 to Merd. 8.10 transport Mars passed down river 9.30 transport Sioux passed down. Weather clear + cool Calm.
John C Winslow
April 19th 1864
12 to 4.
Clear + calm R K Hubbell
4 to 8 Weather clear + calm
P W Frost
8 to Merid. at 8.25 Mr Wigner Pilot left the ship to round the ship. 9.00 Transport J H Lasey passed. 9.20 Pilot returned + reported 5 feet on the bar. 9.30 beat to quarters. 9.35 beat retreat. 9.40 Companys A B C + D went ashore in charge of Mr Doughty + Mr Hubbell to drill at small arms. 11 Mr Doughty + Mr Hubbell returned with the Companys from shore. Mechanics making tiller. Colored men taking in wood. Clear cool Wind South.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Merid to 4. at 12.15 the Flag Ship Cricket arrived. At 3.30 the R B Hamilton passed down. Weather clear + warm Wind W.
R K Hubbell
4 to 6 4.30 transport Ewing came alongside + took us in tow. 5.25 weighed anchor + steamed down stream. 5.50 made fast to the bank above the Pontoon bridge. At 6 the Ewing cast off her lines. Weather clear + calm.
P W Frost
6 to 8 6.40 Pilot went to sound the bar. 7.55 returned + reported 5 1/2 feet. Weather clear + calm
John C Winslow A.M.M.
8 to 12. Weather hazy + calm
R K Hubbell A E
April 20th 1864
12 to 4 Weather foggy + calm.
P W Frost
4 to 8. 6.10 cast off lines + stood down river. At 6.25 made fast to the bank to get two fenders to lash to the stern. Weather clear + cool. N + E.
John C Winslow A.M.
8 to 12. 9.15 cast loose from the bank + stood down stream. At 10 went to quarters.
At 10.30 passed the Eastport sunk with the Champion No3 Champion No5 + gunboat Juliet
working at her. Fort Hindman laying at the bank close by. Made fast to the bank below
the Eastport. Weather clear -
R K Hubbell A E
12 to 4 12.20 cast loose + stood down river. 1.30 U.S.S. Gazelle passed us on her way up river. 5.50 Str Gertrude passed us on her way up river. Still underweigh.
Weather clear + pleasant Wind S.E.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 6. 4.45 Richard Thomas Seaman released from confinement + restored to duty. at 5 passed U.S.S. Lexington. 5.10 heard firing below. All hands went to quarters. 5.15 fired 1 5" x 1inch shell. 5.20 passed transport Hetty Gilmore bound up. 5.30 fired 2 5" x 1inch shell. 5.40 fired one 5" x 1inch shell.
Weather clear cool + calm.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
6 to 8. Steaming down river. one watch at the guns. Weather clear + calm.
R K Hubbell
8 to Mid. 8.15 came to anchor off Calhoun Plantation in 10 feet of water ten fas chain. weather clear + cool.
P W Frost
Apr 21st 1864
12 to 4. at 12.20 Transport Louisian Bell passed down weather clear, cool wind N.W.
John C Winslow
4 to 8. At 5.00 got underweigh + stood down River at 7.00 spoke Str Louisiana Bell aground passed her a line + hauled her off Lord Byron a contraband missing supposed to have fallen overboard weather clear and cool.
R K Hubbell A E
8 to 12 at 9.40 landed + stood up. at 10.30 cast off lines + moved to the opposite shore then finished wooding. at 10.50 Steamer ??? ??? passed down weather clear + wind S.S.E.
P W Frost
12 to 4 P.M. at 12.30 cast off lines and stood down River. 1.30 Ashbell Carroll placed in double irons on bread + water. 2.10 passed the Brown taking on wood. 2.40 in sight of Mound City, Caroundlett
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
Pitsburg, Louisville + Chilicothe + 9 Transports laying ahead of the falls rounded
to astern of str Tranport Marrs + made fast to the bank 3-
John C Winslow A.M.M.
4 to 6. at 4.00 the Pilott returned + reported 4 1/4 feet on the falls. weather clear moderate breeze from S.W.
R K Hubbell A E
6 to 8. 6.50 Steamer Liberty passed down River at 7.20 the Steamer Thos. E. Tut. in crossing near the falls struck + grounded. weather clear + pleasant wind West
P W Frost
8 to 12. 8.25 Genney Hopkins went down to the Thos. Tutt to pull her off weather clear + cool wind Norwest
John C Winslow
Apr 22nd 1864
Mid to 4 A.M. clear + cool Wind S.E.
4 to 8. clear + cool wind from the Southrd and Eastrd.
P W Frost
8 to Merid. 11.30 got underweigh, and proceeded up the River. weather clear + cool wind S.E.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Merid to 4 Steaming up River clear + cool wind S.E.
4 to 6 5.00 tied up to bank 5.30 moved to opposite bank and made fast + sent a party of men on shore on a foraging expedition. Weather clear + cool wind S.E.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
Apr / 64
6 to 8 P.M. 6 to 7. 4, Army Transports passed down the River. weather clear + cool.
P W Frost
8 to Mid. at 8.45 Transport Warner Desmoine + Gillum passed down River. 8.50 Wm L.
Ewing passed down River. 1.45 Gazzell passed up River -
Apr 23d 1864
Mid to 4.
Day commenced clear + pleasant wind South East
P W Frost
4 to 8 a.m. 5.45 Turned hands to + Executed morning orders. 6.00 commenced raining. 8.55 Actg M.M. B.C. Wheeler was released and returned to duty. Weather cloudy + cool with fresh S.E. Breeze.
John C Winslow
8 to Merid. 9.30 Beat to Quarters + mustered Division. 1.30 Transport Diadem passed down the River. ten minutes later U.S.S. Lexington came down River + made fast to opposite bank.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
Merid to 4 12.00 let go our lines + steamed up River -
R K Hubbell
4 to 6 5.15 came to anchor off Pine bluff in 8 feet of water paid out 8 fas chain. A.Carroll Ordinary Seaman was released from confinement + returned to Duty. Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
6 to 8 P.M. 7.00 saw smoke up the River.
Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
8 to Mid. Passing clouds with gently breeze from Norther.
R K Hubbell
Apr 24th 1864
Merid. to 4.a.m. 3.30 heaqvy firing was heard up the River which lasted about 15 minutes.
weather clear + cool wind North
P. W. Frost
4 to 8 at 5.35 heavy firing was heard up River, 5.45 weighed anchor + Steamed River. 6.45 made fast to the bank to take on wood. 7.45 cast off and stood up River, clear + cool wind from the Northrd.
John C Winslow A M
8 to Meridian. At 10.00 picked up 3 federal Soldiers making their way to Gen Grover
with orders. At 10.15 made a landing at Calhouns to reconnoitre -
R K Hubbell
Merid to 4 P.M. 12.35 passed Pine Bluff. + Reef. 12.50 ran on bar 1/4 mile below 2.10 got off and stood down stream 3.15 came up with a portion of our army wagon teams + c 3.25 came up with U.S.S. Lexington at anchor spoke her + passed on down. Weather clear + warm Wind W.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
4 to 6 P.M. at 4.50 made a landing opposite Meades Plantation. 5.15 cast loose and Steamed down River. weather clear + pleasant wind N.W.
P W Frost
6 to 8 at 7.00 made fast to the bank with the fleet above the falls. 7.25 Transport
Brown went down over the falls -
John C Winslow A.M.M.
8 to Mid. Clear and calm.
R K Hubbell
Sunday Apr 25th 1864
Mid to 4 a.m. at 2.35 Stern Wheel Transport name unknown got underweigh + stood up Stream. The Day commenced clear + calm.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. At 5.45 Turned hands to and Executed morning orders -
P. W. Frost
8 to Merid. 9.30 beat to quarters at 9.40 beat retreat weather clear and cool wind N.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Merid to 4 at 12.45 the Transport Red Chief passed down at 3.00 let go our lines
and went alongside the Ozark and took on board 32-
Weather clear + warm.
R K Hubbell
4 to 6 At 4 -
J. L. Mickle
6 to 8. 8.00 landed to wood up weather clear + calm.
P. W. Frost
8 to Mid. 9.55 finished wooding Ship. 10.00 cast off lines + let go Anchor in 10 Feet of water payed out 6 Fas chain. weather clear + cool.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Monday. Apr 26 1864
Mid to 4. Commenced cloudy + calm.
R K Hubbell
4 to 8. At 4.30 heard one Gun on the port beam. 4.45 got underweigh and stood on up Stream. 8.45 U.S.S. Lexington hove in Sight. weather clear and calm.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Merid. 8.45 made fast to bank to repair steering gear and wood up. 10.30 while laying into the bank. Sidney Osborn, pickett was Shot and Severely wounded. Act Ensign R.K.Hubbell + B.C.Wheeler Act Masters Mate with 12 men under a heavy fire of musketry from the Enemy Volenteered to go and bring him on board. at 10.45 cast of
from the bank and got Aground. 11.30 got off the bar + came to Anchor at the same time the Guns opend fire on us with 4 pieces of Artillery. we fired 18 rounds with our large Guns. 12.20 Silenced the Rebell battery, weather clear + calm.
P W Frost
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
Merid to 4 Everything quiet ashore. weather clear + warm wind N.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
4 to 6. Several Muskett Shots fired at us from Shore during watch weather clear.
6 to 8. At 6.35 the Carondelet made signals as follows viz 7863-
J. L. Mickle
8 to Mid. At 9.30 the Flag Ship Cricket passed down at 9.40 called to quarters and fired two Guns At 10.00 weighed anchor + steamed down River at 10.45 got aground 11.30 heard heavy firing up River. Weather clear and calm.
P. W. Frost
Apr 27th 1864.
Mid to 4. Engaged in trying to get of the ground.
Weather clear + calm.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
4 to 8. 5.30 got off from bar but soon got aground again near the same place at 6.00 the Cricket mad 13 to us answerd 1157 passed a houser to the Lexington + at 7.15 was afloat and made fast to the bank. weather cloudy + calm.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
8 to Merid. At 8.50 U.S.S. Neosho came alongside and put on board 24 5"+4 10" x 1in chrapnell cannister 20 5" shell 30 rounds of x1in 15 lb cartriges. 9.55 Pilott Wagner left the Ship + joined Str. Neosho. 10.00 Neosho cast off lines and stood up stream. 10.15 Flag Ship dropped down stream. 10.20 Str U.S.S. Lexington got underweigh. 10.30 put on board Str Lexington Sidney Osborn ? Gunner + John Keese Ordinary Seaman 1st wounded latter Sick. 10.00 cast off lines + stood down stream. 11.55 made fast to left hand bank to wood. weather clear and warm wind South.
J. L. Mickle
Merid to 4 P.M. At 12.20 commenced to wood at 2.36 cast off from the bank and came
to Anchor in 6 feet of water payed out 10 Fas chain 3-
P. W. Frost
4 to 6 A.M. at 5.45 Fort hindman Juliet + Neosho came down the River weather clear cool wind S.East.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
6 to 8. At 8.30 Mustered the crew at quarters -
8 to Mid. the Day ends clear with light South Westerly wind.
J. L. Mickle
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Apr 28th. 1864.
Mid to 4, A.M. 1.30 weighed anchor and called all hands to quarters Steamed down
the River with Fort hindman Juliet and Neosho bringing up the rear -
P. W. Frost
4 to 8 A.M. 6.40 hove in sight of Fleet above Falls. 6.50 Rounded to 7.00 made fast to bank of port. Louisville, Forthindman Juliet + Neosho passed down and tied up to bank above falls. weather cloudy + calm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Merid. 8.15 cast off our lines and anchored out in the Stream Actg Master on Temporary duty on board this vessel returned to his Ship. At 9.30 Mustered our crew at quarters. Weather clear wind South.
R K Hubbell
Merid to 4 P.M. At 2.15 U.S.S. Lexington cast off from right bank and come to under
our Stern. Flag Ship made Signal to us 7605 -
J. L. Mickle
4 to 6. 4.30 Flag Ship Signaled the Fleet 75 -
P. W. Frost
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
6 to 8. At 6-
B C Wheeler A M
8 to Mid. clear + calm.
R K Hubbell
Apr 29th 1864
Mid to 4. The Day commenced foggy + calm.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. 7.00 heard firing of Small Arms on port beam weather cloudy + cool wind S.E.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Merid. At 8.30 the Chillicothe made Gen Signal 5180. Mechanics repairing Ship
Weather clear + calm.
R K Hubbell
Merid to 4. At 12-
J. L. Mickle
4 to 6. Weather clear + calm.
P. W. Frost
6 to 8. Weather clear + warm light air from the N.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Mid. At 10.15 the Pickets on Shore were fired into and returned on board their several Vessels. Weather clear + calm
R K Hubbell
Apr, 30th 1864.
Mid to 4. The Day commenced hazy + cool with light west wind.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. At 7-
P. W. Frost
8 to Merid. At 8.30 Paymaster Benton + Actg M.M. Winslow left Ship with party of contrabands to get Stores for Ship omited quarters, at 9.30 on account of other necessary duties to perform. Weather cloudy + warm with light air from the S.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Merid to 4. At 2-
4 to 6. Weather clear and calm.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 8. at 7.00 Actg Ensign Hubbell + party returned. 7.50 Thomas Stafford capt of the hold confined in double irons for disobedience of orders. weather clear and calm.
P. W. Frost
8 to Mid. 8.15 Pickets called on board. weather cloudy and warm wind from the Northerd + Eastrd
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
May the 1st 1864
Mid to 4. A.M. Day commenced clear + foggy.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
4 to 8. Weather clear + calm.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
8 to Merid. 11-
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Merid to 4 1-
Carpenters, "Department"-
1 "bbl" of linsead oil -
100 lbs Paint 100 20 p. Nails 100 do 120 100 do 8
Received 2 months Provisions on board
Masters Stores 34 corn brooms 15 heavy ? two 6feet
Boat flags -
21 "lbs" of Marlin Weather clear + cool wind N.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 6. weather cloudy + warm wind N.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
6 to 8. At 7-
8 to Mid. Day commenced clear and cool with light air from the Eastrd.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
May the 2d 1864
Mid to 4 Weather clear cool + foggy
John C Winslow A.M.M.
4 to 8. 5.45 turned to + Executed morning orders weather clear cool + calm.
J. L. Mickle
8 to Merid. 9.40 Thos Stafford released from confinement. Weather clear + calm Wind N.W.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Merid to 4. 3.00 Actg Ensign Hubbell returned with Party of working men 3.30 Flag
Ship made General Sig to Fleet 7571 -
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 6. Weather clear + warm wind N West
John C Winslow A.M.M.
6 to 8. Beat to quarters weather clear wind N.W.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
8 to Mid. Weather clear cool + calm wind N.W.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
May the 3d 1864
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear cool + calm.
B C Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8 A.M. 5.45 Turned to and Executed morning orders. 7.00 Actg Ensign Hubbell
left the Ship with working Party of 20 men to go to Alexandria -
J. L Mickle A. Ens.
8 to Merid. At 9.30 Flag Ship Signald the Fleet 5887 -
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Merid to 4. At 3.00 Received on board 72 bush of coal. Weather clear Wind from the S + Westrd
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 6. At 5.20 Actg Ensign Hubbell returned on board with Party of working men. Weather clear cool + calm.
John C Winslow A. M.M.
6 to 8 P.M. At 6.00 beat to quarters. Weather clear + calm.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
8 to Mid. Weather clear -
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
May the 4th 1864
Mid to 4. Day commenced clear cool + calm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. At 5.20 Actg Ensign Hubbell left Ship with the working Party of 12 men to go to Alexandria. Weather clear cool wind S.E.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
8 to Merid. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters. At 10.00 John Divine Seaman released from confinement + Co A exercised at small arms. Mechanics at work cauking hatches Ports. ? Weather clear + pleasant with fresh breeze from the S + Westrd
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
Merid to 4 P.M. Weather clear and pleasant Wind South.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
4 to 6. Weather clear + cool wind South West.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
6 to 8. At 6.00 Beat to quarters 7.00 Mr. Hubbell returned 7.00 working Party returned
from Alexandria. Weather clear and cool Wind South West -
John C Winslow A.M.M.
8 to Mid. The Day ended cloudy and cool no wind
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
Mid to 4 The day commenced clear cool + calm.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
4 to 8. 7-
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Merid. 10-
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Merid to 4. At 12-
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
4 to 8. Weather clear and pleasant wind South.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
8 to Mid. 8-
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Mid to 4. 1.55 U.S.S. Forthindman came down and anchored just above point ahead of Neosho. The Day commenced cloudy and with light South Wind.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
4 to 8. At 7.30 Act Ensign Hubbell in charge of working Party left Ship for Alexandria. At 7.35 Act M.Mate Wheeler with 10 men left Ship with orders to report to Capt Longthorn at the Falls. Weather clear + pleasant wind South
P. W. Frost
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
8 to Merid. 9-
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Merid to 4 P.M. 1.00 Flag Ship made 7155 -
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
4 to 6. Quarters at 6.00 weather clear and pleasant.
W. G. Pease
A. M.
6 to 8 At 6-
John C Winslow A.M.M.
8 to Mid, Weather clear + pleasant wind South.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
May the 7th 1864
Mid to 4. The Day commenced clear and pleasant wind South.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
4 to 8. At 5.50 Actg M.M. Wheeler left the Ship with working Party for the Dam 6.00 turned to and executed morning order. Weather clear and calm wind Southerly
W. G. Pease
A. M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
8 to Merid. at 8.30 Mr. Carroll left Ship to sound the Bar. at 9-
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Merid to 4. at 3.50 Tug Ivy came alongside with ammunition. Read from U.S.S. Ozark 60 charges Powder 15 lbs cartriges 60 5" x 1in Shrapnell. Weather cloudy + cool. Wind South.
W. G. Pease
A. M.
4 to 6. At 5-
John C Winslow A M
6 to 8. At 6-
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
8 to Mid. The Day ended cloudy and cool light South wind.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Mid to 4. Weather clear and cool wind S.E.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
4 to 8. Weather clear Wind South East.
W. G. Pease
8 to Merid. 10.00 Inspection at quarters. 10-
Weather clear + pleasant. Wind S.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Merid to 4. 12.00 Flag Ship made 1006 -
P. W. Frost
Act M M
4 to 6. 5-
John C Winslow A M M
6 to 8. Beat to quarters and mustered Divisions. 7.00 received a draft of 15 Men from the army viz. Wm Q. Wells., Sherman Hart, Jas. Ashton, henry Martin, Amos. B. Davis, Robert Smith, Charles, H.C.Porter, Chas. W. Damon, Wm H Boyson, Geo. W. Pierer, Andrew Smith, Samual Jester, John Wilson, Joseph H Hilmer, Frances Jackson.
Weather cloudy + calm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Mid. Weather clear + cool Wind S.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
May 9th 1864
Mid to 4. Weather clear. Wind S.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
4 to 8. At 5 the dam gave way. 5.10 Steam ordered. 6.00 Steam reported ready to move. U.S.S. Lexington passed over dam. Cast off our lines + straightened up for a run. 6.30 Neosho + Fort Hindman passed over. 7.30 passed over + made fast below mouth of Bayou Rapides. 7.55 Flag Ship made signal 1006. Weather clear + cool Wind N.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
8 to Merid. 8.15 U.S.S. Fort Hindman cast off + steamed down below pontoon bridge
+ came to an anchor. 9.15 U.S.S. Lexington + Neosho cast off + steamed below pontoon
bridge + came to an anchor. 9.30 beat to quarters + exercised 1st + 2nd divisions.
10.10 cast off lines + dropped down below pontoon bridge + made fast. Commenced to
coal ship. 11.35 U.S.S. St Clair came up river + made fast ahead of us. -
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Merid to 4. 3.15 Cast loose from bank + came to anchor in 10 feet water , with 15 fathoms chain. Recd on board 60 fathoms chain + 414 bushels coal.
Weather clear. Wind S.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
4 to 6. Weather cloudy + cool.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 8. Weather cloudy + cool. Wind S.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
May 10th 1864
Mid to 4. Weather cloudy + rainy. Wind S.E.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
4 to 8. At 7 oclk sent a working party in charge of Mr Wheeler to the Cricket.
Weather cloudy.
8 to Merid. At 11.00 U.S.S. Lexington came alongside + commenced taking on cotton.
Weather cloudy + cool. Wind S.W.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
Merid to 4. Delivered to U.S.S. Lexington 35 bales cotton, 60 fathoms chain + one 1475 lbs anchor. At 3.45 Lexington cast off + steamed up to pontoon bridge. Weather clear W. S.
P. W. Frost
4 to 6. At 6 oclk Mr Wheeler + working party returned. Weather clear + cool.
6 to 8. At 6.05 transport Lauril Hill Started from her mooring + drifted down. At 6.10 transport R B Hamilton passed up. 7.30 evening quarters.
J. L. Mickle A. Ens.
8 to Mid. Weather clear + cool. W N
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
May 11th 1864
Mid to 4. The day commenced clear + cool. Wind N.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
4 to 8. At 6.45 Mr Wheeler left the vessel in charge of twenty men. Weather clear.
8 to 12. At 8.15 U.S.S. Lexington cast off lines from right bank an anchored in line ahead. 9.30 Quarters omitted on account of men being absent, rolling guns from boats above falls. Weather clear + cool. Wind light N.W.
12 to 4. Act M M J.C. Winslow confined to his room until comdg officer returned for disobedience of orders . Weather clear Wind W.
P. W. Frost
Act M.M.
4 to 6. At 5 Mr Wheeler + working party returned on board. At 6 mustered crew at quarters. Weather clear.WindW
6 to 8. At 7.30 received on board a fire proof safe from Capt Baker of transport R B Hamilton, by order of the Admiral.
J. L. Mickle A. Ens.
8 to Mid. Weather clear + cool. W N
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
May 12th 1864
Mid to 4. Foggy + calm.
4 to 8. At 5.45 AMM Wheeler left the vessel with a working party of twenty men. 6.00 AMM Winslow placed under close arrest by orders of Comdg Officer. 7.20 U.S. transport Choteau dropped down and made fast to right bank. Weather foggy + cool.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
8 to 12. Weather clear + cool.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
12 to 4. Weather clear. Wind S.W.
4 to 6. At 5.30 AMM Wheeler + party returned on board. 6.00 evening quarters. Weather clear + calm.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
6 to 8. At 7.40 three gun boats, ??? the Pittsburg, Mound City, + Carondelet came over the falls. Weather clear.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
8 to Mid. Weather foggy + cool.
R K Hubbell
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
May 13th 1864
Mid to 4. Weather foggy cool + calm.
J. L. Mickle
4 to 8. At 7 oclk sent a party of men on shore in charge of Comdg officer.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
8 to Merid. At 9.30 inspected crew at quarters. The Louisville, Ozark, Chillicothe, + Tug Ivy came over the dam sucessfully. Large fire raging on shore. Weather clear.
R K Hubbell
Act. Ensign
Merid to 4. At 12.50 U.S.S. Carondelet dropped down below point. 2.45 the Ozark passed below. 3.20 steam ordered. 3.40 Mr Wheeler + party returned. 4.00 fire still raging. Weather clear + warm. Wind N.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
4 to 6. At 4.20 the whole fleet got underway + stood down stream. At 5, made a landing. at 6 flag ship signaled the fleet 8248. Weather clear cool + calm.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
6 to 8. At 6 went to genl quarters + exercised 1st + 2nd divisions. At 7.45 made fast to right bank. Weather clear + calm.
R K Hubbell
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
8 to 12. 8.05 cast off lines + stood down stream. At 8.45 carried away both tillers. 9.15 transport Ginnie Hopkins took us in tow. 9.40 came up with fleet + anchored in two fathoms water, with fifteen fathoms scope. Weather hazy cool + calm.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
May 14th 1864
Mid to 4. Weather hazy cool + calm.
P. W. Frost
Act. M.M.
4 to 8. 6.00 long whistle blew. Got underway + headed down stream. 6.30 flag ship
passed up proceeding down. 7.20 passe flag ship laying into bank -
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Merid. At 9 oclk passed Louisville aground. At 10 heard firing ahead + went to quarters. Weather clear + warm. Mr Winslow released from arrest by order of Comdg Officer.
R K Hubbell
Merid to 4. At 12.30 lay to under point above Wilson Island. 1.10 got underway + stood on down. 2.15 a few shots were fired from shore. Beat to quarters + fired 2 5" shell. At 3 came to to await orders. 3.15 flag ship Cricket passed by. Came to astern of the Mound City. 3.50 the fleet got underway, our position being astern of the Cricket.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. Osage
4 to 8. 5.15 tied up to right bank for the night.
W. G. Pease
A. M.
8 to Mid. At 10.35 Joseph Murphy confined in double irons by order of Comdg Officer.
Weather cloudy and calm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
May 15th 1864
Mid to 4. Cloudy and Cool.
R K Hubbell
Act. Ensg
4 to 8. At 5.20 U.S. Transport "Clara Bell" dropped down to position. 6.00 Turned to + executed morning orders. Weather clear + calm.
J. L. Mickle A.Ens.
8 to Merd. At 10.00 Muster + inspected at quarters. 10.15 Fleet made signal to get underway. 11.25 U.S.S. Louisville passed down. 11.35 U.S.S. St Clair passed down. 11.50 cast off dropped down taking our regular station. Weather clear calm + warm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Merd to 4. at 12.30 let go our lines + stood down stream. at 2.00 we were fired into by musketry and replied with 2 shrapnel. Weather clear and warm.
R K Hubbell
Act Ensign
4 to 6. at 4.50 arrived at Fort Derrussy. U.S.S. St Clair came down stream. Weather clear warm + calm.
J. L. Mickle A.Ens.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
6 to 8. at 6.15 transport Chauteau took us in tow. 8.15 Transport Chauteau made fast to right bank. We laying inside + still fast to her. Weather cloudy and warm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
8 to Mid. at 8.15 Six Transports passed down. 8.20 cast off lines + stood down stream.
10.55 passed U.S. Gunboats Ozark, Chillicothe, Louisville, St Clair, + Argosy -
John C Winslow A.M.M.
May 16th 1864,
Mid to 4.
at 12.30 hove in sight of the fleet at Black River. at 1.oo came to anchor in 4 fathoms water. 15 fathoms chain. at 2.30 the Argosy passed down. Weather clear + calm.
R K Hubbell
Act Ensg
4 to 8. at 5.20 U.S.S. Carondelet got underway and stood up to coal Barge. 5.35 weighed anchor and stood down stream. 7.10 U.S. Transport R.B.Hamilton passed up. Weather clear + pleasant. Wind S.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
8 to Merd. at 9.00 cast off lines from Transport Chauteau, she proceeding up the Atchafalyle. 10.55 hove to in sight of Red River. 11.00 crossed Red River Bar and entered into the Mississippi. Made signal to Flag 86. Flag made signal 2296. steamed up abreast of Flag Ship + let go. 11.20 hove up anchor + steamed up + made fast to coal barge. Weather cloudy + warm. Wind S.W.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
Log of the U.S.S. "Osage"
Merd to 4. at 12.45 commenced coaling ship. 3.00 Joseph Murphey placed in close confinement on bread + water, 3.00 finished coaling took on board 900 bush. 3.45 cast off lines + steamed down river. Weather clear cool + calm.
John C Winslow A.M.M.
4 to 6. Steaming up Stream. Weather clear and calm.
R K Hubbell
Act Ensg
6 to 8. at 6.00 Evening Quarters. 6.20 came up with + spoke U.S.S. Neosho off Fort Adams. 6.25 U.S.S. "Champion" hove in sight coming down made 1006. 6.45 U.S.N.Transport Lionell passed up.
J. L. Mickle
A. Ens.
8 to Mid. Underway steaming up river, Weather clear. wind N.
P W Frost
Act. M.M.
May 17th 1864.
Mid to 4. Between 1 + 2 oclock passed boat with coal barge in tow and a stern wheel steamer steaming down river. weather clear cool + calm.
B. C. Wheeler A.M.M.
4 to 8. at 5.45 turned hands to + executed morning orders. 6.55 passed Ellis Cliffs, Weather clear cool + calm.
John C Winslow AMM