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of the role of the 32nd Iowa Inf.

in the capture of Fort DeRussy, Louisiana

From The Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies in the War of the Rebellion, Vol. 34

No. 47.

Report of Col. John Scott, Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, of the capture of Fort De Russy

hdqrs. thirty-second iowa infantry,

Steamer Southwester, near Fort De Russy, La., Mar. 15, 1864.

captain : In relation to the part sustained by my command in the capture of Fort De Russy, on yesterday, I have the honor to report that when the attack commenced my regiment, preceded by the Fourteenth Iowa Infantry, Third Indiana Battery, and Twenty- fourth Missouri Infantry, was approaching on the Marksville road, moving by the right flank and about 2 miles distant. I advanced in this manner as rapidly as was consistent with efficiency until within supporting distance of the battery, and formed line of battle, my left resting on the road. I was here met by Brigadier-General Mower, and ordered into position on the extreme right. To obtain a position partially covered from the fort by uneven ground intervening, also some unfinished and unoccupied works, but exposed to the fire of the water battery, it was necessary to cross an open field. This was done under a heavy fire of shell and musketry, which fortunately was too high to be very destructive. One shell exploded in the ranks, killing 1 man and for a moment disabling others by the shock. Presently I ordered forward 12 men to act as sharpshooters, and soon after advanced three companies from my right for the same purpose. While in this position I was ordered, on hearing heavy firing on my left, to advance the command, open fire, and take such cover as I could find within short range of the works, but not to storm them. In obeying this order I soon discovered that the works were to be entered at once. Officers and men dashed forward with shouts into the ditch, over the parapet, and into the fort. In this advance 2 men were wounded, 1 very dangerously, 1 severely. While all behaved well, many acted with conspicuous gallantry.  Their highest compliment is in the words of the prisoners :  "The men on the right took the fort."


With devout thankfulness that the list is so short I append statement of casualties.*


I am, very respectfully, your most obedient,



Colonel, Commanding Regiment.


Capt. C. T. Granger

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General


* Nominal list (omitted) shows 1 killed and 2 wounded