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USS Benton

LOG OF UNITED STATES Str Benton Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 10 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Cool wind from Wd and very foggy. B.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant. Wind from the Wd. Frank Roderick and Thomas Jenkins (Sea) placed in double irons. R. No. of Sick 9.



8 – 12, Wind Wd Weather clear and cool. 9.30 Inspection at quarters and Divisional Exercise. 9.35 Str Hannibal arvd. from above, Jas Connely 1st Thos Jenkins and Frank Roderick 8 hours Extra Sentry duty, John Scanlon confined in double irons for abusing one of his Shipmates. 11 oclock Str Hannibal deptd. down river. L.



12 – 4 P.M. Weather clear, and warm. Light breeze from S.E. at 1.10 Quarter Masters Steamer arvd. at 1.15 deptd. down river. Paymasters Clerk Darl. ? Suspended from duty for insolence to his Superior officer. at 2.30 Str. Emmit arvd. from above and Str. Ida May from New Orleans.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 6, Light breeze from the W. Weather clear and pleasant. at 7.10 Str. Jennie Rodgers Deptd. up river. at 4.45 the Ordnance Str. Judge Torrance arvd. from Red River, at 5.15 Evening Quarters. K.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8, Clear and pleasant. wind Sd. At 6 took chain to the capstan. At 6.15 Liberty men retd. on board. Arvd. on board from Str. Judge Torrance in Gunners dept. 6 Box ammunition, at 6.15 Str. Brazil arvd. from above.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


8 – 12 Clear and cool. Strong Wind Sd and Wd. at 9.45 U.S.S. Judge Torrance dropped down and came to anchor off ? B

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str Benton Commanded by Lieut. Comdr. Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 11 day of March 1864


12 – 4, Clear and pleasant. Fresh breeze from Sd. and Ed. at 2.30 U.S. Transport Swan arvd. from St. Louis, Boarded her. E.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans-


4 – 8, Strong breeze from the Wd. Weather clear and cold. 6.30 weighed anchor and Steamed down river carrying a fleet of thirteen transports with troops on board. No. of Sick 13. L.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12 Weather clear and cool, Fresh breeze from Sd. Standing down river in company with 18 army transports with troops, at 11.10 U.S.Str. Genl Price passed up going down.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M. Fresh breeze from the Sd. Weather clear and cool. At 12.45 passed Gunboat “Champion” lying at Fort Adams, at 2.30 arvd. at Red River, came to anchor above the mouth of Red river, the Flag-Ship made Signals in 693, 7241, 5679, 8005, 7232, 2390, 8739, 7951. Sent companies ashore for Battalion drill. K.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 6 Clear and warm, Wind Sd. at 5.30 the FlagShip made Signals Nos. 6621, 5615, 8073, 3208, to all vessels in harbor. at 6 took chain to capstan, at 5.45 Str. J.C.Swan arvd. from above and passed down, at 5.45 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


6 – 8, Clear, calm and pleasant, at 6.15 Str. Empire City passed up the river with troops.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


8 – 12 Clear, calm and cold. l.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str Benton Commanded by Lieut. Comdr. Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 12 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Clear and cold. Wind Wd.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8, Weather clear and cool with light breeze from the Sd. The Flag Ship Made Signals Nos. 7352, 1026, 1006, 6776, 4128, 8247, 4679, ? and 1657, No. of Bu. of Coal on hand March 11th 3740 Bu. and consumed 90 Bu. amt. on hand 3650 Bu. 100 lb Steam.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12, Clear and warm. Wind Sd. At 9.00 Flag Ship made the following Signals Nos. 8248, 1236, 3941. At 10 made Signal No. 801, at 10.45 made Signal 6424. At 9 got underweigh and dropped down to the mouth of Red River. At 10 Entered the mouth of Red River, and Steamed up Red River in Company with all of the fleet, at 10.15 Inspection at Quarters.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


12 – 4, P.M. Cloudy and warm, wind from Sd. & Wd. At 12.30 returned Atchafalaya River, and Steamed up the Stream, at 1.30 came to at Simmsport, and made fast alongside the East Bank, The U.S.S. “Louisville” took on Board 23 Bales of cotton. At 2 oclock Actg Master N.B. Willetts went ashore to reconnoiter with Co. B. At 2.15 the U.S.S. Flagship Black-hawk came from below with R.A.D.D. Porter. The U.S.S. No.50 at 2.30 Actg Master N.B.Willetts. returned with Co.B. from reconnoiting. Flag-Ship made the following Signals, Nos.7122, 7520, & 20. At 3 Actg Masters E.C.Breman, Actg Ensign H.S.O-Grady, and Atg Masters Mate Wm Kisner, went ashore with Co.A. to get Cotton, and flat Boats, By order of Admiral D.D. Porter, U.S.S. Pittsburgs crews  took on Bales of Cotton, at 3 the U.S.S. Carondelet sent Boats crew on shore and took on 3 Bales of cotton. at 3.30 U.S.S. Ouichita arvd. with the following named transports, with troops on board, Clarabel, Des Moines, Mars, Hamilton Baltic, Choutou, at 3.45 Flag Ship made the following Signals, 1425 & 224. Actg Master E.C. Breman, and U.S.Actg Ensign H.S. Ogrady and Actg Master Mate Wm Kisner retd. on board with Co.A. after having a Skirmish with rebel cavalry, b

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 6, Cloudy and warm with a light breeze from the S.W. At 4.15 the Str. Adriatic, J.H. Lacy, S.Webster. W.J. Ewing, Swan, Diadem, Thos.E.Tutt, Liberty, Emerald, Hastings, Autocrat, Diana and John Raine arvd. with troops on board. Also the hospital Str. Woodford, 5.30 Evening Quarters, at 5.35 U.S.S. Lexington arvd. r

                                                                                                   J.F. Reed


6 – 8, Wind Sd. and Wd. Weather clear and cool. l

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12, Weather clear, and warm. Light breeze from Nd.

                                                                                                   P. H. Randolph

Amt. of coal on hand 3650 Bu. Amt. consumed March 12, 105 Bu. Amt. remaining 3545 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str Benton Commanded by Lieut. Comdr. Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 13 day of March 1864


12 – 4, Weather clear, calm, and cool, K.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 8, Clean calm and cool, at 6 sent a Boat to the opposite shore and Brought of a Rebel deserter, Jas. B. Johnson, of Holdeman Battery, at 6.30 sent him to the Flag-Ship in charge of Actg. Masters Mate, A.T. Bissel, at 7 the Clarabel , W.J.Ewing, and Sioux came up and made landing abreast of us. No. of Sick 11.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


8 – 12. Clear and warm with a fine breeze from the Wd. at 9 Inspection at Quarters. At 9.30 all hands mustered on the spar deck and read the following general order from Navy Dept. No.29, From Rear Admiral D.D.Porter No.178. At 1.00 Cos.A.B.C.&D. went ashore with small arms and equipments in charge of Lieut. Comdr. Jas. A. Greer, R

                                                                                                   J.F. Reed


12 – 4 P.M. Clear and warm with a light breeze from the Nd. at 2.45 firing of heavy guns heard off to Sd. r

                                                                                                   J.F. Reed


4 – 6 Weather clear, and cool, Light breeze from N.E. At 4 oclock Ship company in charge of Lieut Comdr. Jas.A. Greer, returned from reconnoitering Expedition, Bringing 7 Bales of cotton, at 4.20 got underweigh and steamed up the Atchafalaya, in company with U.S.Strs. Pittsburg, Carondelet, Chillicothe, Mound City, and Louisville, At 6 entered Red river.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


6 – 8, Weather clear and cool. With a light breeze from the N.E. at 7.45 tied up to the Shore for the night. k

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12 Calm, cloudy and warm. r

                                                                                                   J.F. Reed

Amount of Coal on hand 3650 Bu Consumed 105 Bu. Remaining 3545 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str Benton Commanded by Lieut. Comdr. Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 14 day of March 1864


12 – 4, Wind Sd. Weather clear, and cold. l

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


4 – 8, Weather clear, and warm, at 5.40 Got underway in company with U.S.Str. Pittsburg, Louisville, Chillicothe, Carondelet, Mound City, and Steamed up the river. No. of Sick 11

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12, Weather cloudy and cool with fresh breeze from the Nd. At 8.45 Brought four Refugees and one woman alongside. Examined their papers and let them proceed on their way down the river, At 9.30 Quarters and Divisional exercise. At 10.00 the Gunboat Carondolet landed to take on 7 Bales of cotton, at 10.15 passed the mouth of Black river. k

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


12 – 4 P.M. Cloudy, and warm with a light breeze from N.W. At 2.00 the U.S. Flag-Ship “Black-Hawk” and “Ouichita” and a light draft Gun Boat came in sight astern.

                                                                                                   J.F. Reed


4 – 6, Wind N.W. Weather cloudy and cool. 4.30 passed deserted Batteries, Eight in number, made apparently for field-pieces. At 5.30 Evening Quarters. l

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


6 – 8, Weather clear, and warm Light breeze from Ed. Danl Colleran, And Wm Green, Six hours sentry duty, Jon B.Rivers and Alvin Underwood placed in double irons for disobedience of orders.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12, Weather clear, calm, and cool. At 9 oclock the tug “Dahlia” passed down, with the news of the evacuation of Fort DeRussy. Israel Murray (contraband) punished with Eight hours Extra duty. At 9.45 The tug “Dahlia” passed up river. At 11.15 the tug “Thistle” passed down river, Danl Colleran, and Wm Green relieved from Extra duty.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner

Amt. of coal on hand 3545 Bu, Amt. consumed March 14th 142 Bu. Amt. remaining 3403 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 15 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Clear, calm, and cool, At 2 the U.S.Strs. “Pittsburg,” “Chillecothe” “Louisville” “Mound City,” “Carondelet,” “Ouchita” and Lexington, got underweigh, and proceeded up river. At 3.30 got underweigh and proceeded up the river.

                                                                                                   J.F. Reed


4 – 8 Wind Sd & Wd weather clear and cold, 5 o’clock made fast to the north bank, 7 o’clock Flag Ship “Black Hawk” arrived from below and made fast to the bank astern of us. No. of “Sick 10” 120 lbs. of steam.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12 Weather clear and warm. at 8.15 got underway and steamed up river in rear of the Transports. At 10.30 passed obstructions in tow of the U.S.Str. “Gen’l Price” Let go line from “Gen’l Price” and continued up the river. At 11 passed transport “Chouteau” tied up to the bank.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 Clear and warm with light breeze from N.E. At 1.15 tied up to the Bank below Fort DeRussey. At 1.30 The Flagship made Signals nos. 7362 & 5180, At 2 oclock sent mail on board Flagship to go up river.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 6 Clear and cool with a light breeze from the N.E. The vessel is making water at the rate of 2 feet an hour.



6 – 8 Wind N.E. weather clear and cold. Ship leaking badly, Transports “Diana” “J’no Raines” and “Baltic” depted, up river.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12 Weather clear and cool Light breeze from Ed. At 11.30 army transport steamer “Woodford” arrived from the right bank and tied up astern of the Essex, Leak decreasing, slightly.

                                                                                                   RH Randolph


Amount of Coal on hand March 14th 3403 Bu.

    “         “     “  consumed                 214   “

    “         “     “  on hand     “      15   3189   “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 16 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Weather cloudy and cool with light breeze from the Sd & Wd Leak Continuing the same.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 8 clear and warm with a fresh breeze from N.E. at 7 the U.S.Str. “Essex” passed up the river at 7.15 got underweigh and steamed up the river to Fort DeRussey No. Sick 10, 130 lb of steam.



8 – 12 Wind Sd Weather clear, and cool 9.30 Hospital Steamer “Woodford” passed up river, Starboard watch engaged in Carrying shell out of the fort. 10.30 Light draft Gunboats nos.13 & 6 arrived from up river.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


12 – 4 P.M. Clear with cool wind from Nd and Wd At 1 oclock sent the Port watch out of Fort DeRussey, on fatigue duty in charge of Acting Master N.B. Willetts. At 1.30 Acting Master E.C. Brennan, Actg. Ensigns H.S. O-Grady and Randolph in command of the Starboard watch up the river to recconistre. At 3.53 the Light draft U.S.Str. “Fort Hindman,” Depted down the river with Rebel prisoners on board.

                                                                                                   R.H. Randolph


4 – 6 Weather clear and Cool, with a light breeze from N.W. At 4.15 Acting Master E.C. Brennan, Acting Ensigns H.S. O-Grady and Randolph retd with 24 Bales of+ Cotton, put 6 Bales on board the “Essex.”

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8 clear and cool, with a light breeze from the N.W. At 6.30 the U.S.S. “Essex” crossed the river, and fired 4 shots from 100pr. Parrot at the Case mated Battery at the fort. At 7 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   J.F. Reed


8 – 12 Calm clear and cold 10.30 heard report of three very heavy explosions in direction of outer works.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


+ This cotton was taken from Mr. Brochards place (loyalty doubtful)

                                                                                                   Jas A Greer

                                                                                                   Lt. Comd’r

Amt of Coal on hand March 15th 3189 Bu

   “    “    “    Consumed  “     “      137  “

   “    “    “    on hand      “    16   3052  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 17 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Calm, Clear, and Cold.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8 Weather clear, calm and cool, No. of sick 10, 110 lbs. of Steam.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12 Clear and warm wind Sd. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters. At 10 Sent Cos.A.B.C.&D. ashore. At 11 Str. J.H. Lacy deptd up river and made fast to the right bank a short distance above.

                                                                                                   J.F. Reed


12 – 4 P.M. Wind Nd and Ed weather clear and pleasant. 2 oclock got underweigh and steamed up river Sent Companies B.&D. in tug on recconnoisance

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


4 – 6 Weather clear and warm Light breeze from Nd At 5.15 Cos. B.&D. returned from recconnoisance. At 5.10 put about, and steamed down river.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph.


6 – 8 Weather clear, calm, and cool, At 6.15 Evening Quarters. At 7.15 rounded to, and made fast to the Bank one mile above the Fort DeRussey. vessel commenced leaking very fast.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12 Clear, calm, and pleasant. The leak about the same.

                                                                                                   Richd L Evans

Amount of Coal on hand March 16th 3052 Bu.

    “         “     “  consumed                  32   “

    “         “     “  on hand     “      17   3020  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 18 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Light breeze from the N.W. Weather clear and cold, Leak about the same.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


4 – 8 clear, cool and calm ship leaking badly, transported starboard Battery to the port side, removed shell room to port Bay room No. of sick 10 120 lbs steam

                                                                                                   R.H. Randolph


8 – 12 Weather clear, and warm with light breeze from the Wd. At 8.30 strs. “Clarabel” “J.H. Lacy” “Hastings” “Autocrat” “Diana,” Hospital Boat “Woodford,” and “Jno Rainey” passed up river. At 9.45 explosion of the magazine at Fort DeRussey. At 10.15 got underway and dropped down to the Fort. At 11 oclock the U.S. Light draft Gun Boat No.6, (Cricket) came up river with Coal barge in tow. Brought mail and depdt on up river. Also the “Essex” came up and, made fast to the opposite bank and fired Several shots at the Casemated fort. minor Davis confined in double irons, on bread and water for refusing duty.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


12 – 4 weather clear and pleasant, wind from Wd At 12.45 U.S.S. “Genl’ Price,” arrived from above and passed on down river.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans,


4 – 6 Wind S.W. weather clear and cool, 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


6 – 8 Weather clear, and mild Light breeze from Sd

                                                                                                   R.H. Randolph


8 – 12 weather clear, calm and pleasant. At 8.45 A rocket sent up from the rear of the fort.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


Amount of Coal on hand March 17th 3020 Bu.

    “         “     “  Consumed                 138  “

    “         “     “  on hand     “      18   2882  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr. Jas. A. Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 19 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Clear and pleasant. At 2 oclock USTransport “Laurel Hill” arrived from below and made fast astern of us.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


4 – 8 Wind Sd and Ed. Weather clear and cool. At 7 oclock Brigr Genl’ C.J. Stone, Chief of Staff to Gen’l Banks, visited the ship. 7.30 U.S. Transport steamer “Laurel Hill” departed up river. No. of Sick 9, 100 lb steam

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12 Weather clear and mild. At 9.30 U.S. Light draft Gun-Boat “Fort Hindman” arrived from below. At 11.30 deptd up river. Sent 2 Syphon pumps and hose to the U.S. Flagship,”Black Hawk,” At 10, sent Tug, “Fern” with 15 men in charge of Actg. Master E.C. Brennen up river for water, shipped Godfry Smith 1st C.Boy.

                                                                                                   R.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M. weather clear, and warm, with light breeze from Wd. At 12.30 Tug “Fern” returned from up river.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 6 Weather clear and warm, At 5.00 a slight shower passed over. At 5.45 cloudy and pleasant, with a light breeze from Sd & Nd

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


6 – 8 Wind Sd & Wd Weather cloudy with indications of rain Israel Murray (negro) six hours extra duty on pumps.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees.


8 – 12 From 8 to 8.30 cloudy with light rain. From 8.30 to 12 cloudy and calm. Two Ladies came down to the ship, and reported that the Negroes in Surrounding Country were armed and becoming violent.

                                                                                                   R.H. Randolph


Amt of Coal on hand March 18th 2882 Bu

   “    “    “    Consumed  “     “       64  “

   “    “    “    on hand      “    19   2818  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 20 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Light breeze from Nd and Ed, Weather cloudy and cool, with light showers of rain. At 2 oclock released Israel Murray from Extra duty.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 8 Cloudy and cool, with strong breeze from Nd & Ed. At 7.30 raining. No of Sick 19, 102 lb steam

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


8 – 12 Wind Nd weather, clear and cold, 9 oclock inspection at Quarters. 9.30 Divine Service. river rose 5 inches within the last 24 hours.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


12 – 4 P.M. Weather cloudy and cool, Light breeze from Nd. At 2.10 U.S. Transport Steamer “Laurel Hill” arrived from above. At 3.30 she departed down river.


4 – 6 Weather Cool, and rainy, with light breeze from the Nd & Ed. At 4.30 the light draft Gun Boat “Fort Hindman,” passed down river. At 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8 Cool with continued rain. Light breeze from Nd and Ed.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


8 – 12 Wind Nd & Ed weather cold with frequent showers of rain 11 oclock, U.S.N. Transport str. “New National” arrived from below and went alongside Gunboat “Essex,” sent dispatches on board for Capt. J.M. Anderson. Alexandria

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


Amt of coal on hand March 19 2818 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      39  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   20  2779  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 21 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Weather clear, and cool, Light breeze from Nd.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8 Cool, with rain. at 6.45 Str. “New National” came alongside, and delivered the following Stores, in the several departs., in Paymasters dept. 25Bls. Bread 10do Potatoes, 10 Kegs butter, 1 Box tape. in Sailmaker’s dept. 2 Bolts 4 Canvass, 76yds. 2 olts Osenburg Cloth. 95yds. 12 ½ lb hemp sewing twine and 3 pieces awing. In Boatswain’s dept. 4. 9in double Blocks (1 missing) 4, 9in Single Blocks. In Carpenter’s dept. 12 deck buckets. 1Bbl. Coal oil. 42Gals 1doz. 2 ½ in padlocks, 1doz. do papers 8oz. tacks 3 lb lamp wick 5 Bys tin, 2 Bbls, Land oil, In Engineer’s dept. 2 Bbls. land oil 1 Coil hose, and Cylinder Cock. 2 Bund Gas pipe. At 7.30 “New National” shoves off, and Deptd up river. No Sick 18. 115 lb. Steam. Frank Cloyton 2class fireman came on board from New National. The missing blocks lost overboard by a deck hand of “New National.”

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans,


8 – 12 Cloudy and cold with strong wind from Nd & Wd 9 oclock Str. “Mars” passed down river. 9.45 Inspection at Quarters and divisional exercise. At 10 oclock Str. “Baltic” arrived from above, sent the tug alongside of her to pull her off the bank. At 10.45 dropped down the river 200yds and made fast to the bank. At 11 oclock Str. “Baltic” departed down river.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel,


12 – 4 Strong breeze from the Nd weather cloudy and cold 3.30 Gunboat “Gen’l Price,” passed up river two Coal barges in tow, shipped the following men, Quetin Ch’outeaux 2nd Class Boy and Henry Dent 2nd Class Boy.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


4 – 6 Weather cloudy, and cool, with Strong breeze from Nd & Ed frequent showers of violent rain. delivered to tug “Fern” 179 Bu. Coal.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


6 – 8  Weather Cold, with heavy rain, and occasional Squalls of wind from Nd & Ed  

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12 Cloudy, with strong wind from Ed.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


Amt of coal on hand March 20 2779 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      38  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   21  2741  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas. A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 22 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Cloudy, cool and rainy, wind N.E.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


4 – 8 Cloudy, and Cold, Light breeze from Nd 80 lb steam No. of sick 19

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12 Weather clear and Cool, with a light breeze from the Nd & Ed. At 10.45 the Str. “Luminary” passed up the river. At 11 oclock Battalion, and company drill on shore


12 – 4 P.M. Clear, and cool with a fresh breeze from the Nd & Ed.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


4 – 6 Wind Nd & Wd. Weather clear and Cold 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


6 – 8 Weather clear and Cool, Light air from the W.N.W. At 7.15 U.S. Str. “Cricket” passed down river with dispatches to Fort Hudson.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12 Weather clear calm, and cool. John Corcoran punished with 4 hours extra duty for missing his muster. At 12 oclock Strs “Meteor” “Baltic” and “Mars” passed up river, the “Baltic,” and “Mars” with troops on board at 12 oclock released John Corcoran from extra duty.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


Amt of coal on hand      March    21 2741 Bu.

   “    “    “ delivered to tug “Fern”      179  “

   “    “    “   Consumed   “            “      46  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “        22nd   2516  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comd’r Jas A Greer U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 23 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Clear calm and cool river raising rapidly

                                                                                                   H Simonton


4 – 8 Clear Calm and cool. Light Breeze from the Nd & Ed No of sick 24 100 lb steam

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel.


8 – 12 Clear and pleasant with fresh breeze from Ed. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters and afterwards exercised Co.  “A” with single stick

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


12 – 4 P.M. Wind Ed weather clear and cool Co. “B.” exercised with single sticks

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


4 – 6 Weather clear and cool Light breeze from N.E. 5.30 Evening Quarters. at 5.40 Fire Quarters

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


6 – 8 Weather clear and pleasant with light air from Ed

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12 Clear, calm, and cool

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


Amt of coal on hand March 22 2516 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      40  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   23  2476  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 24 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Clear, calm, and cool. At 2 oclock Str “Rob Roy,” passed up the river to Alexandria with commissary stores.At 3.55 the U.S.Str. “Cricket” passed up the river from Port Hudson.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel.


4 – 8 Cloudy, calm, and cool. At 4.45 Str. “Black Hawk” passed by bound up river. At 7.00 Fresh breeze from Ed Buford released from confinement. No. of sick 29. 100 lb. steam.

                                                                                                   Richard L. Evans.


8 – 12 Strong breeze from the N.E. Weather , cloudy and cold occasional light showers of rain 9.30 General Quarters

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees.


12 – 4 Weather cloudy and cool wind variable. at 1.00 Str. “Luminary,” deptd down river. At 2.35 U.S. Transport Str. “Laurel Hill,” with troops on board passed up river. At 2.40 Str “LaCross” passed up river.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 6 Weather cloudy and pleasant with light air from Ed 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8 Cloudy and cool wind Ed.

                                                                                                   H Simonton,


8 – 12 Cloudy and cool wind Ed. At 8.30, John R. Reynolds confined in double irons for fighting. Minor Davis confined in double irons for insolence

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


Amt of coal on hand March 23 2476 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      29  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   24  2447  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 25 day of March 1864


12 – 4 Cloudy and cool with light breeze from Ed At 3 oclock clear

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans,


4 – 8 Wind Wd. Weather clear and cold recd. Gun boat “Fort Hindman” fresh beef for use of crew. 7 oclock Gun boat “Fort Hindman” passed down from above with barge laden with Cotton in tow. U.S.N. Tow Boat Brown, arrived from down river with barge of coal in tow. No of sick 24 100 lbs. steam.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12 Weather clear and pleasant. Light breeze from N.W. At 10.50 Naval Transport “New National” arrived from above exercised Co. “C” in single sticks. Wm Mullen (Sea) discharged. Reced from “New National” one Box Lamp awings for tug “Fern.” 9.30 General Quarters.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M. Weather clear and cool with light breeze from N.W. Chas Olden (Contraband) sent on board “New National” to go to hospital at Memphis. At 1.30 str. “Meteor,” passed down river with rebel prisoners on board. Drilled Co. “D” on shore with single sticks.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Clear, cool and pleasant. Wind Nd and Wd At 4.30 sent the tug to pull the tow Boat “Brown” off the Bar. At 5.30 Evening Quarters. The tow boat “Brown” deptd up river, with coal barge in tow.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


6 – 8  Clear and pleasant with light air from Sd and Ed at 8.00 a transport with troops followed by the tug “Alfred Downing” passed up the river.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Wind Wd weather clear and cold 10 o’clock Alvin Eldridge (sea) and Sam’l Roberts (Sea) deserted while on post, taking two ships pistols with

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


Amt of coal on hand March 24 2447 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      30  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   25  2417  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 26 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool light air from Wd

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear, calm and cool At 5 o’clock the U.S.Q.M. str. “Iberville,” passed up river. At 5.15 the tow boat “Brown” deptd up river. At 5.30 the Dispatch str. “New National,” deptd down the river. At 5.45 the str. “Jennie Rodgers” passed up river with troops on board. At 7 o’clock the tug “Fern” deptd up river on a recconnoitring expedition with Act’9. Master N.B. Willetts, Actg Ensign Randolph, Actg master’s mate Bisel and Pilot Murray and Co. “B” on board. No. of Sick 15. 100, lb. steam. On examination found that the two deserters had taken two army pistols from No. 5 Gun.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Weather clear, and warm, with light air from Wd At 10.30 U.S.Q.M. str. “Warner” with troops passed up the river, Scrubbed rammers sponges – handspikes lock strings & c.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


12 – 4 P.M. Wind Sd Weather clear and pleasant.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


4 – 6  Weather clear and pleasant with light breeze from Sd 5.15 Evening Quarters

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Clear, calm and pleasant Jno.B.Rivers six hours sentry duty. At 6.25 Tug “Fern” returned from recconnoitering up river sixteen (16) skiffs and eight (8) scows were destroyed and a deserter who said he belonged to N York Calling himself Benson Brewry was captured. Brought on board and placed in double irons. When captured he and a comrade, who succeeded in escaping, were pillaging and abusing the Ladies at the different plantations.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans,


8 – 12  Clear and cool. At 8.00 str. “Mattie Stephens” passed down river at 8.15 U.S.Q.M. str. Col Cowles passed up river.

                                                                                                   H Simonton


Amt of coal on hand March 25th 2417 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “       34  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   26   2383  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 27 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Wind weather clear and cold. 12.15 U.S.Q.M. Str. passed up river 1, oclock U.S. Tug “Cleveland” passed down

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


4 – 8  Weather clear calm and pleasant. At 4.30 the Str. “Laurel Hill” passed down river 1.05 lb steam No of Sick 15

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant with cool breeze from Sd Minor Davis (sea) released from confinement. At 9 oclock Inspection at Quarters, mustered all hands on the Spar deck and read the following gen’l orders: RA.D.D. Porter, 182 and 186, and Special order of March 13, 1864. 9.30 Divine Service 10 oclock Cos. “C” and “D,” in charge of Act’g master E.C.Brennan accompanied by J.V.Starr, chief Engineer, W.C.Roberts, Pilot, - W.J.Lees H.L.OGrady Ensigns R.Ratchford Carptr H Simonton and R.L.Evans, Actg master’s mates departed up river on the Tug to recconnoitor. At 11.45 the U.S.S. “Fort Hindman,” passed up river with a barge in tow sent Benson Brewry, deserter, from 2nd New York Cavlry on board of her to be returned to his regiment.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


12 – 4 P.M.  Weather clear, and warm, Fresh breeze from Sd At 1.55 an army Transport with troops onboard passed up river.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph.


4 – 6  Weather cloudy and pleasant, with fresh breeze from Sd. At 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Strong breeze from Sd. weather cloudy and cool with indications of rain. 6.20 Scouting party returned on tug bringing 13 Bales of Cotton taken from an abandoned plantation formerly belonging to *Mr. Johnson.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12  Weather cloudy and cool with fresh breeze from Sd

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph

         * This Cotton is claimed by a Mr. Vainche – a foreigner and merchant.

                                                                                                   Jas.A. Greer

                                                                                                   Lt. Comdr.


Amt of coal on hand March 26 2383 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      35  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   27   2348  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 28 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Fresh breeze from the Ed Weather cool with light showers of rain.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant with occasional showers Wind Sd and Wd No. of sick 15. 100 stream

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Raining heavily at 8.00 Transport “Illinois” arrived from below with troops – having on board the two deserters Samuel Roberts and Alvin Eldredge who were returned to us and placed in double irons upon their arrival on board, two ships pistols which they had carraid off with them were recovered. J.B.Reynolds released from confinement 9.20 Cos. “A & B” in charge of Actg master E.C.Brennan accompanied by messrs. Starr, Willetts, O’Grady, Randolph, Brey & Kisner went aboard the tug up river after Cotton. 11.30 U.S.Q.M.D. John Warner, passed down the river, at 12 M clearing off.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans,


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear and pleasant, Wind Wd 2 oclock strs. “Autocrat,” “Diana” and “Baltic,” passed down. 2.40 the Mittie Stephens passed up,

                                                                                                   H Simonton.


4 – 6  Wind Wd Weather cloudy and cold 5.20 scouting party returned on tug Bringing eighteen (18) Bales * of Cotton from the abandoned plantation of Mr. Johnson a noted rebel

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


6 – 8  Weather clear and mild, Light air from the Wd At 6.10 Evening Quarters, Hiram Dix on six hours extra duty for failing repeatedly to answer at muster of the watch

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Light breeze from the Wd Weather clear and cool.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


* See note preceeding page

                                                                                                   Jas. A. Greer


Amt of coal on hand March 27 2348 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      28  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   28  2320  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas. A. Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 29 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Clear and cool with strong breeze from Sd.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 8  Clear and pleasant with fresh breeze from Wd 7 o’clock Cos. “C & D” Ac’tg. master E.C.Brennen, Comd’g accompanied by Messrs. Starr, Willetts, O’Grady, Lees, and Ratchford went up the river on the tug for more Cotton. 100 lbs. Steam. No. of Sick 12

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Weather clear and mild strong breeze from Wd 8.40 U.S.Str. “Signal” No.8, arrived from below, delivered mail to this vessel and continued up. Sent dispatch by Gunboat No.8 to R.A. Porter, At 11.15 an army Q.M.str. passed down.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


12 – 4  Weather clear and pleasant with strong wind from N.N.W. at 3.45 ( Tug arrived from up river, with scouting party, and 17 Bales of Cotton, 9 Bales from Johnson’s place claimed by a Mr. Vainche and 8 from Brouchard’s place.) Brochards loyasity (loyalty) is doubtful.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant wind N.W. at 5.00 U.S. Tow Boat Ike Hammitt, with coal barge in tow, arrived from below, and made landing ahead of us.

                                                                                                   H Simonton.


6 – 8  Clear and cool with light breeze from Nd and Wd.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear, calm and cool.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


Amt of coal on hand March 28 2320 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      28  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   29  2292  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 30 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Wind Nd Weather clear and cool

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


4 – 8  Clear calm and cool. at 5.15 Cos. “A,B,C & D” in charge of Actg master E.C.Brennen departed inland on a recconnoitreing expidition at 7.00 Str. “Luminary” with troops on board passed up river. No sick 12  100 lb steam

                                                                                                   H. Simonton.


8 – 12  Wind Wd weather clear and pleasant 9.30 U.S.N Tow Boat “Ike Hammitt” departed up river.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


12 – 4  clear and pleasant with light breeze from the Nd and Wd at 12.15 scouting party departed down river in charge of W.J. Lees Actg. Ensign accompanied by the following officers C.G. Lounds Actg Asst. Paymaster Wm Roberts Pilot and S. Walkinshaw Actg. asst. Engineer. At 2.15 Str. Mattie Stephens arrived from above and made landing below the “Essex” at 2.30 str. Mattie Stephens departed down river.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant Wind Wd At 5.30 scouting party in charge of Mr. Brennen returned bringing with them the following cotton, 46 Bales from Mr. Guilbert (a noted rebel) 10 Bales from Mr. Gangros, (said to be Loyal) 3 from Mr. Garrot (said to be loyal) At 5.30 Tug returned from scouting bringing 20 Bales of cotton from Justin Junraus place (sentiments not known) 10 Bales from G.W. Snoddy’s place (sentiments not known) and 1 damaged Bale from Justin Normand’s place (said to be union)

                                                                                                   H. Simonton.


6 – 8  Cloudy calm and pleasant at 6.30 U.S. Transport “John Rains,” and U.S.Str. “Signal” arrived from below, and made fast to the bank above us. Light breeze from Sd

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Wind Sd and Ed Weather clear and cold 11.30 Transport Str. “Illinois” arrived from above.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees.


Amt of coal on hand March 29 2292 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      28  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   30  2164  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 31 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Weather cloudy and cold – Light breeze from Sd.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear, calm and warm. at 4.45 str. “Meteor” passed up river with troops on board. At 4.30 str. “Illinois” and “John Rains” departed down river. At 5.15 the Light draft Gunboat “Signal” departed down river at 5.20 got underweigh and proceeded up river. No Sick 12. 130 lb steam.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind S.W. at 9.00 made fast to the right bank about 10 miles above Fort DeRussey to pack throttle vales of the port Engine. At 9.15 str. “Bagley” with a Cargo of Contrabands passed down. Actg 2nd Assistant Engineer A.A. Jinks, placed under Suspension for neglect of duty, at 10.00 Inspection at Quarters. At 10.15 finished repairing engine and got under way.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy with occasional showers strong wind from Sd and Wd at 2.15 Sent tug to left shore to destroy a skiff.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant fresh breeze from Sd still steaming up the river. Tug Captured one skiff and destroyed one scow evening Quarters at 5.30.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


6 – 8  Wind Wd weather clear and cold. Transferred to tug “Fern” 51 Bu. Coal. 6.30 made fast to left bank.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12  Weather clear and cool, Fresh breeze from Nd 5 in. water in forward pumps and 3 in. aft pumps

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


Jas. A. Greer

Lt Com’dr

Comdg “Benton”


Amt of coal on hand March 30 2164 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      74  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   31  2090  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 1 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool with fresh breeze from Nd & Wd

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Clear and cool wind N.W. No of Sick 12  110 lb steam

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


8 – 12  Clear and cool with Strong wind from Nd & Wd 9 oclock got underway and steamed up river. At 9.30 General Quarters. At 9.45 Sent tug ashore with five men, and destroyed four flat boats at 10.30 destroyed 2 skiffs at 11.30 destroyed 1 flat boat and one skiff.

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear and cool with fresh breeze from Nd and Wd At 1.45 Came to on the left bank of the river, destroyed one skiff and 1 scow at 2.30 Coaling tug.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


4 – 6  Wind Nd and Wd Weather clear and cold. Transferred to tug “Fern” 120 Bu Coal. 5.40 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


6 – 8  weather clear mild and calm.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  weather clear and calm.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


Amt of coal on hand March 31 2090 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “    200  “

   “    “    “ delivered to tug           51

   “    “    “   on hand  April  1st 1839  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 2nd day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear calm and Cool and very foggy Water 5 in. forward and 3in aft.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


4 – 8  Calm, cool and foggy. River falling very fast, 100 lb steam No Sick 12.

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant with light breeze from Wd at 9 oclock the river was found to have fallen 4 inches within the last twenty hours.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


12 – 4 P.M.  Wind S.W. Weather clear and cool. 1.30 Transport str. “Universe” passed up river; Sent a dispatch on board for R.A. Porter. 2.30 U.S. transport str. “Laurel Hill” passed up river. 3.30 Gunboat “Lafayette” and “Choctaw” and U.S.N. Tow Boat “Ike Hammitt,” the latter having three Barges in tow, one of which was laden with Cotton passed down river. 3.30 Gunboat “Ouchita” passed down river.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees.


4 – 6  Weather clear and mild Light breeze from S.E. 4.05 sent mail and Dispatch to Comd’r Townsend of the “Essex” by U.S.S. “Lafayette” Actg 2nd Asst. Engineer A.A. Jinks returned to duty. 5.20 Evening Quarters.


6 – 8  Weather clear and pleasant with light breeze from S.E.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear calm and cool water 4in forward and 5in, aft. at 11 oclock James Brown (Contraband) died.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


Amt of coal on hand April 1st   1839 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “    160  “

   “    “    “  to tug “Fern”           120

   “    “    “   on hand       “ 2nd  1559  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 3rd day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear and cool with light breeze from Ed Water 5in forward and 4in aft.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


4 – 8  Cloudy and cool with fresh breeze from Sd and Ed No. sick 10. 110 lb steam

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Strong breeze from Sd weather Cloudy and cool, with light showers of rain. 9’ ocl’ock Inspection at quarters 9.15 General Muster, and read articles of war. 9.30 Divine Service 10 oclock Lieut Comdr Jas.A.Greer, Actg master Willets, Actg Ensigns PH Randolph Pilot John Murray Actg Chief Engineer

J.V. Starr Actg.asst. Paymaster C.G. Lounds and asst. Surgeon C.J. Wells left for Alexandria, Rapids Parish Lou. on tug “Fern.” Burried James Brown (Contraband) belonging to this vessel, River receeded 4in. within the last 24 hours ending at 9 oclock a.m.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


12 – 4 P.M.  Light breeze from the S.E. weather cloudy with light showers of rain at 12-15 the Str. U.S.Q.M.D. “John “Warner” passed up river.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Cloudy with light air from the S.W. Chas.T. Simpson confined in Single irons on bread and water for using profane language. at 5.20 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                H Simonton


6 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant with light breeze from Sd and Wd Thomas Perkins, Andrew Olson and Frank Johnson four (4) hours extra duty for missing their muster. At 6.30 Lt. Comdr Jas.A. Greer, Actg Master Willetts Actg Ensign P.H. Randolph Pilot John Murray Actg Chief Engineer J.V. Starr, Actg Asst. Paymaster CG Lounds  asst.Surgeon C.J. Wells returned from Alexandria on board tug “Fern”

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear and cool with strong breeze from Wd at 12 oclock 5in. water forward and 2in. aft.

                                                                                                Richd L Evans


Amt of coal on hand April  2nd  1559 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      51  “

   “    “    “                     “   3rd  1508  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 4 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Strong Northerly winds: weather, cloudy and cold.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


4 – 8  Weather clear and cool Strong breeze from the N.W. No of sick 14

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather clear and cool with strong breeze from the N.W. at 4.45 General Quarters. river falling at the rate of 2in. in the last twenty four hours. ending at 9 A.M. Charles T. Simpson released from Confinement.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


12 – 4  Clear and pleasant wind N.W. the following named men were rated. Wm Course from Sea. to Ship’s Cook Joseph Trask from Landsman to O.Sea Frank H Vuder, from landsman to Ord.Sea. James Armstrong from landsman to O.Sea. David Kinneman from Landsman to O.Sea. Alfred Bruster from 1 class Boy to landsman Danl Harrington from 1st class Boy to landsman, Chas Taylor from Landsman to O.Sea. Nelson Glatfelty from Landsman to O.Sea Jas.T. Donohue from Landsman to O.Sea. David Crawford from Landsman to O.Sea. John Donnan from O.Sea to Sea. Daniel McCarty from Landsman to O.Sea. and Wm Howe from Landsman to O.Sea. Drilled Co. “B” in manual of Arms.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton,


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant Light breeze from Nd and Wd at 4.10 Strs “Battle” “Shrevesport,” with troops passed up river. at 4.30 Strs “Mittie Stephens” with troops passed up river at 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


6 – 8  Clear and pleasant with light breeze from Nd and Wd.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Calm clear & Cold 9.45 General Quarters 1st Guns fully prepared in min and 55 sec. all the Batteries ready in 5 min. & 30 sec. Saw light of large fire in a Southwesterly direction.


Amt of coal on hand April  3rd   1508 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        49  “

   “              on hand      “   4     1459  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A. Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 5 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather, clear, Calm and cool

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear calm and fine No. of Sick 14. 105 lb Steam.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear and warm, wind S.W. 9.30 Str. “Mittie Stephens” passed down at 10.00 the U.S.Q.M. Str. “Sallie Robinson,” passed up river fell 4 ½ in. within the last twenty four hours ending at 10.00 A.M. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters and divisional exercise

                                                                                                   H. Simonton,


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear, calm and warm drilled Cos. “A, C & D” in manual of Arms. Thomas Perkins, Chas Roepeck and John Outlaw on Black List for three days.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


4 – 6  Weather clear, calm, and warm, at 5.30 Evening Quarters, The following lumber was taken from an abandoned plantation and Sawmill above Madam George’s landing. 200ft yellow pine Boards and 50ft oak boards.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


6 – 8  Weather clear calm and pleasant.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  clear calm and cool. At 12 o’clock water stood 6in forward and 7in aft.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton.  


Amt of coal on hand April  4     1459 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        75  “

   “              on hand      “   5     1384  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 6 day of April 1864


12 – 4  clear, calm and pleasant. Water 5in forward and 6in aft

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 8  clear, Calm, and pleasant, 90 lb steam No of sick 13

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Wind Sd weather clear and pleasant. 8.30 U.S.Q.M.D.Str. Jas Battle, passed down river under convoy of Gunboat “Gen’l Price.” 9.30 General Quarters river fell 4 ½ in within the last twenty four hours ending at 9 o’clock A.M. Charles Vinegar (Negro) Confined in double irons on bread and water for disobedience of orders. Co. “B” exercised with single sticks.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


12 – 4 P.M.  Weather clear and warm light breeze from Wd. at 2.30 Str. “Sallie Robinson” passed down river. at 3.15 Str. “Alice Vivian” passed up. Cos “A & D” exercised with Single Stick.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph.


4 – 6  Weather clear and pleasant, with light breeze from the Wd at 5.30 Evening Quarters. At 5.45 Fire Quarters, water 50 sec. reported all red in 1 min and 55 sec.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant Wind S.W.                                          

                                                                                                   H Simonton


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind from Sd & Wd

                                                                                                   A.T. Biset.


Amt of coal on hand April  5     1387 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        61  “

   “              on hand      “   6     1323  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 7 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Cloudy calm and pleasant.

                                                                                                   Richard L. Evans


4 – 8  Weather cloudy calm, and mild. No. of Sick 13, No lb of Steam 95

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather cloudy and warm with light breeze from the Sd River falling at the rate of four (4) inches in the last twenty four hours ending at 9 a.m. At 10.30 Inspection at quarters.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


12 – 4  Cloudy with heavy rain Wind N.E. At 1.30. U.S. Dispatch str. General Lyon arrived from below and came alongside. Received from the General Lyons in the following departments the following stores. Engineers department 5bls. Lard Oil 201 ½ Galls.

4., 1 ½in Couplings;  4. 11/4 in Couplings  4 1in Couplings;

4,     ¾ “       “          4    ½  “         “      4. 3/8 “     “      ;

4,  1 ½ “ Elbows       4,  1 ¼ “  Elbows    4,  1 “  Elbows;

4,  ¾   “      “            4    ½  “       “         4  3/8 “     “    ;

4,  1 ½ “  Union        4, 1 ¼  “  Union      4, 1  “  Union   ;

4,  ¾  “       “            4,  ½   “      “          4, 3/8 “     “     ;

29. ¾ ft 1 ½ in Gas pipe 31ft 1 ¼ in Gas pipe 28 2/3ft 1in ditto;

30 ½  “    ¾  “    “     “    33    ½   “   “      “   26 “ 3/8  “    “   ;

50ft 1 ¾ siphon Hose, 1 cylinder Cock. In Sailmaker’s Dept.

5 Wind Sailmaker’s Dept. 5 Wind Sails, 6 lb Hemp Sewing twine, 3 doz Sewing Needles, 2 Bolts 4 Canvas 76 yds. 2 Bolts Osnoburg 94 yds. in Carpenters Dept. 1 doz bath brick 1 doz 14 ft oars 1 Keg white paint. 1 Keg Black paint. 50ft 11x22 glass. Masters Dept 4 10in Snatch block 2-4 qs. blank books 1 doz Hickory Brooms, 1 doz Corn Brooms, 1 Coil 12 hemp rope, 103 lb. 1 Coil Hammock lashing 73 1 Coil Signal Halliards Lard oil, 41 Galls. 3 Bbls spun yarn. 50” 9 white Envelopes large. 2,9in. double blocks 2, 9in Single blocks, 1 doz Hand Lanterns, At 3.30 str. Gen’l Lyon let go from alongside and departed up the river. At 3.30 str. “Polar Star” passed up the river with troops on board. At 1 oclock heard several reports of heavy guns off in the S.W.

In Paymasters department recd from “Gen’l Lyon” the following list stores

25 Bbs Bread 7,, Beef 8,, Pork 10,, Flour 2, Rice 10,, Coffee 8, ,, Sugar, 6 Kegs Butter 5,, Pickles 6 Bbs Dried apples 15,, Potatoes 3 bxs Tobacco, 1,, Handkerchiefs 1,, shaving boxes 1,, shaving soap 1,, D.E. Buttons 1,, wisp Brooms 1,, Spoons 1,, Blacking: 100 Tin pans, 100 tin pots, 50 mess pans, 5 Bales Burnsley sheeting Frock 7,, Canvass duck trowsers. 2 Boxes socks, 3,, round Jackets, 3 Cloth pants, 2 Bales satinet, 1 Bale Canvass Duck, 2,, Nankis, 2 Bxs shoes and 1 Box boots.

                                                                                                   H Simonton


4 – 6  Weather cloudy and raining. Wind Sd & Ed At 5 Oclock str. Benefit arrived from below, made fast to our starboard fantail and delivered the following stores for the Carpenter’s Dept. viz 300ft. Matched flouring, 300ft. Pine Boards, at 5.30 st. Benefit departed up the river at 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


6 – 8  Raining heavily light air from Nd & Wd.

                                                                                                   Rich’d L. Evans.


8 – 12  Weather cloudy calm and mild occasional showers

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


Amt of coal on hand April  6th   1323 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        60  “

   “              on hand      “   7th   1263  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 8 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather cloudy and warm with light breeze from the Wd

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant, wind Wd River rising eight (8) inches during the last twenty four (2) hours ending at 8 oclock A.M.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind from Sd and Wd, at 8.30 Lieut Comdr Jas. A Greer, Pilot Jno Murray, Actg. Master N.B. Willets, Actg. Asst. Paymaster C.G. Lounds, Actg. Ensign P Randolph, Actg. Master’s Mates Simonton and Evans and, 1st Asst. Engineer S. Walkinshaw departed up river to Alexandria Rapids, on Tug “Fern.” at 9.30 Inspection at Quarters, at 10 oclock U.S. Despatch Str. “Genl Lyons,” passed down river, Sent Dispatches, and mail onboard her,

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


12 – 4 P.M.  clear and pleasant, Light breeze from Sd and Wd

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


4 – 6  Weather clear and pleasant with light breeze from Wd at 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Clear, calm, and pleasant, at 6.30 Lieut. Comd’r  Jas. A Greer, Pilot Jno. Murray Actg. master N.B. Willets Actg. Asst. Paymaster C.G. Lounds, Actg. Ensign Randolph, Actg master mates Simonton and Evans, and Actg. 1st Asst. Engineer S. Walkinshaw, returned from Alexandria Rapids on tug “Fern”

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear, calm and pleasant. at 9.45 str. “Red Chief” passed up the river.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


Amt of coal on hand April  7     1263 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        60  “

   “              on hand      “   9     1203  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 9 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool Light air from Wd

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear and cool with light breeze from Nd and Wd at 6.15 the Str. “Jennie Rodgers” passed down the river, at 7.30 the Gunboat “Genl’ Price” passed up the river, with Coal Barge in tow. No. of sick 13, 100 lb steam.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear, and pleasant wind Wd river falling at the rate of 1 ½ in in 24 hours. 11.20 Steamer “Luminary” passed down.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton.


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy and cool strong wind from Wd at 1 oclock Company “A” in charge of Actg Ensign Randolph, accompanied by Carpenter Ratchford departed up river in tug “Fern” to get Lumber at 1.30 Str. Chouteau passed down the river. Released from confinement Charles Vinegar – Charles Smith (1st C.F.) Confined in double irons on bread and water for insolence to superior Officer, at 3.30 str. “Ohio Belle” passed up the river with rebel prisoners, Boarded her, and received late papers.

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant with fresh breeze from the Wd at 5.10 the Tug “Fern” returned with 150,ft. Pine lumber for the “Benton,” and 4000 ft. for the “Black-Hawk” obtained at a saw mill, on the plantation of John Williams (deserted) at 5.25 Tug left to deliver to the Black Hawk at Alexandria, 4000 ft. of the lumber.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans,


6 – 8  Clear calm and pleasant Mr. Barnes Paymaster’s clerk placed under suspension for disrespectful language to his superior Officer.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear calm and cool at 8.30 Tug “Fern” returned from up river Actg Ensign Randolph returned on board.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


Amt of coal on hand April  8     1203 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        63  “

   “              on hand      “   9     1140  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 10 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear Calm, and Cool

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


4 – 8  From 4 to 6 heavy fog upon the river 6 to 8 clear calm and pleasant No of sick 15, 100 lb steam

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Weather clear and warm Light breeze from N.W. At 10.10 army dispatch str. “Silver Lake,” No.2 passed up river with dispatches from Gen’l’ Sherman at Nashville to Admiral Porter. 9.30 Inspection at Quarters.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M. Weather clear and warm with light breeze from S.W. at 12.45 the Str. “Shenango” passed up river Boarded her and received papers.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Cloudy and pleasant wind S.W. at 5.30 Tug came alongside, and commenced coaling. At 6.00 finished coaling tug she having taken aboard 53 Bu.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


6 – 8  Clear, calm, and pleasant, at 6.10 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear calm and pleasant.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


Amt of coal on hand April  9     1140 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        52  “

   “              on hand      “   10     1088  “

LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 11 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather Foggy Calm and cool

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Weather Cool with heavy fog. At 7 Oclock sent Cos. B. and D. on tug in charge of Actg master N.B. Willetts, and Carpenter Ratchford, to go up river for lumber, River fell 6in. during the last 24 hours ending at 8 o’clock, No. of sick 15, 80 lb. steam

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Clear and warm wind S.W. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters. At 10.30 Tug returned from up river bringing 7660 ft. of lumber from abandoned plantation- Took 600 ft on board for ship’s use. At 11.15 Tug departed up river with 6460 ft. lumber for “Black-Hawk” Actg. master N.B. Willetts, Actg. Ensign P.H. Randolph Actg asst. Paymaster CGLounds, Asst. Surgeon C.J.S.Wells and Pilot Mr. Murray departed up river on Tug. No sick 16.

                                                                                                H Simonton


12 – 4  Clear and pleasant wind Sd & Ed Joseph Newkirk placed on Black-list for one week for neglect of duty.

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant – Strong breeze from Sd & Ed At 4.45 steamer Mittie Stephens passed up the river. Boarded her for papers. At 5.30 Evening Quarters. Tug “Fern” returned, By her received in Paymaster’s Dept. 4 Bbls Beans from “Black-Hawk”

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


6 – 8  Weather clear and mild. Fresh breeze from S.W.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Cloudy, calm and pleasant. At 11 oclock steam, Louisiana Belle passed up the river.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


Amt of coal on hand April  10th  1088 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        51  “

   “           delivered to Tug   “       53

   “              on hand  April 11     984  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Com. Jas A Grier, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 12 day of April 1864


12 – 4 A.M.  Clear, calm and cool

                                                                                                H. Simonton


4 – 8  Weather cloudy, calm and pleasant. At 7.30 Sent Co “A” and ten (10) men of Co “C.” on board the Tug in charge of Actg. master N.B.Willetts to go up river for lumber Chas E. Smith, 2nd class fireman released from Confinement No. of Sick 16.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant light wind from Wd at 9.30 Inspection at Quarters.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans,


12 – 4 P.M. Weather clear, and warm Light breeze from the N.W. 12.40 Tug “Fern” returned from up river with 7100 ft. of lumber (7000 for “Black-Hawk” 100ft for “Benton”) taken from a saw mill on an abandoned plantation, also one turning lathe, from Same place for ships use. At 1.15 Tug “Fern” in charge of Actg master N.B. Willetts departed up river with lumber for U.S.Str. “Black-Hawk”

                                                                                                PH Randolph


4 – 6  Weather clear and warm with light breeze from N.W. at 5.30 Evening Quarters. Henry Gouch’e (contraband) placed in double irons for fighting at 5.45 the U.S. Transport “Laurel Hill” passed down river, and tied up at the point below

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Clear and pleasant wind S.W. at 6.30 Tug “Fern” returned from up river with Actg master Willetts Actg masters mate Bissel & Simonton Pilot Murray and Carpenter Ratchford. at 7.00 the Laurel Hill departed down river.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


8 – 12  Clear, calm and pleasant

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel,


Amt of coal on hand April  11      984 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        48  “

   “              on hand      “   12     936  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 13 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear, calm and pleasant.

                                                                                                Richd L Evans


4 – 8  Weather clear, calm, and warm, at 7.15 Tug “Fern” departed up river with Co. “D,” and two Contrabands, in charge of Actg Master Willetts, accompanied by actg Carpenter Ratchford, water fell six inches during last 24 hours No. of Sick 18, 30 lb steam

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant with light breeze from the S.E. 9.30 Inspection at Quarters. At 10.00 sent Mr. Bissel with armed Boats Crew to cut a spar. 10.30 Mr. Bissel returned with Boats Crew. Sparred the vessel off the Bank into 15 ft. water.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear and pleasant, wind S.W. at 1.30 “Tug Fern” returned from up river with 10,000 ft. lumber for the “Black-Hawk” at 1.45 Tug departed up river.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


4 – 6  Cloudy with light breeze from Nd and Ed at 5.30 Evening Quarters, at 5.40 U.S. Transport “James Battle” passed up. Pilot Roberts Boarded her, and received late papers

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel.


6 – 8  Cloudy calm and pleasant at 7 Oclock tug “Fern” returned from Alexandria

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Weather cloudy, calm and mild occasional showers of rain at 9.30 str. Starlight passed up river Boarded her

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


Amt of coal on hand April  12      936 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        21  “

   “              on hand      “   13     915  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 14 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather cool and rainy with light breeze from the S.W.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Cloudy cool rainy at 6.00 the Str. “Time and Tide,” passed up sent Tug alongside her, at 6.15 Tug “Fern” departed up river with Co. “B” and Contrabands, in charge of Actg. Master Willetts, No. of Sick 18, 30 lb. Steam.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


8 – 12  Cloudy and cool with light breeze from Sd and Wd at 9 Oclock manned and armed Boats left in charge of Actg Master E.C. Brennen, Killed a beef on plantation of Mr. Smith, at 10 oclock Actg. Master E.C. Brennen returned with beef for ships crew at 10.30 Inspection at Quarters. Fred Wilson

(Captain Cook) reported his time as having expired. at 11.30 the 2nd Cutter with Co. “B” and Contrabands in charge of Actg. Ensign O’Grady returned from Williams Saw Mill having loaded 6000 ft. Lumber, on tug “Fern” for U.S.Str. “Black-Hawk.”

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy and pleasant with light breeze from the Nd at 12.35 Strs. “Ginnie Hopkins” and “White Cloud” passed up, Wm Roberts (Pilot) Boarded them for ice for the sick.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


4 – 6  Weather cloudy and mild, Light breeze from N.E. at 4.50 Tug “Fern” reterd. from Alexandria. At 5.10 str. “Ohio Belle” passed down river at 5.20 Evening Quarters, at 5.55 str. “Empire Parish,” passed up. Boarded her and recd dispatch for Comd’g Officer

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


6 – 8  Weather cloudy and cool with light breeze from N.E.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind N.E.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


Amt of coal on hand April  13      915 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        25  “

   “              on hand      “   14     890  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 15 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Cloudy and Cool, wind from Nd with occasional Showers

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel.


4 – 8  Clear, calm, and cool 5.45 U.S. armed Transport “Silver Lake” No.2 passed down river. The river receded 5in during the past night (24 hours) No. Sick 28, 30 lb. steam

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans,


8 – 12  Weather clear and warm Light breeze from N.E. at 9.30 Inspection at Quarters at 9.40 Cos A.B. & C. exercised in company and skirmish drill. At 10.45 str. “Polar Star” passed down with rebel prisoners on board, and Flag of Truce flying

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph.


12 – 4 P.M. Weather cloudy and pleasant with light breeze from the N.E. at 12.45 the Tug “Thistle,” arrived from Alexandria with orders to move and then returned up river, at 1.30 We got underway and proceeded up the river, at 3.45 passed the str. “Rob Roy” underway going down.

                                                                                                Wm Simonton


4 – 6  Cloudy and pleasant, strong wind from N.E. at 4.30 came in sight of Alexandria. At 4.45 came to anchor, a short distance above Alexandria in 9 ½ ft Water, veered to 15 fath. chain at 5.00 the “Mittie Stephens” passed down. At 5.45 Evening Quarters

                                                                                                H. Simonton


6 – 8  Clear and cold. Wind from Wd At 6.45 Tug “Fern” came alongside with Coal Barge. At 7.15 Commenced Coaling ship at 7.30 the Tug “Thistle” came alongside with dispatch from U.S.S. “Black-Hawk” for Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel,


8 – 12  Clear calm and cool At 8 Oclock finished Coaling ship and sent the Barge down to the “Genl Price” received on board four hundred (400) Bu. Coal.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


Amt of coal on hand April  14      890 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        25  “

   “              on hand      “   15     865  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 16 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear cool and calm at 3.30 heard a volley of musketry in the vicinity of the falls.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear, calm and cool at 6 oclock the Tug Thistle passed up river at 7.30 the Tug Thistle returned from up river. No. of Sick 28, 40 lb steam.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant wind S.W. at 9.30 Got underway and proceeded down river. James Ashbridge (C.F.C.) reported his time as having expired. Henry Gouche (contraband) released from confinement, at 12.00 still underway. the watch occupied below in transporting the two after rifles and 2 32pr Guns forward.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear and pleasant wind from Wd Steaming down the river, at 12.45 passed the Str. “Champion, No.5” with one (1) coal Barge in tow. Sent Tug alongside of her and received papers for Lieut. Comdr Jas. A. Greer. At 2 o’clock passed the “Champion,” (No3) with coal Barges in tow, at 2.30 sent Tug “Fern” in advance, with Pilot Roberts to Sound Snaggy Point. At 3 o’clock passed the Army str. “Kate Dale,” at 3.45 passed the “Sallie Robinson” B

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


4 – 6  Still steaming down the river. Weather clear and pleasant, wind Wd At 5 o’clock passed Judge Berlin’s Mill, at 5.30 Evening Quarters, E

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


6 – 8  Weather clear and warm. Standing down stream, at 6.40 passed Str Hetty Gilmore, Bound up, at 7.20 rounded to and tied up to the left hand Bank.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather clear, calm and cool, at 8.15 the Str Starlight passed down river, with rebel prisoners onboard, at 9.30 U.S. Army Transport “James Battle” passed down river, at 10.30 the U.S. light draft Gunboat Juliet came up river. Boarded her and got dispatch. She then proceeded up river.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


Amt of coal on hand April 15,  865 Bu

   “          “   consumed  “    “   113  “

   “          “  on hand      “   16  752  “

   “     “ reced on board  “  15   400  “

Total amt  on hand        “  16  1152  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 17 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear, calm, and cool.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


4 – 8  Clear, and Calm. At 5.15 Str. “Skylight,” departed down the river at 5.30 Got underway, and steamed down the river, At 5.45 passed the U.S.S. “Essex,” lying at Fort DeRussey. At 7.40 passed through the obstructions, 1.35 lb steam. No. sick 28

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


8 – 12  Weather clear and pleasant, wind Sd At 8.35 Bent the starboard tiller Iron By drifting against the bank, afterwards steered the ship with spare tillers. At 10.15 passed embrasures in right Bank. At 10.20 passed U.S. transport “Chouteau” laden with troops bound up river. at 10.30 Inspection at Quarters.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


12 – 4 P.M.  Weather, clear, and warm fresh breeze from S.E. At 12.55 passed Str. “Laurel Hill,” Bound up. at 1.35 passed mouth of Black River. at 2.00 sent Tug “Fern,” with Act’g master Willetts and Pilot Wm Roberts to buoy, the channel at the mouth of the river and foot of the tow head, vessel leaking at the rate of 4in. per hour

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 6  Weather clear and warm, with a light breeze from the S.W. at 5.15 passed the mouth of Atchafalaya river. At 5.30 Evening Quarters, sent Pilot Murray with tug to sound the mouth of Red River. Leak Continuing about the same.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Clear, and warm, Strong wind from S.W. At 6.15 passed Str. “Gertrude” Bound up. At 6.45 Entered the Mississippi river, and steamed up, At 7.00 passed the “Ouchita,” three Transports and four Barges of Cotton, made fast to the Bank, and the “Bragg” and “Sampson” anchored a short distance above the mouth of Red River. Sent the Tug alongside the “Sampson” for the Gig – Leak Continuing about the same.

                                                                                                H. Simonton,


8 – 12  Cloudy and cool strong wind from Sd steaming up the river. At 9.45 the Tug returned from U.S.S. “Sampson,” with the Gig. At 10 o’clock the Transport st. “Juliet” passed up the river. at 10.30 the Transport str. “Gray Eagle” passed up the river. At 10.45 passed Fort Adams, Leak Continuing about the same.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


Amt of coal on hand April  16    1152  Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “      327  “

   “              on hand      “   17     828  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A.Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 18 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Cloudy and Cool wind Sd Steaming up river at 4.45 str. “Joseph Pierce” passed going down river. At 1.45 passing Young’s Point at 3.00 Graham’s Plantation. at 4.00 passing Jackson’s Point. Leak continuing about the same.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


4 – 8  Cloudy and cool strong breeze from Sd standing up river, at 5.30 passed str James “Groesbeck,” going down, at 6.15 U.S.S. “Gen’l Price” passed up received dispatches from her for Capt. Greer. At 6.40 Light draft Gunboat “Champion” passed down. At 7.25 str. “Ike Davis” passed down. At 7.45 reached Glasscock’s Island. Leak continuing about the same. No. sick 28. 120 steam.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Cloudy and warm wind Wd at 10.30 passing Ellis cliffs, at 10.45 passed str. “Emma” Bound down. Sent tug alongside her, and “Emma” rounded to. At 11.15 she proceeded on her way down. Actg Ensign Kelly of the Tug “Fern” placed under suspension for disobedience of orders.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear and pleasant with light breeze from Wd steaming up the river. At 1.30 passed Natches island. At 2 o’clock came in sight of Natches. At 2.30 U.S. Ordnance str. “Judge Torrence” passed down. At 3 o’clock sent dispatches on board of U.S. “Gen’l Price” for volunteer Lieut. J.V. Johnson, Comd’g U.S.S. “Forest Rose.” At 3.15 came to anchor off Natches in (5) five fathoms water veered to thirty (30) fathoms chain. At 3.30 Tug came alongside with coal barge and commenced Coaling ship. At 3.45 U.S.S. “Genl Price” depd up river. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant, wind Wd Coaling ship at 5 o’clock U.S. Transport “New National,” arrived from above and made fast to us reced the following stores in the respective depts. in Gunner’s dept. 1432 spencer rifle Cartridges 24 ordinary Handspikes 1000 Cannon primers, and 100 Howitzers primers. In Master’s dept 2 doz Chimneys, 2 BBl Lines and 39 ½ yds. Blue Bunting, In Carpenter’s dept. 1Doz Axe handles 50ft. Glass 11x22 (1Box), 2 Kgs 100 lb white paint and 2 Kegs 100 lb Black paint In Boatswain’s dept. 1 Coil, 18 lb. hemp rope 127 lb and 1 Coil 12 Th hemp rope 94 lb. In Sailmakers dept 6 lb hemp twine. At 5.30 the New National cast off and went alongside the U.S. Hospital st. “Red Rover” at 6.00 she dept down river. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


6 – 8  weather clear and calm, all hands coaling ship leak about the same.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Clear, calm and pleasant starboard watch occupied from 8 to 9 in coaling ship at 9.00 finished coaling ship having taken in 1301 Bu Coal. At 10.00 str “Idaho” arrived from above with Barge in tow. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


Amt of coal on hand April  17     828  Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “      525  “

   “              on hand      “   18     303  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 19 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear, calm and pleasant at 3 oclock the U.S.S. “Forest Rose” arrived from above and came to anchor off our starboard quarter. At 3.56 U.S.N. Hospital Boat departed down the river Leak about the same

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


4 – 8  Clear, calm, and pleasant, at 6.20 recommenced coaling ship from Barge alongside. At 7 o’clock got underway and went alongside coal Barge on Natch’es Side to take on more coal, leak about the same. No. of sick 24, 130 lb steam

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Weather clear, and warm strong breeze from Nd Coaling ship at 10.30 U.S.S. “Forrest Rose” departed down river. Acg 2nd Asst. Engineer Oliver Bray and Alonzo A. Jinks, placed under suspension for Breaking leave by order of Capt. Greer. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear and warm wind Wd at 12.30 finished coaling, having taken in 1525 Bu. At 12.45 let go from Coal Barge and departed up river. at 1.15 passed str. “Brazil” bound down. Leak about the same. transferred to tug “Fern” 3 Bxs 12 pr Shrapnel 1 Bx shell 100 musket Cartridges and 100 revolver Cartridges. 2nd Asst. Engineer Oliver Bray and Alonzo A. Jinks returned to duty by order of Capt Greer.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant, wind from Nd steaming up the river at 5.30 Evening Quarters, passing Fairchild’s island. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


6 – 8  Steaming up river, weather clear and pleasant with light breeze from Nd At 6.20 passing the “Hole in the Wall,” Leak about the same

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Weather clear, and mild. Light breeze from Nd Steaming up river. at 11 U.S.S. “Choctau” passed down, At 11.10 str. “Continental,” passed down. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


         Amt of coal on hand April 18,  303 Bu

           “     “    “  Consumed “     “   267   “

           “     “    “   on hand    “    19    36   “

           “     “    “ taken on board  18 1301  “

Total   “     “    “   on hand    “     19 1337  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 20 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear, and cool wind Nd At 12.30 passed U.S.N. Tow Boat “Wilson,” bound down with two Barges in tow, at 12.45 passed Waterproof. At 2.30 met the str. “Grey Eagle” Bound down. at 3.00 the “Grey Eagle” came alongside our port side and took us in tow. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


4 – 8  Clear and cool, wind from Nd steaming up the river in tow of Transport str. “Grey Eagle” at 6 oclock passed “Rodney.” At 7.30 U.S.S. “Lafayette” passed down – passing St.Joseph City, Andrew Olson (sea) Six (6) hours extra duty for insolence to Superior officer. Leak about the same. 140 lb. steam No. of sick 24

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


8 – 12  still steaming up river with “Grey Eagle” alongside, Weather clear and pleasant with light air from Wd James Duran (Master-at-Arms) and Fred Wilson (Capt’s Cook) disrated to seaman, for drunkenness, and neglect of duty. At 8.45 passing Brunsburgh. At 10 str Constitution came alongside of the “Grey Eagle” and took of those passengers who desired to go below. At 10.25 Inspection at Quarters. At 12.00 passed U.S. Tug “Hyacinth” at anchor near left Bank, passing str. “Empress” going down river. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


12 – 4 P.M.  Weather clear and warm Light breeze from N.E. opposite Grand Gulf standing up stream, in tow of Str. “Grey Eagle.” At 1.30 came to and wooded str. “Grey Eagle” at 2.00 cast off and continued up. at 1.30 str. “Ida May” passed down at 2.20 U.S.Str. Curlew” came alongside. At 2.45 str. Emperor with ice Barges in tow passed down, at 3.10 U.S.S. “Curlew” cast off and resumed her station. At 3.40 came to, at Big Black Island, to wood str. “Grey Eagle,” Leak about the same.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant wind N.E. At 4.30 str. “Von Phul” arrived from below and came alongside. Actg Asst. Paymaster C.G. Lounds returned aboard from the “Von Phul” with dispatch for Capt Greer, at 4.40 she let go and deptd up river, at 4.30 str. “Missouri” passed down, at 5.00 finished wooding “Grey Eagle,” when she let go, and deptd down river at 5.15 we cast off from the bank and deptd down river. Actg Asst. Paymaster C.G. Lounds placed under arrest by order of Capt. Greer. Leak about the same.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


6 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant wind from N.E. steaming down the river. At 6.15 Evening Quarters at 6.30 passed U.S.Str. “Curlew” lying at anchor, off Grand Gulf. At 7.45 passed St.Josephs. Leak decreased about one half

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear, and pleasant wind Wd. Still standing down river. At 8.10 passing Rodney, Miss. passing str. “Thomas” going down also “Idaho” “Lancaster” and a str. with a raft in tow, at 8.45 passing Gen’l Taylor’s plantation. At 9.20 passing str. “Grey Eagle” at Waterproof. At 10.10 passing Cole’s Creek Bend, at 11.00 Hole-in-Wall 11.15 observed the appearance of a large fire in the vicinity of the latter Bend Seven (7) in water forward and five (5) in aft.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


Amt. of Coal on hand April 19  1337 Bu

  “      “    “  recd on board “ “   1525  “

  “      “    “    Consumed  “  “     537  “

Total Amt on hand April 20      2325  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 21 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool. Light breeze from Nd Standing down stream. At 12.50 came to at Natches, in 5 fathoms water, and veered to 30 fath chain. At 1.30 Str. “Missouri” arrived from above. At 3.00 departed down river. At 3.50 Str. “Grey Eagle” arrived from above. Leak decreasing.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Cloudy and cool, wind S.E. At 4.00 a str. with Barge in tow passed down. Leak is entirely stopped. No. sick 18. 100 lb. steam

                                                                                                H. Simonton


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant, wind from Sd and Ed At 8.20 Transport str. “Ida May” arrived from above, with log raft in tow, at 10 o’clock transport str. “Brazil” stopped down river. Sent Pilot Murray in charge of tug to transfer two (2) empty coal Barges from Natches landing to La. shore. At 11.30 the Transport str. “J L Lacy” arrived from above.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear and pleasant, wind Sd and Ed At 12.10 str. “J.H. Lacy” deptd up river. At 12.30 str. “Brazil” deptd down river. At 12.45 Dan’l Harrington (Lds) died of Typhoid fever. At 1.45 str. “Ida May” arrived from below with raft in tow. “Brazil” passing up with a raft. Sent Tug “Fern” and Howitzer’s crew in charge of Actg Ensign Randolph to Coles Creek to protect the “Grey Eagle,” while loading Cotton, ship has ceased to leak. A.A. Paymaster C.G. Lounds returned to duty.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


4 – 6  Clear, and warm-wind S.W. at 4.30 str. “Brilliant” arrived from below, at 5.45 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


6 – 8  Weather clear, and warm with light breeze from S.W. at 6.10 the str. “Grey Eagle,” departed down river. At 6.15 the steamer “Metropolitan” arrived from up river. At 6.45 the str. “Metropolitan” deptd down river. At 7.15 the str. “Mississippi” arrived from up river. Boarded her for papers.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant, wind S.E. At 8.00 the str. “Mississippi” deptd down river. At 9.00 the Tug “Fern” returned from Coles Creek.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


Amt of coal on hand April  20     2325  Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        381  “

   “              on hand      “   21     1944  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 22 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Cloudy and cool. Strong wind from Sd & Ed at 3.15 reced dispatches for Lt. Comdr Jas.A. Greer, from Com’dr Townsend Comd’g U.S.S. “Essex” At 3.45 the U.S.S. “Essex” got underway and deptd up the river in tow of Transport str. “Brilliant”

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


4 – 8  Weather cloudy and cool, with light breeze from the S.E. at 4.30 the str. “John J. Roe” arrived from up river. At 5.30 the “John J. Roe” departed down river, at 7.45 the dispatch str. “New National” arrived from below, and came alongside. Sent mail aboard of her to go up river. No. of Sick 18. 100 lb. steam.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind Sd. At 8.00 the New National let go, and departed up river, Recd from her in the Carpenters dept. 1 Copper set splash boards, and 1 Copper set trimmings. At 8.15 the New National returned and went alongside the Carpenter Barges, at 8.30 She let go and departed up river. At 9.30 Inspection at quarters, At 10.00 sent the Body of Danl Harrington ashore, on the Natches side for Burial, under an escort of 21 men selected from Cos. “A” “B” and “C.” At 10.45 str. “Ida May” deptd up river. At 10.45 the U.S.S. “Covington,” No 25 ard from above, made Signal No 10.05 to her. At 11.15 the Covington deptd down river. At 11.15 the str. “City Belle” arrived from above with barges in tow.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy and pleasant strong wind from Sd and Ed. At 12.15 the Burial Escort returned. At 1.30 Transport str. Brazil departed down the river. At 2 oclock 2nd Cutter and crew, in charge of Actg 3rd Asst. Engineer Farmer, left for Brown’s Saw mill. At 3 o’clock 2nd Cutter returned from Brown’s saw mill with fire wood for Engineer dept. At 3.15 str. “Ida May” arrived from above. George Brown (Coxswain), and Thomas Morrison (Negro) one week on Black list for having clothing in lucky Bag and dead mens and deserters clothes.

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel.


4 – 6  Cloudy and pleasant. Fresh breeze Sd and Ed 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


6 – 8  Cloudy and warm, with a fresh breeze from the Sd

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


8 – 12  Weather cloudy and Warm Fresh breeze from N.W.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


Amt. of Coal on hand April 21,  1944. B

   “     “    “   Consumed   “  “      -



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 23 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Cloudy and warm with fresh breeze from S.E.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Cloudy, calm and pleasant at 7.15 the str. “Mallie Able” arrived from above, Boarded her for Papers, at 7.20 the Emma Boyd arrived from above No. of sick 18

                                                                                                H. Simonton


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant with cool breeze from Sd and Ed. At 8.20 Transport str. Mallie Able deptd down the river, at 9.30 U.S.N.TowBoat “V.F.Wilson” passed up with 3 Barges, loaded with Cotton (1500 Bales) in tow. Sent a mail and dispatches on board of her at 11.30 Transport “Shenango” arrived from above. At 11.30 the transport “Ida May” came alongside with troops from the Miss Shore, and delivered dispatches. At 12 o’clock Ida-May deptd up river.

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


12 – 4  Cloudy with frequent Showers of rain Fresh breeze from Sd and Ed. At 12.40 str “Ike Davis” arrived from below, and went alongside the coal Barges. At 3.30 str. “Shenango” deptd down river.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


4 – 6  Cloudy and warm with a fine Breeze from the Wd at 5.00 the str. “Ike Davis” deptd up river. 5.30 Evening Quarters

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


6 – 8  Cloudy, and cool, Fresh breeze from the Wd. At 6.20 str. Emma Boyd deptd up river

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather clear and cool with strong breeze from the N.W.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


Amt. of coal on hand April 23  1944, Bu.




LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 24 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear, and cool wind S.E. At 12.45 str. “City Belle” departed down river. at 2.15 str. “Brazil” arvd from below.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


4 – 8  Clear and Cool. Light breeze from Sd and Ed. At 7.30 the Transport str. “Ida May” arvd from above with troops. No. of sick 18.

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear, and pleasant wind Wd James Derum, Fred Wilson and John Hammond released from confinement, at 9.00 Inspection at Quarters, Afterwards Gen’l muster Genl order Navy dept. No.30, and circulars from Navy dept. dated march 6th 1864 were read, At 9.30 Divine Service. At 12.M. str. “Shenango” arrived from below.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


12 – 4 P.M. Fine Breeze from the Sd and Wd. Weather clear and pleasant. At 1 o’clock sent white men ashore. at 2.10 str. “Shenango” dept up river, and str. “Idaho” arr’d from up river with a Barge  

4 – 6 load of Cotton. Str. “Brazil” arr’d from below with two rafts of timber in tow. Weather clear and warm, light breeze from S.W.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


6 – 8  Weather clear and pleasant with light breeze from Sd At 5.30 Liberty men returned aboard with the exception of George Wilson. J.B Sedgwick. punished with six hours extra duty. Winston Profit punished with eight hours extra duty on pumps.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear, and pleasant, wind S.W. At 8.15 Str. “Continental,” arrived from below Boarded her with up mail. At 9.15 she deptd up river.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


Amt. of coal on hand April 24  1944



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 25 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear and cold with strong wind from Sd and Ed At 12 o’clock the Tug “fern” with Howitzer’s crew, deptd down river in Charge of Act’g master N.B. Willetts, accompanied by Pilot John Murray.

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


4 – 8  Clear and cool fresh breeze from the S.W. At 6 Str Brazil deptd up river. At 7.20 Str. “Rocket” deptd down river. at 8.00 Str. “Mississippi” arrd from below. No. of sick 15.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Clear and warm with a fine breeze from the S.W. At 9.20 the U.S.S. “Genl Bragg” arrd from down the river, at 9.30 Genl Quarters, at 10.00 the str. Mississippi, deptd up the river at 10.00 the Str. “Lady Walton,” arrd from down the river. At 11.30 the Str. “Rockett” arrd from down the river reced in Carpenters dept 96 lb. Rod iron.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


12 – 4 P.M.  Weather clear and warm Light breeze from S.E. At 12.20 the Str. “Lady Walton,” deptd up the river at 12.30 Str. “Ida May” deptd up river at 2.30 U.S.S. “Genl Bragg” deptd down river at 3.45 Str. “Swan” arrd from above.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 6  Clear and warm with light breeze from S.E. At 5.10 Str. “Pierce” arrd. from below at 5.15 the Tug “Fern” arrd from below with Howitzers crew and Act’g Master N.B. Willetts in charge accompanied by Pilot John Murray. At 5.45 evening Quarters.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Clear, and pleasant wind S.E. At 6.15 Str. “Ida May” arrd from above at 6.30 Liberty men returned aboard. at 6.30 Str “Ida May” moved over to the La. Shore. At 7.15 Str. “Idaho” deptd up river.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


8 – 12  Cloudy and cool, wind from Sd and Ed At 8.30 Transport Str. “Brazil” arrd from above, with raft in tow. At 10 o’clock the U.S.S. “Gen’l Price” arrd from above came alongside and made fast to our starboard quarters. recd dispatches from her for Lieut. Comd’r Jas A Greer. At 10.30 Str. “Ida May” arrd from below. At 11.30 str. “Pierce” deptd up the river.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


Amt. of coal on hand April 25  1944 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 26 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Cloudy, and cool wind Sd At 12.30 A Transport arrd. from above at 12.45 U.S.Gunboat “Genl Price” went over to the Natchez shore. At 1.20 she departed down river. Sent letters, and dispatches by her at 1.25 Transport deptd down river.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


4 – 8  Cloudy, and cool with a light breeze from S.W. Geo H. Bashford (Fireman) belonging to U.S.S. “Gen’l Bragg,” came on board to stay until his vessel returns. No of Sick 15.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


8 – 12  Weather clear and pleasant, Light air from S.W. At 9.00 Str. “Rocket” deptd up river. At 10.15 Str. “Bengal-Tiger” with Barges in tow passed down. Actg Master N.B. Willetts suspended from duty for conduct injurious to discipline. All hands Coaling Ship. Geo. Wilson (Sea) confined for breaking liberty.


12 – 4 P.M.  Weather clear and warm with light air from S.W. At 12.15 the Str. “Rockett” arrived from up river. At 1 o’clock sent liberty men ashore. At 2.30 finished coaling, having taken on board 563 Bu. Sent coal barge to Miss shore.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant, wind S.E. At 4.15 the Emma-Boyd arrd from above At 4.30 U.S.N. Tow Boat “Brown” arrived from below sent mail aboard of her and received from her four (4) paint brushes for engineer’s dept. At 5.30 Evening Quarters at 5.45 “Brown” deptd up river.

                                                                                                H Simonton


6 – 8  Clear and pleasant wind Sd and Ed. At 6.30 Str. “Olive Branch” arrived from above. Liberty men returned on board excepting J.B. Reynolds (Negro Sea) Jno B Reynolds returned on board at 7.45

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear, and pleasant wind Sd and Ed At 8.00 Str. Olive Branch deptd down river. at 8.45 U.S.S. “Price” arrd from below, and made fast alongside sent Geo H Bradford (belonging to U.S.S. Bragg) on board “Price” to be forwarded to his vessel at 9.45 “Price” cast off and went alongside Carpenter ship at 12.00 deptd down river with Carpenter ship in tow.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


Amt. of coal on hand April 26  1944 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 27 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool Light breeze from S.W.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear, and warm with Light Air from Sd No Sick 15

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind S.E. At 8.00 Str. “Constitution” arrd. from below, sent mail aboard of her. At 8.30 Str. “Pierce” arrd from above At 9.00 got underway and steamed up river. At 9.45 Str. “Shingiss” passed down with Barges in tow. At 9.45 Inspection at quarters. At 10.00 the “Constitution” passed up. At 10.15 U.S.Q.M. Str. “Nebraska” with troops passed down

                                                                                                H. Simonton


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy and pleasant wind Sd and Ed Steaming up the river At 1.20 Str. “Empress” passed up. Boarded her for papers. At 2.45 passed Duneau’s Plantation.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear, and warm- wind Ed Steaming up river. At 4.45 passing Coles Creek point. 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


6 – 8  Clear, and warm with a light breeze from S.E. At 7 passed the U.S.A. Hospital Str. R.C.Wood going down.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


8 – 12  Weather clear and warm, light breeze from S.E. At 10.45 stern wheel steamer, name unknown passed down.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


Amt. of coal on hand April 26  1944 Bu

recd on board              “      “    563   “

Amt on hand               “     27  2507  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 28 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and pleasant with light breeze from the S.E. At 1 o’clock passed Rodney. At 1.30 Str. “Mollie Able” passed up. At 1.45 ship commenced leaking slowly. At 2.15 passed St. Josephs.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Cloudy calm and pleasant at 5.00 the Emma Boyd passed up and the “John Raine” passed down. At 6.15 a U.S.Q.M. Str. passed down. At 7.00 the Str. “Silver Wave,” passed down, with two Barges in tow. At 7.30 passing Grand Gulf. Transport Str. “Idaho” fast to the left bank and U.S.Str. “Curlew”(No.12) at anchor below the mouth of Black River. At 8.00 passing the mouth of Black river. 135 lb. stream No. of sick 16

                                                                                                H. Simonton


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant wind from Wd. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters, mustered Cos. “A” “C” and “D” on Spar deck to discharge loads from their guns. At 10 o’clock Transport Str. “Shenango” passed down. Passing Big Black Island. Geo Wilson (Sea) released from confinement.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel.


12 – 4 P.M. Clear and pleasant, wind Wd. Standing up river, at 2.45 came to anchor in 3 ½ fath water astern of the “Ratler” near wreck of the “Indianola.” at 3.35 U.S. Light draft Str. “Ratler” got underway and proceeded down river. Mr. Roberts (Pilot) went with her by order of Capt Greer.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


4 – 6  Weather clear, and pleasant. Light breeze from S.W. At 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


6 – 8  Weather clear, calm, and pleasant. At 7.15 a Str. passed up river.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear, calm and pleasant at 11.30 two transports passed down on the opposite side of the island- one of them apparently having Barges in tow.

                                                                                                H. Simonton

Amt of Coal on hand  April  27  2507 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed  “    “     431  “

   “    “    “    on hand      “    “   2086  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 29 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear, calm and pleasant.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


4 – 8  Clear, calm and pleasant. At 5.30 Transport “Grey Eagle” passed up Boarded her for papers. No of sick 16. 45 lb. steam.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Cloudy and warm, with a light breeze from Sd. At 8.30 placed a target for great guns at 1400 yds. ahead of us. At 9.00 the U.S. Tow-Boat “Ike Hammitt,” passed down the river with four Coal Barges in tow. At 9.30 1st Division to Quarters for Target practice. At 10.30 2nd & 3rd divisions to quarters for Target practice. Expended 20 9in. 5 sec. shell; 20 9in. Charges. 7 100pr. shraple shell. 7. 100 pr. charges. At 11. the Str. “Emperor” passed up the river sent mail by her.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


12 – 4 P.M. weather clear and pleasant light Southerly breeze. At 12.40 Str. “J.J.Roe” passed up. At 1.15 Guns crews to quarters for Target practice, expended 2. 100 pr. percussion shell 2. 100 pr shell time fuze 5” 7. 100 pr charges 2. 100 pr shell (Shenkle fuze) 2. 50 pr. percussion shell 2. 50 pr charges. At 2.15 ceased firing.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 6  Weather clear and pleasant, with light breeze from Sd at 4.45 the Str “L.M. Kennet,” passed down and rounded to below, Boarded her and recd papers. At 5.00 proceeded on her way down at 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Cloudy, warm and Calm. At 7.45 a Str. passed down on the opposite side of the island.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


8 – 12  Clear calm and pleasant. At 11.45 a Transport Str. a’rvd from above, and made landing astern of us on the Miss. shore.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


Amt of Coal on hand  April  28  2076 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed  “    “     212  “

   “    “    “    on hand      “   29   1864  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 30 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear, calm and pleasant. At 2.30 Transport astern of us, went across to the island opposite. At 3.50 she Deptd below.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


4 – 8  Clear, and warm, with a light breeze from the Wd At 6.45 the Str. “R.C. Baker” passed down with four Coal Barges in tow. At 6.50 the Str. “Shenango” arrvd from down the river, and landed astern of us Mr. Roberts (Pilot) arrvd from down river on “Shenango” At 7.15 she deptd up river, 45 lb. steam, No. of sick 16.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


8 – 12  weather clear and pleasant Light air from S.W. At 10.25 Str. “Metropolitan” passed up. Sent mail by her. Thos Perkin Confined in double irons for using profane language. At 11.15 Actg Master N.B. Willetts restored to duty

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M. weather clear and warm, with light breeze from S.W. issued clothing to ships crew.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant, wind S.W. At 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


6 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant Light breeze from Sd and Wd

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant, Fresh breeze from Sd and Wd

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


Exd & Appd

Jas A Greer

Lt. Comdr.

Comdg Benton.


Amt of Coal on hand  April  29  1864 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed  “    “       24  “

   “    “    “    on hand      “   30th 1840 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 1 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Rainy and cool, with a fresh breeze from the N.E.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


4 – 8  Rainy and cool. Fresh breeze from N.W. At 4.15 U.S.S. “Ratler” arrd from below. Got up steam weighed anchor. At 5.05 Got underway and steamed up river. No. of sick 15. 140 lb. steam.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather cloudy, and cool with fresh breeze from the N.W. At 8.45 passed a camp of Negro Troops on the right Bank. At 9.00 Inspection at Quarters. Genl muster and Divine Service. Still going up river.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy and warm, wind S.W. At 1.45 passed Warrenton. at 2.30 came in sight of Vicksburg

                                                                                                H. Simonton


4 – 6  Cloudy and warm wind from Sd and Wd. At 4.45 came to anchor off Vicksburg in 7 ½ fath water and veered to 25 fathoms Chain. Sent dispatches down the river on Transport Str. “Maria Denning,” At 5.00 the tow Boat “Bengal Tiger” arvd from below. Sent mail up on “Bengal Tiger” sent dispatches down on “Diligent”

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


6 – 8  Clear, calm, and pleasant. At 6.15 Transport Str “Shenango” departed down river.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Clear and cool with a light breeze from the Ed At 8.30 the Str “Maria Denning” departed down the river. At 9.00 U.S.Light draft Str. “Kenwood”(No14) arrived from down the river, and came alongside. At 9.15 a steamer passed up the river. At 9.30 the U.S.Light draft Str. Kenwood(No.14) deptd up the river.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


Amt of Coal on hand  April  30  1840 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed  “    “       97  “

   “    “    “    on hand  May 1     1743 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 2 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool Light breeze from Ed At 12 Str (name unknown) arrd from below. Marine Brigade Ram arrd from above. At 2.30 Str. “Bengal Tiger” deptd up river.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph.


4 – 8  Weather clear and cool, with light breeze from S.E. At 7.00 sent the Tug “Fern” up to the mouth of Yazoo river. At 7.10 the Str. “Delta” arrd from up river. No. of sick 16. 35 lb. steam

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant wind Wd At 8.00 Str. “Pauline Caroll” deptd up river. At 9.15 two flat boats, laden with Staves passed down. At 9.30 General Quarters. At 9.45 tug “Fern” arrd from above, with Act’g Ensign Chambers, Comd’g. Gun Boat “Praire Bird.” At 10.45 Str. “Lancaster” arrived from above. At 11.15 the Ram “Monarch” deptd down river, recd on board in Carpenters dept. 90ft Oak Lumber.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


12 – 4  Cloudy and pleasant, wind Wd At 1.30 the tug “Fern” left for the mouth of Yazoo river with Acting Ensign Chambers. At 10 o’clock the Transport Str. “Osage” arrd from above with Troops. At 2.30 the tug “Fern” retd from Yazoo River. At 3 o’clock the tug came alongside to coal.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant wind Wd At 4.45 made signal 2716 to “Avenger” passing down. She made fast alongside. At 5.05 “Lancaster” loaded with troops deptd below. At 5.15 “Avenger” deptd below. Took on board tug 200 Bu. coal.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


6 – 8  Clear and warm, with a light breeze from the Wd At 7.00 the Str. “Auticrat” arrd from up the river. At 7.15 the Str. “Jatan” deptd up the river.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


8 – 12  Weather clear and cool Light air from N.E. At 8.15 Str. (name unknown) arrd. from below and made a landing below the point. At 10 U.S. Str “Nmph” passed down. At 10.30 Stern Wheel Str. (name unknown) arrd from below.

                                                                                                Peyton H Randolph


Amt of Coal on hand  May 1st    1743 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed  “   2nd    200 “ Transferred to tug “Fern”

   “    “    “    on hand      “    “    1543 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 3 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool Light breeze from N.E.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Clear and cool, wind Ed. At 4.00 the Allen Collier deptd up with two Barges in tow. At 4.15 a str. arrd from below. At 6.00 the str. “C.D.Miller” deptd down river. At 6.15 Tug “Ramsey” came alongside with dispatch for Lieut. Comdr Jas. A. Greer. Thos Perkins(sea) released from confinement No. of sick 17.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


8 – 12  Clear and warm, with a light breeze from S.W. At 9.30 Quarters and divisional exercise. At 11.00 the Str. “Olive Branch” arrivd. from down the river.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear calm and warm. At 1.30 sent dispatches addressed to Act’g Lieut. Lanning of the “Ratler” on board the “Pierce.” At 1.40 Transport “White Cloud” loaded with Cotton came up and “Luminary” with troops came down river. At 2.10 Transport str “Olive Branch” deptd up river. At 2.15 Transport “Curlew” arrd from above. At 2.30 Transport “Arago” deptd up river. At 3.20 Transport “White Cloud” deptd up river. At 4.00 Transport “Robert Emmett” deptd down river.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


4 – 6  Clear calm and pleasant. At 5.10 Transport str. “J Pierce” departed down river.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


6 – 8  Wind Sd weather clear, and pleasant. 6.30 str. Emma Boyd left for down river, 7.30 Tow Boat “Shingiss,” passed up river.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees.


8 – 12  Weather clear and pleasant Light breeze from Sd. At 9.40 U.S.N.Supply str. “Gen’l Lyons” arr’d from above and came alongside. Recd from “Gen’l Lyons” in Paymasters dept 1 BBl Molasses and 40 sacks potatoes. At 9.40 “Genl Lyons” deptd down river. At 11.30 U.S.Str. “Juliet” passed up disabled and in tow of str. “Benefit.” Sent dispatches by “Benefit”

                                                                                                Peyton H Randolph


Amt of Coal on hand  May 2nd    1543 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed                 10 “

   “    “    “    on hand      “    3rd  1533 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 4 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool with strong breeze from Ed At 4.00 Str. “Luminary” deptd down river

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Clear, and Cool wind Ed At 4.40 Transport E.H.Fairchild arrd from below. At 4.45 Transport “Shenango” with Barge deptd up river. U.S. Transport “Ike Hammitt” arrvd from below with Barge of Cotton in tow. Transport “Jno Rain” arrvd from below, River has risen 7in. in last 24 hours. No. of sick 15

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Clear, and warm, with a light breeze from S.W. At 8.30 the str. Curlew deptd down river. At 9.30 Quarters. At 9.45 Cos. “D” & “B” drilled in small arms. Also at 9.45 the Str. “Progress” arrd from up the river. Consolidated Cos A,B,C, & D, to A, & B.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


12 – 4 P.M. Light breeze from the Sd. Weather clear and pleasant, 12.30 str. “Shenango” arrd from above landed a raft and steamed up river. 3.30 Str. “Diligent” arrvd from down river.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


4 – 6  Weather clear, and pleasant Light breeze from E.N.E. 5.30 str. “Delta” deptd up river. At 5.50 str. L.C. Baker” Naval Tow Boat, arrvd from below.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


6 – 8  Weather clear and warm, with light breeze from the S.E. At 6.30 the str. “Shenango” arrvd from above. At 6.45 the tow Boat “Eagle,” arrvd from below, Sent tug alongside, and received dispatches.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant. Light air from S & E. At 8.10 Transport Ike “Hammitt” proceeded up river. At 11.15 Transport “Sylph,” crossed river and made fast to Coal Barge on left Bank.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


Amt. of coal on hand May 4,  1533 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 5 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Clear and cool with a light breeze from the S.E.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed.


4 – 8  Light Southerly Breeze. Weather hazy and cool, No. of sick 11 no steam. Sent a dispatch on board Str. “Diligent” for Comd’g Officer of Gun Boat “Rattler”

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


8 – 12  Weather, clear, and mild. Light air from N.E. At 9.15 U.S.S. “Praire Bird” arrvd from above. At 9.00 str. “Sylph” deptd up river. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters. At 10.25 U.S.S. Hospital str. arrvd from below. At 9.30 Cos A & B drilled in Small arms. At 11 U.S.S. “Praire Bird” deptd up river.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M. Weather clear and pleasant, with light breeze from Ed At 12.30 the marine Transports Raine and Fairchild, deptd up river Frank Bader (o sea) confined in double irons for disobedience of orders and throwing cap overboard.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant fresh breeze from Ed. At 4.10 Steam Canal Boat “Grey Eagle” arrvd. from above recd on board 275 lb fresh Beef for use of ships crew. At 5.30 Evening Quarters. At 5.40 Transport “Diligent” deptd down river 5.45 Transport Emma Boyd arrvd from below and steam Canal Boat Barlow from above.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


6 – 8  Weather clear and pleasant. Light breeze from Sd 7.15 Str “Shenango” deptd up river.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


8 – 12  Weather clear and mild Light breeze from S.E. at 8.30 U.S.A. Hospital Str. deptd up river. At 10.30 A Marine Brigade str arrivd from below and came to at the Coal Barges on Louisiana Shore.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


Amt. of coal on hand May 5,  1533 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 6 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and pleasant with light air from the S.E. At 3.45 the Str. “Grey Eagle” arrvd from below.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Clear and mild wind S.E. 5.30 Transport “Superior” arrvd from below. At 7.30 she went alongside of coal Barges on La. Shore. 5in. water aft and 4in. forward. No. sick 11 No steam.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Weather cloudy and pleasant with cool breeze from Ed. At 9.30 General Quarters. At 10.30 drilled Co. B. in the Manual of Arms. At 11.30 Wm A. Taylor (Lands) and Chas Taylor (O.Sea) confined in double irons on bread and water for fighting.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


12 – 4 P.M.  Wind Sd weather clear and pleasant 12.45 Transport str. Emma Boyd deptd up river. Sent dispatches on board str. “Grey Eagle” for Lieut. Comdr K.R. Breeze, Comdg light draft Gun Boat “Curlew,” 2.15 Transport str. Henry Ames arrvd from up river with troops on board. 3.50 Transport Str Henry Ames depd down river.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees.


4 – 6  Weather clear and cool, Light breeze from E.N.E. 4.30 str. “Superior” deptd up river. At 4.45 Marine Brigate Ram “Switzerland” deptd up river. At 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


6 – 8  Weather clear and warm, with light breeze from the S.E. At 6.15 the str. “Grey Eagle” deptd down river.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant, wind S.W. At 9.30 A transport arrvd from above.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


Amt. of coal on hand May 6,  1533 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 7 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Clear and warm, with a light breeze from the S.W. At 1.30 an Army tug arrvd from up the river. At 1.55 Str. “Metropolitan” arrvd from up the river.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Wind Sd Weather clear and cool. 6.15 Str. Q.M. K Jr. arrivd from below. No. of sick 11. No steam.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


8 – 12  Weather clear and warm light breeze from Sd. At 10.00 str. “Luminary” departed up river. At 10.30 Naval supply str. “Gen’l Lyons” arrvd from below. At 10.50 “Gen’l Lyons” deptd up river. Jas. Ashbridge (Capt of Forecastle) and Wm Brown (Fireman) received Honorable Discharges. Fred Wilson also discharged. byrus Stevenson (contraband) Transferred to Hospital “Pinkney,” at Menphis. The above mentioned men were sent up in the “Gen’l Lyons.” At 10.30 str. “Idaho” arrived from below with dispatches, for Capt. Jas. A. Greer. At 11.00 dress parade on spar deck. At 11.10 sent Tug “Fern,” with Pilot Roberts, to Palmyra island. At 11.55 str. “Metropolitan” deptd down river. Sent dispatches by her to Lieut Comd’r K.R. Breese. At 12.00 str. “Diligent” arrvd from below H.R. Corkkill (sea) rated Capt. of Forecastle.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


12 – 4  Cloudy and warm with light breeze from Sd. At 1.30 the Marine Brigade str. “Autocrat” arrvd from above. At 2.30 the steam Canal Boat “S.H. Holmes,” deptd down the river.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


4 – 6  Cloudy and pleasant light air from S. and W. At 4.00 transport “Diligent” came to astern of us. At 4.15 Marine Brigade str. “Autocrat” deptd up river. At 5. o’clock Transport str. “Emma Boyd” arrvd from above. At 5.15 Transport “Shenango” deptd up river with Barge in tow recd on board 390 lb fresh beef for use of ship’s company. At 5.30 “Diligent” return to city landing.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


6 – 8  Cloudy and warm with a light breeze from S.W. At 7.00 a str. arrvd from up river with four Barges in tow.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant. Calm. 8.15 str. “Emma Boyd” deptd down river. 9.30 Transport str. “James Watson” arrvd from above with troops on board 11 oclock str. “Shenango” arrvd from above with Barge in tow.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


Amt. of coal on hand on hand May 7  1533 Bu.



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 8 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Cloudy and warm, with light breeze from the Sd At 2.30 commenced to raise steam. At 3.00 two steamers (names unknown) passed down.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather cloudy and warm with light breeze from the Sd At 5.15 weighed anchor, and proceeded down river. At 6.00 passed Warrenton. At 7.30 passed a camp of Negro troops on the Mississippi shore, 1.35 lb. steam No. of sick 11

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear & pleasant. At 8.15 passing new Carthage. At 8.45 came to in 2 ½ fathoms water (10 fath chain) Close in shore beside the “Indianola” U.S.S. “Rattler” at anchor near us also Tugs “Fern” & “Hyacinth,” Geo. W. Denzell confined in double irons for fighting. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters. Afterwards Divine Service. Chas Taylor Wm A. Taylor & Frank Vader released from confinement.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy & warm with a fine breeze from S.W. At 1.30 the steamer “Bille Lee” passed down the river. At 2.00 the Tug “Hyacinth” departed down the river. At 3.40 the Steamer “Leviathan” passed down the river. Sent Despatches on board. At 3.55 the Steamer “Maria Denning” passed up the river.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


4 – 6  Wind Srd weather cloudy & pleasant. At 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees,


6 – 8  Weather cloudy & mild At 6.15 Steamer “Idaho” passed down

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather cloudy & warm with light breeze from S.W. James Conoley (messenger boy) punished with (4) four hours extra duty. At 12 o’clock a steamer- (name unknown) passed up the river with barge in tow.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


Amt of Coal on hand  May 7      1533 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed               108 “

   “    “    “    on hand      “    8    1425 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 9 day of May 1864


12 – 4 A.M. Weather clear and pleasant Light breeze from S.W.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


4 – 8  Cloudy & warm, with a light breeze from E.S.E. At 6.30 the steamer N.J.Bigley passed down the river with four coal barges in tow. At 6.45 the Steamer “Luminary” passed up the river. At 7.00 sent all the Port Watch and 2nd Part of starboard Watch on board of the “Indianola” to work. At 7.15 the U.S.S. “Rattler” (No1) got underweigh & went alongside of the “Indianola”

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


8 – 12  Weather cloudy and pleasant, with indications of rain. 9.30 str. Emma Boyd, passed up river. George W. Danzell (W.R Steward) released from confinement. The following named men’s times expired today viz; Chas Jackson, 2nd Class fireman; Emanuel Flowers (ship’s Corp) and Wm Thompson, (Cox) 1. o’clock sent tug “Fern” to left bank of river, for coal Barges. At 11.30 Tug returned brining barges. 11.40 working party returned on board.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


12 – 4  Weather cloudy warm, and calm. At 12.15 U.S.S. “Kenwood” passed down. 1.50 st. “Julia” passed down, Delivered to tug “Fern” 50 Bu Coal.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 6  Weather Cloudy, and warm with light breeze from S.E. At 4.30 working Party returned on board from “Indianola” 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant, light air from Sd and Ed. At 6.30 str. White Cloud passed down. 7.15 a small steamer, (name unknown) passed down. 7.40 stern wheel steamer arrvd from above and came to at Contraband Camp below.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Cloudy and warm, with a fresh breeze from Sd. At 9.00 our steamer passed down the river. At 11 the str. “Joseph Pierce” passed up the river.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


Amt of Coal on hand  May 8      1425 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed                26 “

   “    “    “    on hand      “    9    1399 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 10 day of May 1864


12 – 4 Strong Southerly winds. Weather cloudy and cool 4 o’clock weighing anchor.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


4 – 8  Weather cloudy and cool Fresh breeze from Sd At 4.00 Got underway and stood up river, 1.30 lb. steam No. of sick 13.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather cloudy and warm with light showers of rain, wind S.W. At 8.15 passed the steam Canal boat “Golden Gate” under way down. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters. Dan’l McCarty (ord Sea) reported his term of enlistment expired. At 11.00 passed Warrenton.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy and pleasant strong breeze from Sd and Wd At. At. 1.45 came to anchor before Vicksburg in 7 fathoms water (30 fathoms chain) Sent dispatches onboard str. “Joseph Pierce,” At 3.30 began raining.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


4 – 6  Raining, and warm, with a fresh breeze from the Ed At 4.30 the Str. “Joseph Pierce” departed down the river. At 5.45 the Str. “Rocket” arrvd’ from down the river. At 5.55 evening quarters.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


6 – 8  Wind N.E. Weather cloudy and cool. 6.15 Str. “Star” passed down river 7.15 Str. “N.W. Thomas” arrvd from up river. 7.30 propeller “Diane” passed down river.

                                                                                                W.J. Reed


8 – 12  Weather cloudy and cool, Light air from N.W. Indications of rain. At 9.40 stern wheel Boat (name unknown) arrvd. from above. At 11.00 Small str. (Name unknown) arrvd. from above. At 11.40 St. (Name unknown) arrvd. from above.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


Amt of Coal on hand  May 9      1399 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed               121 “

   “    “    “ delivered to tug “Fern”  50 “

   “    “    “    on hand      “    10   1228 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 11 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Weather cloudy and cool with strong breeze from the N.N.W. At 1.30 marine Brigade str. “Autocrat” arrvd from above.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Cloudy and quite cool Strong wind from Nd and Ed. At 5.10 Transport str. “Thomas” deptd below. At 7.10 str. “Continental” arrvd. from above. At 8.00 str. “Rocket” went alongside of coal Barge, on left Bank. No water aft. 5in forward. No. sick 13. 130 lb. steam.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Clear and cool with a light breeze from the Nd At 8.30 str. “Golden Era” arrvd from up river. Henry Straley (Sea) and Chas. E. Smith 1st Class Fireman reported their time out. At 9.30 General Quarters. At 10.15 the Str. “Continental” deptd down the river. At 10.30 the Str. “Dunleith” arrvd from up river.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


12 – 4 P.M.  Wind Nd and Wd weather clear and cool 12.30 Marine Brigade str. “Autocrat” deptd up river. Recd on board the following named contrabands, belonging to Gun Boat “Petrel” Lawyer Little John and Jerry Kiddler 2.15 str. “Diligent” deptd up river 4 o’clock weiging anchor.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


4 – 6  Weather clear and cool, At 4.15 started down the river Fresh breeze from Nd At 5.15 str. “Shenango” passed up.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph.


6 – 8  Steaming down river, weather clear and cool, with fresh breeze from the N. At 6.20 passed a camp of Negro troops on Miss Shore. At 7.10 passed New Carthage. At 7.30 came to anchor off Hurricane island with Starboard anchor in two fathoms water, and ten (10) fathoms chain, and astern of the Gun Boat “Rattler”

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  At anchor off Joe Davis’s plantation, weather clear cool and calm. At 9.10 a transport (name unknown) passed down. At 10.15 unknown steamer passed up.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


Amt of Coal on hand  May 10th  1228 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed               115 “

   “    “    “    on hand      “    “    1113 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 12 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Off Hurricane island, Clear Calm and cool. At 1 a Str. passed down the river. At 2.30 got underway and steamed down the river.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


4 – 8  Wind Wd weather foggy and cold. 6 O’clock passed grand Gulf U.S.S. “Curlew” lying at anchor off that place. Took tug “Hyacinth” in company from the Gulf. 6.15 passed Str. “Idaho” lying at the bank ordered her off. 6.20 fog cleared off 6.55 passed Brainsbury. 6.45 passed st. “Emma,” lying at anchor. 7.20 passed the town of St.Josephs 7.50 passed town of “Rodney” 7.55 met str. “Keota” No. of Sick 13. 1.30 lb. steam.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


8 – 12  Weather clear, and warm Light breeze from Sd Steaming down river Ay 8.30 passed str. “Emma Boyd” Bound up. At 8.30 U.S.S. “Robb” hove in sight. At 8.19 rounded to at right hand Bank “Robb” came alongside. At 8.50 put about and stood down stream, in company with the “Robb”

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M.  In Sight of Natchez steaming down the river, weather clear, and warm with light breeze from the Sd At 12.30 passed Natchez sent dispatches on board U.S.S. “Ouichita” Laying off at Natchez. Wm. N. Thompson (sea) rated ships Cooper, to date from Jan. 1st 1864. At 2 o’clock passed Ellis’s Cliffs.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant light breeze from Sd Standing down river 5.25 passing Fort Adams with U.S.S. “Champion” (No24) at anchor 5.45 passing Str. “New Kentucky” Bound up 5.50 passing Transport “N.J. Bigley” bound up with two Barges in tow

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans,


6 – 8  Clear, calm and pleasant. At 6.30 Came to anchor off Acklin’s Plantation. At 7.00 got under way and went closer in shore on account of so much drift.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


8 – 12  Wind Sd Weather clear and cold

                                                                                                W.J. Lees.


Amt of Coal on hand  May 11     1113 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed               264 “

   “    “    “    on hand      “  12      849 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 13 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Off Acklin’s Plantation, weather clear, cool and calm. At 1.45 str. “Southerner” arrvd from below, and rounded to at Miss. Bank.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear, calm and cool, At 5.15 the light draft Gun-Boat No.47 arrvd out of the mouth of Red River. at 5.30 Coal Barge came alongside, At 6 o’clock the Str. “Star” “Poineer” arrvd. from above loaded with hay. At 6.30 the Str. “New-Orleans” deptd down river. At 6.45 commenced coaling ship. At 7.45 the light draft Gun Boat 47 deptd. up Red River. No. of Sick 6 – 30 lb steam.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear, calm and pleasant, coaling Ship At 8.05 str. “Henry Ames” passed up. At 8.30 str. “Duke of Argyle” passed up. At 9.30 finished Coaling ship. At 10.15 45 men of the 22nd Iowa, under command 2nd Lieut. G.L.Handy, reported on board for duty. Roderick Oldham (Contraband) transferred to U.S. Hospital ship “Red Rover.” Recd on board from U.S. Flag Ship Black Hawk in Engineer’s dept. one Syphon pump; in Paymaster’s dept. 50 Bbl Hard Bread 3 Bbls Flour, 10 BBls Pork, 2 Bbs Dried Apples, 10 BBs Beef 2 Bb Coffee 1 Bbl Rice, 1 Bb Sugar, 2 Bb Beans

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear, and warm, with a fresh breeze from the S.W. At 12.30 sent L Little John, and Jerry Kiddle, contrabands, from the U.S.S. “Petrel” on board of the U.S.S. “Little Rebel.” At 12.35 recd on board 400 lb. ice, 200 of it for U.S.S. “Choctaw” At 1 got under way and steamed up the Red River.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed


4 – 6  Wind Ed weather clear, and pleasant. 6 o’clock evening Quarters, steaming up Red River.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees.


6 – 8  Weather clear, and warm Light air from Sd steaming up Red River. At 7.05 passed U.S. Light draft str. No.53. At 7.35 came to anchor with starboard anchor, and 15 fathoms chain. At Junction of Red & Black rivers in 4 ¾ fathoms water near U.S. Light Draft str. No.47.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph.


8 – 12  Weather clear, calm, and pleasant. At 8.10 made night Signals P 1005.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


Amt of Coal on hand  May 12      849 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed               230 “

   “    “    “    on hand      “   13     619 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 14 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Off the mouth of Black river La. clear calm and warm At 1.00 the U.S.S. “Gazelle” passed down the river.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed.


4 – 8  Wind Wd weather clear, and cool. 5.30 got underway. 7.30 passed light draft Gun Boats “Tallahatchie” and “Forest Rose,” lying at anchor No. of Sick 6 1.35 lb. steam

                                                                                                W.J. Lees.


8 – 12  Weather clear and warm. Light air from Wd At 9.00 heard the reports of several heavy guns up the river. At 9.30 Inspection at quarters. At 10.20 Came up to U.S. Steamers “Argosy” and “Avenger” lying at anchor stopped to communicate with them. At 11.00 continued up river.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M.  Weather cloudy and warm, with light breeze from the S.E. At 1.45 came to anchor below Fort DeRussy, and astern of U.S.S. “Choctaw” in 5 ½ fathoms water and 15 fathoms chain.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Cloudy and warm with a light breeze from the S.E. At 4.30 U.S.S. “Avenger” and “Argosy” No.27 deptd down the river. At 5.30 got underway and steamed in close to the Port Bank let go anchor in three (3) fathoms water and veered to eight fathoms chain

                                                                                                J.F. Reed.


6 – 8  Calm Cloudy and pleasant. 6.25 Evening Quarters. Chas E Smith (1st class fireman) placed in double irons for disobedience of orders and John Lee, Capt of Afterguards for neglect of duty ship commenced leaking.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


8 – 12  Weather clear calm and warm, Lying at anchor just below Fort DeRussy “Choctaw” ahead.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


Amt of Coal on hand  May 13      619 Bu.

   “    “    “ recd on Board “ “       2280  “

   “    “    “    Consumed “   “         302 “

   “    “    “    on hand    “   “ 14    2557 “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut. Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 15 day of May 1864


12 – 4  Weather cloudy and pleasant with light air from the S.E.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Cloudy, calm and warm No. of sick 6, 110 lb steam

                                                                                                J.F. Reed.


8 – 12  Weather Calm clear and warm 9.30 Inspection at quarters. 10 o’clock Divine Service

                                                                                                W.J. Lees.


12 – 4 P.M.  weather clear calm and warm A 1.51 U.S.S. “Osage” and transport str. “R.B.Hamilton” arrvd passed down At 2.00 U.S.S. “Carondelet” At 2.05 U.S.S. Flagship “Cricket” arrvd from above and came to below Fort DeRussy. At 2.15 U.S.S. “Pittsburg” arrvd from above. At 2.20 U.S.S. “Mound City” from 1.00 to 2.30 heard Artillery in direction of Marksville.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


4 – 6  Weather clear and warm with light breeze from Wd steaming down river At 4.10 the U.S. Flag Ship “Cricket” Passed down At 6 O’clock evening Quarters.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Clear, and warm with a light breeze from the Wd At 6.30 the U.S.S. Pittsburg passed us.

                                                                                                J.F. Reed.


8 – 12  Wind Sd weather clear and cool 8.20 passed Black river. Three light draft Gunboats and Gun Boat “Pittsburg” lying at anchor in the mouth. Frank Strong six hours extra duty.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


Amt of Coal on hand  May 14     2557 Bu.

   “    “    “    Consumed               141  “

   “    “    “    on hand      “   15    2416  “



End of transcription of deck log


 of Cotton from the abandoned plantation of Mr. Johnson a noted rebel

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


6 – 8  Weather clear and mild, Light air from the Wd At 6.10 Evening Quarters, Hiram Dix on six hours extra duty for failing repeatedly to answer at muster of the watch

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Light breeze from the Wd Weather clear and cool.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


+  See note preceeding page

                                                                                                   Jas. A. Greer


Amt of coal on hand March 27 2348 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      28  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   28  2320  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas. A. Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 29 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Clear and cool with strong breeze from Sd.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 8  Clear and pleasant with fresh breeze from Wd 7 o’clock Cos. “C & D” Ac’tg. master E.C.Brennen, Comd’g accompanied by Messrs. Starr, Willetts, O’Grady, Lees, and Ratchford went up the river on the tug for more Cotton. 100 lbs. Steam. No. of Sick 12

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Weather clear and mild strong breeze from Wd 8.40 U.S.Str. “Signal” No.8, arrived from below, delivered mail to this vessel and continued up. Sent dispatch by Gunboat No.8 to R.A. Porter, At 11.15 an army Q.M.str. passed down.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


12 – 4  Weather clear and pleasant with strong wind from N.N.W. at 3.45 ( Tug arrived from up river, with scouting party, and 17 Bales of Cotton, 9 Bales from Johnson’s place claimed by a Mr. Vainche and 8 from Brouchard’s place.) Brochards loyasity (loyalty) is doubtful.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant wind N.W. at 5.00 U.S. Tow Boat Ike Hammitt, with coal barge in tow, arrived from below, and made landing ahead of us.

                                                                                                   H Simonton.


6 – 8  Clear and cool with light breeze from Nd and Wd.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear, calm and cool.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


Amt of coal on hand March 28 2320 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      28  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   29  2292  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 30 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Wind Nd Weather clear and cool

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


4 – 8  Clear calm and cool. at 5.15 Cos. “A,B,C & D” in charge of Actg master E.C.Brennen departed inland on a recconnoitreing expidition at 7.00 Str. “Luminary” with troops on board passed up river. No sick 12  100 lb steam

                                                                                                   H. Simonton.


8 – 12  Wind Wd weather clear and pleasant 9.30 U.S.N Tow Boat “Ike Hammitt” departed up river.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


12 – 4  clear and pleasant with light breeze from the Nd and Wd at 12.15 scouting party departed down river in charge of W.J. Lees Actg. Ensign accompanied by the following officers C.G. Lounds Actg Asst. Paymaster Wm Roberts Pilot and S. Walkinshaw Actg. asst. Engineer. At 2.15 Str. Mattie Stephens arrived from above and made landing below the “Essex” at 2.30 str. Mattie Stephens departed down river.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant Wind Wd At 5.30 scouting party in charge of Mr. Brennen returned bringing with them the following cotton, 46 Bales from Mr. Guilbert (a noted rebel) 10 Bales from Mr. Gangros, (said to be Loyal) 3 from Mr. Garrot (said to be loyal) At 5.30 Tug returned from scouting bringing 20 Bales of cotton from Justin Junraus place (sentiments not known) 10 Bales from G.W. Snoddy’s place (sentiments not known) and 1 damaged Bale from Justin Normand’s place (said to be union)

                                                                                                   H. Simonton.


6 – 8  Cloudy calm and pleasant at 6.30 U.S. Transport “John Rains,” and U.S.Str. “Signal” arrived from below, and made fast to the bank above us. Light breeze from Sd

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Wind Sd and Ed Weather clear and cold 11.30 Transport Str. “Illinois” arrived from above.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees.


Amt of coal on hand March 29 2292 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      28  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   30  2164  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comd’r Jas. A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 31 day of March 1864


12 – 4  Weather cloudy and cold – Light breeze from Sd.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear, calm and warm. at 4.45 str. “Meteor” passed up river with troops on board. At 4.30 str. “Illinois” and “John Rains” departed down river. At 5.15 the Light draft Gunboat “Signal” departed down river at 5.20 got underweigh and proceeded up river. No Sick 12. 130 lb steam.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind S.W. at 9.00 made fast to the right bank about 10 miles above Fort DeRussey to pack throttle vales of the port Engine. At 9.15 str. “Bagley” with a Cargo of Contrabands passed down. Actg 2nd Assistant Engineer A.A. Jinks, placed under Suspension for neglect of duty, at 10.00 Inspection at Quarters. At 10.15 finished repairing engine and got under way.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy with occasional showers strong wind from Sd and Wd at 2.15 Sent tug to left shore to destroy a skiff.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant fresh breeze from Sd still steaming up the river. Tug Captured one skiff and destroyed one scow evening Quarters at 5.30.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


6 – 8  Wind Wd weather clear and cold. Transferred to tug “Fern” 51 Bu. Coal. 6.30 made fast to left bank.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


8 – 12  Weather clear and cool, Fresh breeze from Nd 5 in. water in forward pumps and 3 in. aft pumps

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


Jas. A. Greer

Lt Com’dr

Comdg “Benton”


Amt of coal on hand March 30 2164 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      74  “

   “    “    “   on hand       “   31  2090  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 1 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool with fresh breeze from Nd & Wd

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Clear and cool wind N.W. No of Sick 12  110 lb steam

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


8 – 12  Clear and cool with Strong wind from Nd & Wd 9 oclock got underway and steamed up river. At 9.30 General Quarters. At 9.45 Sent tug ashore with five men, and destroyed four flat boats at 10.30 destroyed 2 skiffs at 11.30 destroyed 1 flat boat and one skiff.

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear and cool with fresh breeze from Nd and Wd At 1.45 Came to on the left bank of the river, destroyed one skiff and 1 scow at 2.30 Coaling tug.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


4 – 6  Wind Nd and Wd Weather clear and cold. Transferred to tug “Fern” 120 Bu Coal. 5.40 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees


6 – 8  weather clear mild and calm.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  weather clear and calm.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


Amt of coal on hand March 31 2090 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “    200  “

   “    “    “ delivered to tug           51

   “    “    “   on hand  April  1st 1839  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 2nd day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear calm and Cool and very foggy Water 5 in. forward and 3in aft.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


4 – 8  Calm, cool and foggy. River falling very fast, 100 lb steam No Sick 12.

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear and pleasant with light breeze from Wd at 9 oclock the river was found to have fallen 4 inches within the last twenty hours.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


12 – 4 P.M.  Wind S.W. Weather clear and cool. 1.30 Transport str. “Universe” passed up river; Sent a dispatch on board for R.A. Porter. 2.30 U.S. transport str. “Laurel Hill” passed up river. 3.30 Gunboat “Lafayette” and “Choctaw” and U.S.N. Tow Boat “Ike Hammitt,” the latter having three Barges in tow, one of which was laden with Cotton passed down river. 3.30 Gunboat “Ouchita” passed down river.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees.


4 – 6  Weather clear and mild Light breeze from S.E. 4.05 sent mail and Dispatch to Comd’r Townsend of the “Essex” by U.S.S. “Lafayette” Actg 2nd Asst. Engineer A.A. Jinks returned to duty. 5.20 Evening Quarters.


6 – 8  Weather clear and pleasant with light breeze from S.E.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear calm and cool water 4in forward and 5in, aft. at 11 oclock James Brown (Contraband) died.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


Amt of coal on hand April 1st   1839 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “    160  “

   “    “    “  to tug “Fern”           120

   “    “    “   on hand       “ 2nd  1559  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 3rd day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear and cool with light breeze from Ed Water 5in forward and 4in aft.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


4 – 8  Cloudy and cool with fresh breeze from Sd and Ed No. sick 10. 110 lb steam

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Strong breeze from Sd weather Cloudy and cool, with light showers of rain. 9’ ocl’ock Inspection at quarters 9.15 General Muster, and read articles of war. 9.30 Divine Service 10 oclock Lieut Comdr Jas.A.Greer, Actg master Willets, Actg Ensigns PH Randolph Pilot John Murray Actg Chief Engineer

J.V. Starr Actg.asst. Paymaster C.G. Lounds and asst. Surgeon C.J. Wells left for Alexandria, Rapids Parish Lou. on tug “Fern.” Burried James Brown (Contraband) belonging to this vessel, River receeded 4in. within the last 24 hours ending at 9 oclock a.m.

                                                                                                W.J. Lees


12 – 4 P.M.  Light breeze from the S.E. weather cloudy with light showers of rain at 12-15 the Str. U.S.Q.M.D. “John “Warner” passed up river.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Cloudy with light air from the S.W. Chas.T. Simpson confined in Single irons on bread and water for using profane language. at 5.20 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                H Simonton


6 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant with light breeze from Sd and Wd Thomas Perkins, Andrew Olson and Frank Johnson four (4) hours extra duty for missing their muster. At 6.30 Lt. Comdr Jas.A. Greer, Actg Master Willetts Actg Ensign P.H. Randolph Pilot John Murray Actg Chief Engineer J.V. Starr, Actg Asst. Paymaster CG Lounds  asst.Surgeon C.J. Wells returned from Alexandria on board tug “Fern”

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear and cool with strong breeze from Wd at 12 oclock 5in. water forward and 2in. aft.

                                                                                                Richd L Evans


Amt of coal on hand April  2nd  1559 Bu.

   “    “    “   Consumed   “    “      51  “

   “    “    “                     “   3rd  1508  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 4 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Strong Northerly winds: weather, cloudy and cold.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


4 – 8  Weather clear and cool Strong breeze from the N.W. No of sick 14

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather clear and cool with strong breeze from the N.W. at 4.45 General Quarters. river falling at the rate of 2in. in the last twenty four hours. ending at 9 A.M. Charles T. Simpson released from Confinement.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


12 – 4  Clear and pleasant wind N.W. the following named men were rated. Wm Course from Sea. to Ship’s Cook Joseph Trask from Landsman to O.Sea Frank H Vuder, from landsman to Ord.Sea. James Armstrong from landsman to O.Sea. David Kinneman from Landsman to O.Sea. Alfred Bruster from 1 class Boy to landsman Danl Harrington from 1st class Boy to landsman, Chas Taylor from Landsman to O.Sea. Nelson Glatfelty from Landsman to O.Sea Jas.T. Donohue from Landsman to O.Sea. David Crawford from Landsman to O.Sea. John Donnan from O.Sea to Sea. Daniel McCarty from Landsman to O.Sea. and Wm Howe from Landsman to O.Sea. Drilled Co. “B” in manual of Arms.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton,


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant Light breeze from Nd and Wd at 4.10 Strs “Battle” “Shrevesport,” with troops passed up river. at 4.30 Strs “Mittie Stephens” with troops passed up river at 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


6 – 8  Clear and pleasant with light breeze from Nd and Wd.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


8 – 12  Calm clear & Cold 9.45 General Quarters 1st Guns fully prepared in min and 55 sec. all the Batteries ready in 5 min. & 30 sec. Saw light of large fire in a Southwesterly direction.


Amt of coal on hand April  3rd   1508 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        49  “

   “              on hand      “   4     1459  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A. Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 5 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather, clear, Calm and cool

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear calm and fine No. of Sick 14. 105 lb Steam.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear and warm, wind S.W. 9.30 Str. “Mittie Stephens” passed down at 10.00 the U.S.Q.M. Str. “Sallie Robinson,” passed up river fell 4 ½ in. within the last twenty four hours ending at 10.00 A.M. At 9.30 Inspection at Quarters and divisional exercise

                                                                                                   H. Simonton,


12 – 4 P.M.  Clear, calm and warm drilled Cos. “A, C & D” in manual of Arms. Thomas Perkins, Chas Roepeck and John Outlaw on Black List for three days.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans


4 – 6  Weather clear, calm, and warm, at 5.30 Evening Quarters, The following lumber was taken from an abandoned plantation and Sawmill above Madam George’s landing. 200ft yellow pine Boards and 50ft oak boards.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


6 – 8  Weather clear calm and pleasant.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  clear calm and cool. At 12 o’clock water stood 6in forward and 7in aft.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton.  


Amt of coal on hand April  4     1459 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        75  “

   “              on hand      “   5     1384  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 6 day of April 1864


12 – 4  clear, calm and pleasant. Water 5in forward and 6in aft

                                                                                                   A.T. Bisel


4 – 8  clear, Calm, and pleasant, 90 lb steam No of sick 13

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Wind Sd weather clear and pleasant. 8.30 U.S.Q.M.D.Str. Jas Battle, passed down river under convoy of Gunboat “Gen’l Price.” 9.30 General Quarters river fell 4 ½ in within the last twenty four hours ending at 9 o’clock A.M. Charles Vinegar (Negro) Confined in double irons on bread and water for disobedience of orders. Co. “B” exercised with single sticks.

                                                                                                   W.J. Lees,


12 – 4 P.M.  Weather clear and warm light breeze from Wd. at 2.30 Str. “Sallie Robinson” passed down river. at 3.15 Str. “Alice Vivian” passed up. Cos “A & D” exercised with Single Stick.

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph.


4 – 6  Weather clear and pleasant, with light breeze from the Wd at 5.30 Evening Quarters. At 5.45 Fire Quarters, water 50 sec. reported all red in 1 min and 55 sec.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant Wind S.W.                                          

                                                                                                   H Simonton


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind from Sd & Wd

                                                                                                   A.T. Biset.


Amt of coal on hand April  5     1387 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        61  “

   “              on hand      “   6     1323  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 7 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Cloudy calm and pleasant.

                                                                                                   Richard L. Evans


4 – 8  Weather cloudy calm, and mild. No. of Sick 13, No lb of Steam 95

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


8 – 12  Weather cloudy and warm with light breeze from the Sd River falling at the rate of four (4) inches in the last twenty four hours ending at 9 a.m. At 10.30 Inspection at quarters.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


12 – 4  Cloudy with heavy rain Wind N.E. At 1.30. U.S. Dispatch str. General Lyon arrived from below and came alongside. Received from the General Lyons in the following departments the following stores. Engineers department 5bls. Lard Oil 201 ½ Galls.

4., 1 ½in Couplings;  4. 11/4 in Couplings  4 1in Couplings;

4,     ¾ “       “          4    ½  “         “      4. 3/8 “     “      ;

4,  1 ½ “ Elbows       4,  1 ¼ “  Elbows    4,  1 “  Elbows;

4,  ¾   “      “            4    ½  “       “         4  3/8 “     “    ;

4,  1 ½ “  Union        4, 1 ¼  “  Union      4, 1  “  Union   ;

4,  ¾  “       “            4,  ½   “      “          4, 3/8 “     “     ;

29. ¾ ft 1 ½ in Gas pipe 31ft 1 ¼ in Gas pipe 28 2/3ft 1in ditto;

30 ½  “    ¾  “    “     “    33    ½   “   “      “   26 “ 3/8  “    “   ;

50ft 1 ¾ siphon Hose, 1 cylinder Cock. In Sailmaker’s Dept.

5 Wind Sailmaker’s Dept. 5 Wind Sails, 6 lb Hemp Sewing twine, 3 doz Sewing Needles, 2 Bolts 4 Canvas 76 yds. 2 Bolts Osnoburg 94 yds. in Carpenters Dept. 1 doz bath brick 1 doz 14 ft oars 1 Keg white paint. 1 Keg Black paint. 50ft 11x22 glass. Masters Dept 4 10in Snatch block 2-4 qs. blank books 1 doz Hickory Brooms, 1 doz Corn Brooms, 1 Coil 12 hemp rope, 103 lb. 1 Coil Hammock lashing 73 1 Coil Signal Halliards Lard oil, 41 Galls. 3 Bbls spun yarn. 50” 9 white Envelopes large. 2,9in. double blocks 2, 9in Single blocks, 1 doz Hand Lanterns, At 3.30 str. Gen’l Lyon let go from alongside and departed up the river. At 3.30 str. “Polar Star” passed up the river with troops on board. At 1 oclock heard several reports of heavy guns off in the S.W.

In Paymasters department recd from “Gen’l Lyon” the following list stores

25 Bbs Bread 7,, Beef 8,, Pork 10,, Flour 2, Rice 10,, Coffee 8, ,, Sugar, 6 Kegs Butter 5,, Pickles 6 Bbs Dried apples 15,, Potatoes 3 bxs Tobacco, 1,, Handkerchiefs 1,, shaving boxes 1,, shaving soap 1,, D.E. Buttons 1,, wisp Brooms 1,, Spoons 1,, Blacking: 100 Tin pans, 100 tin pots, 50 mess pans, 5 Bales Burnsley sheeting Frock 7,, Canvass duck trowsers. 2 Boxes socks, 3,, round Jackets, 3 Cloth pants, 2 Bales satinet, 1 Bale Canvass Duck, 2,, Nankis, 2 Bxs shoes and 1 Box boots.

                                                                                                   H Simonton


4 – 6  Weather cloudy and raining. Wind Sd & Ed At 5 Oclock str. Benefit arrived from below, made fast to our starboard fantail and delivered the following stores for the Carpenter’s Dept. viz 300ft. Matched flouring, 300ft. Pine Boards, at 5.30 st. Benefit departed up the river at 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


6 – 8  Raining heavily light air from Nd & Wd.

                                                                                                   Rich’d L. Evans.


8 – 12  Weather cloudy calm and mild occasional showers

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


Amt of coal on hand April  6th   1323 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        60  “

   “              on hand      “   7th   1263  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 8 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather cloudy and warm with light breeze from the Wd

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


4 – 8  Cloudy and pleasant, wind Wd River rising eight (8) inches during the last twenty four (2) hours ending at 8 oclock A.M.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


8 – 12  Cloudy and pleasant wind from Sd and Wd, at 8.30 Lieut Comdr Jas. A Greer, Pilot Jno Murray, Actg. Master N.B. Willets, Actg. Asst. Paymaster C.G. Lounds, Actg. Ensign P Randolph, Actg. Master’s Mates Simonton and Evans and, 1st Asst. Engineer S. Walkinshaw departed up river to Alexandria Rapids, on Tug “Fern.” at 9.30 Inspection at Quarters, at 10 oclock U.S. Despatch Str. “Genl Lyons,” passed down river, Sent Dispatches, and mail onboard her,

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


12 – 4 P.M.  clear and pleasant, Light breeze from Sd and Wd

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


4 – 6  Weather clear and pleasant with light breeze from Wd at 5.30 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


6 – 8  Clear, calm, and pleasant, at 6.30 Lieut. Comd’r  Jas. A Greer, Pilot Jno. Murray Actg. master N.B. Willets Actg. Asst. Paymaster C.G. Lounds, Actg. Ensign Randolph, Actg master mates Simonton and Evans, and Actg. 1st Asst. Engineer S. Walkinshaw, returned from Alexandria Rapids on tug “Fern”

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear, calm and pleasant. at 9.45 str. “Red Chief” passed up the river.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans.


Amt of coal on hand April  7     1263 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        60  “

   “              on hand      “   9     1203  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 9 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Weather clear and cool Light air from Wd

                                                                                                   P.H. Randolph


4 – 8  Weather clear and cool with light breeze from Nd and Wd at 6.15 the Str. “Jennie Rodgers” passed down the river, at 7.30 the Gunboat “Genl’ Price” passed up the river, with Coal Barge in tow. No. of sick 13, 100 lb steam.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear, and pleasant wind Wd river falling at the rate of 1 ½ in in 24 hours. 11.20 Steamer “Luminary” passed down.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton.


12 – 4 P.M.  Cloudy and cool strong wind from Wd at 1 oclock Company “A” in charge of Actg Ensign Randolph, accompanied by Carpenter Ratchford departed up river in tug “Fern” to get Lumber at 1.30 Str. Chouteau passed down the river. Released from confinement Charles Vinegar – Charles Smith (1st C.F.) Confined in double irons on bread and water for insolence to superior Officer, at 3.30 str. “Ohio Belle” passed up the river with rebel prisoners, Boarded her, and received late papers.

                                                                                                   Amos T. Bisel


4 – 6  Clear and pleasant with fresh breeze from the Wd at 5.10 the Tug “Fern” returned with 150,ft. Pine lumber for the “Benton,” and 4000 ft. for the “Black-Hawk” obtained at a saw mill, on the plantation of John Williams (deserted) at 5.25 Tug left to deliver to the Black Hawk at Alexandria, 4000 ft. of the lumber.

                                                                                                   Richd L. Evans,


6 – 8  Clear calm and pleasant Mr. Barnes Paymaster’s clerk placed under suspension for disrespectful language to his superior Officer.

                                                                                                   Wm Kisner


8 – 12  Clear calm and cool at 8.30 Tug “Fern” returned from up river Actg Ensign Randolph returned on board.

                                                                                                   H. Simonton


Amt of coal on hand April  8     1203 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        63  “

   “              on hand      “   9     1140  “



LOG OF UNITED STATES Str. “Benton” Commanded by Lieut Comdr Jas.A Greer, U.S.N.

                                                                     REMARKS on this 10 day of April 1864


12 – 4  Clear Calm, and Cool

                                                                                                Amos T. Bisel


4 – 8  From 4 to 6 heavy fog upon the river 6 to 8 clear calm and pleasant No of sick 15, 100 lb steam

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans.


8 – 12  Weather clear and warm Light breeze from N.W. At 10.10 army dispatch str. “Silver Lake,” No.2 passed up river with dispatches from Gen’l’ Sherman at Nashville to Admiral Porter. 9.30 Inspection at Quarters.

                                                                                                P.H. Randolph


12 – 4 P.M. Weather clear and warm with light breeze from S.W. at 12.45 the Str. “Shenango” passed up river Boarded her and received papers.

                                                                                                Wm Kisner


4 – 6  Cloudy and pleasant wind S.W. at 5.30 Tug came alongside, and commenced coaling. At 6.00 finished coaling tug she having taken aboard 53 Bu.

                                                                                                H. Simonton


6 – 8  Clear, calm, and pleasant, at 6.10 Evening Quarters.

                                                                                                A.T. Bisel


8 – 12  Clear calm and pleasant.

                                                                                                Richd L. Evans


Amt of coal on hand April  9     1140 Bu.

   “             Consumed   “    “        52  “

   “              on hand      “   10     1088  “

Photo courtesy of Naval Historical Center

Excerpts from Decklog, March 10 - May 15, 1864 (Red River Campaign)